Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3662: Hit him in the past

"Whether or not the Alliance sends troops is considered by the various kings of the heavens. We ordinary people do not have access to things at that level at all, so there is no need to worry about it!"

Xu Tianxin was very simple and totally unexpected. The problems that Chen Xiaobei considered were far beyond those of the so-called **** kings.


This is the confidant of the Three Realms! May cause a terrible catastrophe!

Whoever can handle the demons can get countless virtues! Coupled with the approval of Heaven, you can use merits to become the eighth Heavenly saint!

The sacred king is just something like a ant!

The ridiculous eighty-one heavens are just the tip of the iceberg in the heavens and the world!

The things Chen Xiaobei has to consider have reached the level of saints, and the souls to be saved are trillions of times more than the ancient 81 days!

"You still have to talk to me specifically!" Chen Xiaobei asked, "About the war with the demons, tell everything you know!"

"Hmm ... OK!"

Xu Tian thought for a while and said, "Probably from last year, a lot of Demon tribes began to appear one after another on the wasteland in the north of Long Que Mountain! Since then, the war broke out!"

"Although the Demon Clan has always been suppressed by us, they never meant to retreat, and they continued to increase their troops continuously, pulling the front line longer and longer! Forcing the Allied Allies to continue to increase their troops!"

"So what happened is what you see. In the thirty-three days of the Allied Alliance, almost all men who can fight were recruited into the army! There was even one of them who formed a female army!"

"Even women have to go to the battlefield. You can imagine how frightening the war has been! Listen to the old people saying that if the Demons continue to increase their troops, it's not good. Boys over the age of 14 must go to the army!"

Speaking of which, Xu Tianxin's face showed a hint of excitement.

It seems that he is exactly fourteen years old this year, and as the son of a big warrior, he himself has a strong desire for the battlefield.

"It's weird ..."

Chen Xiaobei frowned and said, "The war situation has developed to the point that women and children are required to participate in the battle. Why are the remaining forty-eight days still indifferent? They are not afraid of their lips and teeth cold or themselves? Or do they already surrender to the demons? "

"I really don't know ..." Xu Tianxin shrugged, with a simple heart, he didn't think about complicated things at all.

"This situation is very complicated. I must find a way to contact Master and tell him the situation completely!" Chen Xiaobei frowned, attaching great importance to this matter.

"Brother! Don't think about it! It's useless to think more!"

Xu Tianxin raised his finger to the front and grinned, "My home is in front of me! My mom is baking pancakes, and we are back at the right time!"

After speaking, Xu Tianxin ran happily to his own courtyard.

Looking at Xu Tianxin's carefree back, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help but shake himself.


In my current situation, no matter how much I want, it has no effect.

Moreover, the leader of Tongtian said very clearly in the message that he could not escape at all.

Therefore, instead of worrying about the Demons, Chen Xiaobei would like to practically find ways to restore his strength.

"Brother! Come here!" Xu Tianxin beckoned desperately in front of him, with a bright smile on his face.

"Come here!" Chen Xiaobei temporarily let go of his troubles and walked quickly.

It was a very humble yard.

A short bamboo fence surrounded three tents made from animal skins. This is Xu Tianxin's home.

"Heart! You are back! Is everything done?"

Mother Xu came out, carrying two cakes just baked.

Suddenly seeing Chen Xiaobei next to Xu Tianxin, Xu's mother was suddenly shocked, her hands were knocked, and both cakes fell to the ground.

"Ama! What's wrong with you?"

Xu Tianxin rushed over, picked up the cake on the ground, and did not stop patting the dust on his hands.

"He ... he's alive !?"

Mother Xu stared at Chen Xiaobei with astonishment, as if he had seen a ghost.

"North Brother wasn't dead!" Xu Tianxin grinned, and probably explained what happened to rescue Chen Xiaobei last night.


Mother Xu finally calmed down, marveling again and again, "The red fruit can actually save the dying person, it is incredible!"

"Ama, here!" Xu Tianxin smiled and handed a cake to her mother.

Although they fell to the ground and were covered with a lot of dust, they were not willing to throw them away.

It can be seen that water and food are extremely scarce here.

"Beijing, this is for you!"

Xu Tianxin handed the remaining cake to Chen Xiaobei.

"I do not need."

Chen Xiaobei shook his head and said, "I am a monk, I have already established a valley, and it makes no sense to eat or drink."

"Well ~ ~ Then I'm welcome!" Xu Tianxin grinned, held the cake in his hand, and ate with a big mouthful.

"Tianxin ..." Chen Xiaobei asked curiously. "Your cultivation behaviors are all on the one-star Celestial Realm. It stands to reason that it should be cleared up, why do you still need to eat and drink?"

Xu Tianxin said while eating, "We are descendants of the Wu tribe, and our physiques are inherently stronger! Correspondingly, we must rely on eating and drinking to maintain our health! Therefore, food and water are very important to us!"

"What !? You are descendants of the Witch !?" Chen Xiaobei was taken aback.

However, if you think about it, this is not surprising.

The blood of the Dragon Witch and the cultivation methods of the Dragon Witch are all found in the ancient land.

Moreover, Taiyin Zhenxian was a **** ally of the Wu tribe. He went deep into the ancient land to find things related to the tribe.

"Yeah!" Xu Tian nodded his heart, and said, "The people of the barren days in the 81 days are all descendants of the Wu tribe!"

"This ..." Chen Xiaobei was startled again, and his heart rolled into a stormy sea.

As the saying goes, if you do n’t die, there will be blessings!

Looking at it this way, Chen Xiaobei's fall into the ancient land is really a huge opportunity!


Just then, someone suddenly threw a stone outside the house and directly broke the cake in Xu Tianxin's hand.

The cake was very dry. After being broken, it became almost a crumb. It was scattered everywhere and mixed in the dust. There was no way to eat it.

Seeing the scene in front of her, Xu mother's face could not help revealing the color of terror.

Xu Tianxin was stunned, although he was full of anger, but dared not to speak.

It can be seen that the person who throws stones has an unusual identity!

"Xu Tianxin!"

However, just then, Chen Xiaobei said coldly, "Past him!"

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