Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3668: Teaching guidelines

怎么 "Why is he here again?"

Xu Xutian's brows frowned slightly, and her eyes were full of disgust.

"Do you still need to ask?"

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, and said, "Yesterday the golden leopard was kicked by you. This enemy, he must report it!"

"Isn't he already scared by Master You?" Xu Tianxin asked.

小 Chen Xiaobei laughed: "Even you know that I was scaring him. As long as he has a little brain and think about it, he will understand that I have nothing to do but just use the coercion to shock him!

所以 "So, he is here to get revenge today?" Xu Tian could not help but feel a little nervous.

"What are you afraid of?"

小 Chen Xiaobei calmly said: "You are not yesterday you!"

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"I ... what should I do?" Xu Tian settled down, and still needs some time to adapt to the state of cultivation just broken.

小 Chen Xiaobei's eyes were cold, and his murderousness was exposed: "For the wicked, there are only two ways to stop them completely! Either surrender or die!"

"Dead !?" Xu Tianxin's expression was a little surprised, his expression was a little weird.

Obviously, he never killed anyone.

"Soldier does not kill, he can only be killed!" Chen Xiaobei was very calm, did not force Xu Tianxin to kill, but simply instructed him to make his own choice.

In the eyes of Chen Xiaobei, the group of golden leopards is as insignificant as ants. There is really no difference between killing and not killing.

But for Xu Tianxin, this first choice can be said to be particularly important. It may even directly determine the trend and height of his life.

"I ... I see ..."

Xu Tian nodded his heart, walked forward, and stood at the door of his own courtyard. No one was allowed to enter.

"Xu Tianxin! Did your kid eat the bear heart leopard gall? Didn't he run away when he saw him?"

The golden leopard led a person and came towards this side with a big swing, and said fiercely, "You struck my face with your feet yesterday, and today I will cut off your feet!"

At the same time, dozens of people who followed the golden leopard came together.

自然 Naturally, those aristocratic youths need not say more. They are arrogant and arrogant one by one, and did not take Xu Tianxin's heart at all.

After all, they know Xu Tianxin very well, and they ca n’t even dream of it. With the help of Chen Xiaobei, Xu Tianxin broke through to the top of the six-star Tianxian overnight.

Because of this, they are too lazy to release even the realm of Yuan Shen.

As for the three Taoist immortals that followed them, their faces were cold and disdainful, as if looking at ants, looking at Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin.

Obviously, the three learned the situation of Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin from the mouth of Golden Leopard.

In the eyes of the three of them, dealing with Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin in person is simply killing chickens with a dragon-knife, and it doesn't take much effort.

Therefore, the three of them did not release the realm of Yuan Shen.

I said plainly, the three of them are here today for the Golden Leopard Town.

If Chen Xiaobei hides his strength, the three of them will shoot. If Chen Xiaobei does not hide his strength, then the golden leopard and the aristocratic youth will be enough to solve the problem. The three of them will not need to shoot at all.

"Come on! The golden leopard is in trouble again!"

At this time, a lot of people gathered around and talked about it.

看到 When they saw the three Taoist immortals, the people's faces showed extremely complicated expressions.

看 "Look at that! The Golden Leopard invited three disciples of the Immortal Sect!"

"What ’s so weird about this? How can the Huang Clan hold the top position in the Yuncang tribe, not by the relationship with the Immortal Sect?"

"No! Look carefully! That's not an ordinary immortal gate! Their blue and blue robes should be the costume of Dongling Xiangong!"

"What !? They are from Dongling Xiangong !? This ... In this way, Xu Tianxin is not dead! The entire Xu family is over!"

The ordinary people were all nervous, and they did not dare to approach each other, stood far away, and dared to talk in a whisper, lest they ignite themselves.

"What happened?"

At this time, Mother Xu came out of another tent.

As soon as she saw the battle in front of her, Xu mother immediately became nervous: "Well ... I knew I couldn't provoke the golden leopard ... This is really a big trouble ..."

Obviously, Xu's mother, like the people around her, didn't know yet. Of course, the changes that happened in Xu Tianxin overnight were naturally extremely worried.

"Old woman! And you!"

The golden leopard saw Xu's mother, and he yelled with a grin as soon as he grinned, "You taught a good son, and dare to slap my face! I have to make you pay the price today!"

"Golden Panther!"

As soon as he said this, Xu Tianxin was immediately angry: "Don't you dare to move your grandma, I will kill you directly!"

"You? Kill me?"

Golden Panther laughed suddenly: "Boy! It's already three shots in the sky, why are you still dreaming? Wake up quickly! You weak chicken, not even raising shoes for Lao Tzu!"

"Wow ..."

Xun Zheng said that the golden leopard had already started Xianyuan, and his hand was about to hit Xu Tianxin.

"Yellow Huang! Please show mercy!"

Seeing this, Mother Xu was afraid that her son would be injured, so she could only serve the soft path immediately: "What happened yesterday was our fault! Please adults please ignore the villains ~ ~ Let us go ... We will remember forever! "

呵 "Well, say it earlier, isn't it all right?"

Golden Panther suddenly laughed: "If you want me to let you go, of course no problem! As long as you, Xu Tianxin, surnamed North, all kneel down, while scratching their heads, repeating what you just said, this thing is fine!"

"This ..." Xu mother looked for a moment, could not help but look at Xu Tianxin and Chen Xiaobei.


Xu Tianxin naturally will not accept: "We did nothing wrong! Why should we apologize for admitting mistakes? Why should we soften him?"

母 Mother Xu shook her head bitterly and lamented: "Just because the fists are so big ... without kneeling, our mother and son may die!"

"Hahaha! Someone understands me!" Golden Leopard laughed: "This old woman is right! Today, don't kneel and **** and apologize, I will definitely make you die unsightly!"

As soon as this word came out, Mother Xu's face was already filled with despair.

Even Xu Tianxin has nothing to say. After all, even the Six-Star Tianxian Peak Realm is still very weak and not enough to smooth things out.

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei was silent all the time, slowly speaking, and said calmly: "If you don't kneel, you may die! But if you kneel, can you really live? Believe the wicked, it is better to believe the sun It's from the north! "


Chen Xiaobei's remarks were like a gigantic initiation, which instantly woke Xu Tianxin.

How can you trust the words of the wicked?

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