Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3696: Hope for catastrophe

"Abba !!!"

Xu Tianxin rushed forward with great excitement, hugging with Xu Ao.

"Tianxin !? You ... how are you here !?"

Xu Ao was shocked and delighted, even with red eyes, holding his son tightly, unwilling to let go for a long time.

Seeing his son Xiu has grown greatly and his heart grows, Xu Ao's heart is extremely happy.

However, seeing the three people, Chen Xiaobei, Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin, Xu Ao's heart was full of shock that could not be restrained.

Of course, not only Xu Ao, but other Xuan Yu fighters around were also shocked.

"It shouldn't be long here, let's talk elsewhere!"

Of course, Chen Xiaobei knew the questions in the hearts of everyone and gave Xu Tianxin a look.

"Wow ..."

Xu Tianxin urged Xiandi Xianji to take the crowd directly into the ground.

Then, Chen Xiaobei took everyone into the Xu Mi space. In this way, even if the Demon Army killed, it would not threaten the safety of everyone.

Xumi space.

Chen Xiaobei talked about the general situation.

Xu Ao and 33 other Xuan Yu soldiers knelt on the ground on the spot, worshiping Dijiang and Zhujiu Yinding.

Obviously, the space fighting and the time still are the unique abilities of Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

Although the modern Wu tribe has not seen it, many legends of ancestors and witches passed down from generation to generation are recorded in this respect.

Therefore, Xu Ao and others have no doubt about the ancestral and witch identities of Dijiang and Zhujiuyin, and respect these two people as gods and with extremely devout belief.

Even Xu Tianxin was considered a Chi You messenger and was worshipped by thirty-two people except Xu Ao.

Originally Xu Ao also wanted to bow down, but Xu Tianxin said nothing and added God Jiang to persuade him that Xu Ao did not salute his son.

In the end, the eyes of Xu Ao and others all naturally focused on Chen Xiaobei.

Although Chen Xiaobei looks very ordinary, even lower than Xu Tianxin, they absolutely dare not despise Chen Xiaobei, and even instinctively have a deep awe of Chen Xiaobei.

the reason is simple.

Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin, Chi You Messenger, all followers Chen Xiaobei!

I also know with my toes that Chen Xiaobei's status is absolutely unimaginable!

In this way, although Chen Xiaobei did not say cheekily that he was a messenger of Pangu, Xu Ao and others were still willing to look at Chen Xiaobei and obey all instructions of Chen Xiaobei.

"Tell me about the battle situation first!"

Chen Xiaobei let everyone sit down in the garden of the poison fairy space, and then went straight to the theme.

Xu Ao calmed down and said earnestly: "The war on the frontline has exceeded the range of the thirty-three Allied Alliance!"

"Today, the troops of Xuan Yutian and Yan Hentian have been defeated! Without any accident, the overall defeat of the coalition forces is within these three or five days!"

As soon as this statement was made, Dijiang and others frowned, "How could they fail so suddenly?"

Obviously, the war has been going on for some time, and both sides of the demon and witch are basically evenly matched, maintaining a relatively balanced situation.

Even if the Witch is about to lose, it should be slowly consumed and gradually fail.

But at this moment, according to Xu Ao's statement, the witch side was completely crushed by the demons, and there was a feeling of defeat.

"The reason why we suddenly faced defeat was because the Demon side sent troops continuously, and even a high-level Xuanshen of the Demon stepped in the battlefield to cooperate with the Holy Demon Battlefield, which killed us by surprise!"

Xu Ao's tone was very reluctant: "If the military and fighting powers are the same, we Witches will not be afraid of the Demons! It is impossible to defeat them!"

Obviously, in the current situation of the war, the strength of the Witch tribe is steadily weakening, but the side of the Mo tribe is constantly strengthening. Defeating in this way, Xu Ao feels very perplexed, very aggrieved, and will never convince.

"its not right!"

Dijiang frowned and said, "In the wilderness, there is the peak quasi-sacred" Twelve Capitals of Gods "! Still afraid of a mysterious god?"

Xu Ao said unwillingly, "We do have a powerful witch magic circle, but if we don't have enough aura to urge, it means we don't have ..."

"Uh ... I forgot, the spirit veins of the ancient land have been taken away ..." Dijiang looked at him and said, "The law formation cannot be used, but the battle formation can be used!"


Xu Ao looked suddenly and respectfully asked: "Can the ancestral witch teach us our powerful battle array?"

"Do you still need to ask?"

Di Jiang smiled indifferently, and said, "Although it is not as good as" The Twelve Capitals of Heavenly Gods ", but to deal with a mysterious god, it is still a bullknife to kill chickens.


Xu Ao was overjoyed: "In this way, as long as our mission is successful, we will be able to win the opportunity!"

"Abba, what task are you performing?" Xu Tianxin wondered.

"We have two missions on this trip!"

Xu Ao calmed down ~ ~ and said: "The first task is to grab the enemy Chief Xuan Yu and Chief Yan Yan, and we will try our best to rescue them!"

"The second task is to find a way to cut off the channel for the enemy to increase its troop strength! Only by killing the enemy from the source can we stop the war!"

"As long as our mission is successful, we can cause huge turmoil behind the enemy! The frontline war can be eased! Take this opportunity to let our soldiers learn the battles taught by the Lord Wu Wu, and they will be defeated and succeeded. Counterattack! "

Xu Ao said more and more excited, as if seeing infinite hope.

"I don't understand. Where are you confident?"

Zhu Jiuyin smiled bitterly: "Just with your 33 low-level Xuanxian, the two tasks just mentioned cannot be achieved at all!"

"This ..." Xu Ao heard the words, suddenly dumb.

Although the words of Zhuan Jiuyin are not good, they are true.

Just now, if Chen Xiaobei and others didn't show up, Xu Ao and his companions would have disappeared long ago, still want to complete the task? Next life!

"This matter must be discussed from a long-term perspective. It can't be killed in a brain, it's no different from sending death!"

Chen Xiaobei affirmed Zhu Jiuyin's statement.

"Well ... we all listen to you ..." Xu Ao nodded, and his impulsive mood converged a lot.

"This is the case today. After I have seen all the chiefs tomorrow, I will use the peeping sky to determine the position of the person to be rescued. By then, I will be in one step and avoid many detours!"

Chen Xiaobei has already thought out the approximate action plan.

In addition, there are still a few red envelopes on hand, which will come in handy by then.

Later, Chen Xiaobei returned to the place where he could previously connect to the Three Realms Fairyland by using the earthen land and waited for the red envelope in Song Qingcheng.

While waiting alone, Chen Xiaobei suddenly had a bold idea!

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