Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3681: Strange phenomenon

"What !? The Demon Army can communicate with the outside world? Are you sure?"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes lighted up, and suddenly a huge surprise came.

As long as he can communicate with the outside world, Chen Xiaobei can use the Three Realms Red Envelope Group and the "Merit Book". By then, he can naturally resolve the power of the sage in his body and quickly restore his strength.

For Chen Xiaobei, this is absolutely great news.

"I'm not sure!"

The Lady Dongling Ling shook her head helplessly and said, "I haven't been to the north of Longque Mountain, I just heard that the commanders of the various demon army can use the communication jade charm to contact the demon world!"

"Devil World !?"

Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, then nodded immediately, "It's the same to connect with the demon world!"

Obviously, Mo Luo is in the demon world, he can contact Chen Xiaobei through the Three Realms Fairy Network.

This shows that there is a way for the demons' information network to invade the Three Realms. As long as Chen Xiaobei goes to a place covered by the Mozu network, he will have the opportunity to connect to the Three Realms Network.

"If so, it's easy!"

Wu Dongling said: "Through the ancient Eighty-one teleportation circle, you can quickly go to the battlefield front of the Dragon Sparrow Mountain!"

"Okay! Then don't delay, I'm going now!" Chen Xiaobei can't wait.

Xu Tianxin was even more excited.

小 This boy has long wanted to go to the battlefield. Once he had the opportunity to meet his father, his dream was to become a big warrior.

"But with your strength ..."

Xi Dongling's saintly girl frowned, obviously worried that Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin were too low, but they only took care of their face and did not say anything.

Alas, it is true.

小 Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin are not even in the realm of Xuanxian, let alone go to the battlefield. I am afraid that if they encounter a monster on the road, they can kill both of them.

"I know what you mean, we are really very weak now!"

小 Chen Xiaobei didn't avoid it either, and smiled indifferently: "So, will the lady be a bodyguard for us?"

"I can not……"

Wu Dongling, the lady, shook her head helplessly and said, "I will set off tomorrow to perform a secret mission!"

"Tomorrow?" Chen Xiaobei wondered, "Isn't the person who started the task set off early?"

"Yes ..."

The Lady Dongling Ling nodded, and said with a sad expression: "The people who have performed the tasks in the forty-eight days have already set off, but the casualties in front are heavy, and new power must be added to them!"

"Injured ... heavy casualty ..." Chen Xiaobei looked at him for a moment.


The Lady Dongling said: "I told you long ago that secret missions may not be able to be completed! Therefore, I want to use the power of heaven! Since you said that heaven is more terrible than the demon world, then, all hope for this matter They are all on secret missions! You can only succeed, you cannot fail! "

"Relax, you still have me!"

小 Chen Xiaobei fixed his eyes and said, "Since you are not convenient, let's get on our way! Still, as long as I contact the outside world, I will have a way to break the game!"

"I hope this is true ..." Dongling Madame was helpless.

Later, the two sides communicated with each other spiritually, so that they could normally contact each other within the ancient land.

I left Xuan Yutian.

Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin officially entered the real ancient land!

The eighty-one heavens in the deserted world are like the Hongmeng Monster Realm, which is a small world independent of the Three Realms.

The sacred and truly ancient land is so huge that it is unimaginable. The total area can even be compared with the thirty-sixth heaven of heaven.

Imagine that when the Wu people were at their heyday, they once controlled the entire ancient land, which was horrible.

"Master! The front is Xuan Yutian's teleportation circle!"

天 Xu Tianxin took Chen Xiaobei to fly in the air, and raised his finger to a teleportation matrix built in the loess ahead.

"The environment here is really terrible!"

Chen Xiaobei was absent-minded, glanced blankly at the surrounding environment: "The aura is extremely thin, even equal to zero! The land is extremely barren, and even weeds are difficult to grow! How did the powerful and powerful Wu tribe that year see this ghost local?"

"Master does not know!"

天 Xu Tianxin said: "At that time, the ancient times had extremely rich auras, fertile land and sufficient water sources. The Wu people never lacked aura cultivation, let alone worry about food!"

只 "However, after the Lich War, the Witch tribe completely decayed! External forces invaded the ancient land, and pulled out all the spirit veins here, all that is left! This has caused the situation today!"

"The surviving Witch tribe, because they couldn't survive, tried their best to build the ancient 81 days, hiding in a small independent world, and staying alive!"

Speaking of this, Xu Tianxin's face revealed a deep sense of loss and unwillingness.

"That's weird ..."

After listening to this, Chen Xiaobei was very puzzled: "What forces have taken away the spirit veins of the ancient land? How can the near-destroyed Wu tribe have the power to establish the ancient eighty-one days? And within the eighty-one days, Where does your aura come from? "

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation ..." Xu Tianxin shook his head helplessly: "Unless you can find the ancient witch who survived that year, no one can answer these questions!"

"Well, leave it alone, take a step and count!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down ~ ~ said calmly: "Through the teleportation circle, you can go to the scorching days closest to the Dragon Elephant Mountain. By then, we may be in danger every step of the way! You are ready Ok?"


Xu Tianxin didn't hesitate: "As long as I can follow Master! I will never frown if I follow the sword and fire!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Chen Xiaobei nodded comfortably, and his blood was boiling.

Uh ...

Yan Yan marks days.

As soon as Xuan came out of the teleportation circle, Chen Xiaobei and Xu Tianxin felt a terrible heat wave.

I looked around, and there was endless fire around!

Due to the extremely high temperature, the ground has been melted into magma, bubbles are rolling, and black smoke is rising. Not to mention the vegetation, even half a living thing cannot be seen! The whole space is like **** on earth!

呼 "Hoo ... so hot ..."

Chen Xiaobei wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked anxiously: "Heaven, can you handle it?"

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei has Jiuxing Tianxian's physique.

天 Xu Tianxin is only the peak of the six-star Tianxian. Even if the witch is physically stronger, it is at most seven-star Tianxian-level physical strength. At such a high temperature, he may be burned in a large area, or even die alive!

"I'm fine!"

Xu Tian shook his head and said blankly, "Strange, I don't think it's hot ..."

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