Backer! ?

Zhu Zhujian and Huang Zhanhai heard his face, and his face turned green instantly.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei was planning to ask them to have a surgery at this time.

"That makes sense!"

The maiden of Dongling Ling really looked at Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai, and said coldly, "Even if the son of Xuanbei does not say, I will hold them accountable!"

"Master Saint ... misunderstanding! These are all misunderstandings ... we have no idea what the juniors are doing, we really don't know ..." Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai immediately began to quibble.

黄金 Anyway, the group of golden leopards are dead. There is no proof of death. Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai will surely put all their responsibilities on the dead to protect themselves.

"Well, just don't you know!"

The lady Dongling Ling nodded her head, but suddenly, she turned sharply and said, "But you can't tell me, Xuan Yutian's decree, don't you know?"

"Fa ... law ..." Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai took a cool breath, the pupils contracted uncontrollably, and the body trembled suddenly.

"No tears without seeing the coffin!"

The lady in Dongling said coldly: "Xuan Yu Tian Yan ordered! Witch men over the age of 16 must go to the Dragon Sparrow Mountain to fight the Demons! However, all these young people from your Huang and Zhu families stay in In the tribe! Don't you know that? "

"This ..." Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai were soaked with cold sweat, and their limbs and heart were already cold.

"No more of this!"

The Lady Dongling Ling said indifferently: "Without your support, how could the two young people stay? If you arrange your excuses again, you are insulting my IQ!"

"We are guilty ... we are guilty ..."

At this point, Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai no longer dared to do sophistry, kneeling down on the ground, crying in prayer: "Everything before is our fault, and I ask the lord lady to raise your precious hand and leave us one Live! "

"This kind of sin cannot have a way of life!"

The maiden of Dongling Ling said coldly, without a doubt, "Now, the Devil is attacking madly, the eighty-one days of the ancient times have reached the critical period of life and death! As tribal elders, you should lead by example and fully support the war!"

"However, you seek power for personal gain and shelter your children and grandchildren away from the battlefield! Not only that, you also condone the offspring's wrongdoing in the tribe and harm the people!"

"Open your eyes and take a closer look! These poor people! In order to resist the demons, they sent their husbands, sons, and even grandchildren to the battlefield! Their sacrifice has been so huge! How can you bear to hurt them !!!!!! "

The maiden of Dongling Ling became more and more angry, and the coercion of terror had exploded uncontrollably.

"We were wrong ... Rao ... Rao ..."

Zhu Zhuyoujian and Huang Zhanhai have been horrified by the coercion of the Dongling maiden, like a chicken pecking rice, desperately hoeing for mercy.

"Rare life?"

Dong Dongling's maiden's eyes condense, and her pretty face has been covered by frost: "The chieftain who went up to Xuan Yu's heaven! Down to the ordinary people of the Yuncang tribe! Ask them, which one will spare you!"

"No ... don't ..."

Zhu Zhujian and Huang Zhanhai were completely desperate, mourning in hysterics.

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"This is what you deserve! You should die!"

Wu Dongling's virgin was not relentless, and she released two fairy yuans again.


在 At this moment, Zhu Youjian seemed to be a demon, and suddenly a blast of immortal yuan broke out, not for resistance, but suddenly blasted to Chen Xiaobei!

As the saying goes, rabbits need to bite when they are in a hurry!

Zhu Zhuyoujian was forced to a dead end. This is also a matter of death, and Chen Xiaobei will be dragged on the back!

"not good!"

The Dongling Mausoleum looked for a moment, completely focused on Zhu Youjian and Huang Zhanhai, and did not expect that things would suddenly appear so huge!

Moreover, the lady of Dongling has already tried to kill people, and it is too late to try to save them!

"Master !!!!"

Xu Tianxin was shocked. He immediately inspired the power of the ghost-headed machete in his hand, and also inspired Chi You to fight with the spear's Yuanshen attack, trying to stop Zhu Youjian's offensive.

"Boom! Boom!"

Because Xu Tianxin is relatively close to Chen Xiaobei, he barely has time to stop!

Two powers can blast at the same time on the Yuan Yuan that Zhu Youjian hits!

Unfortunately, the ghost-headed machete is just the peak of the six-star Tianxian, and Chi You's strength against the sky spear can hardly exert an effective defense.

In the face of Zhu Youjian's early Xuanxian Xianyuan, there was no suspense in this confrontation.

In the blink of an eye, the power of the ghost-headed machete and Chi You fighting the sky spear were destroyed by direct bombardment, and the deadly fairy Yuan could not be stopped at all.

I ca n’t!

After this confrontation, Zhu Youjian's immortal power was weakened, which was about the same as the power of Jiuxing Tianxian Peak!

"The strength is already bearable! Whether it succeeds or not depends on luck!"

At this critical moment, Chen Xiaobei had no fear on his face, but was full of infinite expectations.

"Master !!!!"

"Xuanbei son !!!"

At this moment, everyone was worried about Chen Xiaobei, lest Chen Xiaobei be completely killed.

Because absolutely no one can think of Chen Xiaobei, there are two other life-saving trump cards!

Of course, these two ace cards are very, very special! Will it be useful! How useful can it be! Even Chen Xiaobei couldn't say clearly!

This moment ~ ~ Chen Xiaobei is betting!

The trump card is enabled, and life is worry-free!

Ace is useless, dead without a corpse!

"Booming ..."

The next moment, Zhu Youjian's fairy Yuan had already blasted into front of Chen Xiaobei.

虽然 Although this Xianyuan was weakened by Xu Tianxin, it still has the strength of the peak of Jiuxing Tianxian, far exceeding the physical strength of Chen Xiaobei, which is enough to kill Chen Xiaobei directly.

"Oh !!!"

At the moment when life and death were at stake, the first chapter of the trump card broke out.

When he died, the blood was shining brightly, and the killing intentions turned empty! The harsh sword shatters the air, like a dragon and a galloping rush, and the whole world is shocked and dormant!

"My destiny, auto protector! The first card wins !!!"

小 Chen Xiaobei's eyes light up, and I'm in a good mood!


小 Chen Xiaobei's inborn magic weapon is the chaos blood sword that has previously completed the unity of human and sword in the too virtual universe!

I want to know that Chen Xiaobei is being suppressed by the power of the saint now.

However, Chaos Blood Sword is compatible with Chen Xiaobei's fate!

陈 When Chen Xiaobei's life is threatened, Chaos Blood Sword will take the initiative to protect itself!


I saw a **** sword qi burst out from the heart of Chen Xiaobei's eyebrow, carrying the power of the nine-star Tianxian, and suddenly blasted with Zhu Youjian's fairy Yuan pair.

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