"Secondary! Are you okay !?"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes revealed a lot of suspicions and worries. Xiao Er had eaten a lot before, but he had never seen it behave so abnormally.

In case something happens to Xiao Er, Chen Xiaobei really wants to regret his intestines.

"Wow ..."

However, at this moment, Xiao Er's body broke out with an abnormally celestial fluctuation, and the intensity of the fluctuation soared in a straight line.

"Don't say ..." Chen Xiaobei flashed in front of his eyes instantly. This feeling of celestial yuan fluctuations was really familiar, wasn't it just a sign of a breakthrough in the realm of greatness!

"Om ..."

The golden light I saw erupted from Xiao Er's body like a sun halo date.

Suddenly, its entire insect's gas field changed dramatically.

"The Seven-Star Celestial Realm! I broke through to the Seven-Star Celestial Realm!"

Xiao Er suddenly cheered excitedly: "This golden liquid should be the bone marrow of some kind of god-like unicorn **** beast!"

"The unicorn **** beast !? Golden marrow !?"

At this time, instead, the black-winged devil king exclaimed, "It's black gold water unicorn! The most powerful master in black gold Tianchi! Five-star heavenly **** beast!"

"Don't you just say you don't know?" Chen Xiaobei wondered.

"How can I, a little demon, be qualified to see Xuan Jinshui Kirin? It is even more impossible to see his bone marrow!"

The Black Winged Snake King said: "According to the current situation, I am afraid that the black gold unicorn was killed a long time ago, so the essence of bone marrow will be packed in the treasure chest!"

"Where did you find this treasure chest?" Chen Xiaobei immediately asked.

The Black Winged Snake King replied: "Sometime I went out, a crack in space broke in the void ... I saw a terrible explosion in the crack, and then this treasure box flew in front of me ..."

"What else did you see?" Chen Xiaobei asked again.

"Well ... I'm not sure ... I just saw a gorgeous palace floating above the clouds!"

The Black Winged Snake King recalled it and said, "If you remember correctly, there is a gold plaque hanging above the gate of the palace, writing two large letters ... Yunyi!"

"Yunyi !?"

Chen Xiaobei was taken aback and said, "Is it the legendary Yunyi Fairy Palace !?"

"Maybe ... anyway, I haven't been there and I have never heard of it," said the Black Winged Snake King.

"That's a coincidence!"

Chen Xiaobei's eyes were condensed and said: "Previously, I passed the examination of Yunyi Fairy Palace, and I have received the Yunyi Token, which is regarded as the new owner of Yunyi Fairy Palace! Unexpectedly, this treasure chest filled with the bone marrow of black golden unicorn , It's actually related to Yunyi Xiangong! "

"Beige! We must find Yun Yixian Palace!"

Xiao Er said with excitement: "This kind of black gold water unicorn bone marrow can greatly improve the repair! And there are absolutely no side effects! It can be said that it is an upgraded version of the blood bodhi fruit! If you can find more, upgrade your brother Will be extremely significant! "

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said, "Well, I definitely have to find a way to find Yunyi Xiangong, but I don't have time right now ..."

"Then look for it later!" Xiao Er said with excitement: "Beijing, you can improve it now! The remaining bone marrow of black gold water unicorn can let you break through at least three major realms!"

"Okay! Let me try!"

Chen Xiaobei is eager to promote cultivation. With such an opportunity, naturally he will not let go.


With a change of heart, Chen Xiaobei took out the golden liquid and took out the bone marrow of the black gold unicorn that was about the same amount as the one that Xiao Er had just taken.


Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei felt a strong wave, flowing down his throat into the abdomen, and then flowing all over the body. The kind of wave, like a horse galloping on one side, shocked Chen Xiaobei's physique and body. Finally, A mysterious power was gathered into the Yuanshen.

Ding——Repaired: Two-star true immortal, Life span: 210.27 million years, Physical fitness: 30,000 trillion, Combat power: 130 trillion, Primal attack: Holy class!

Ding——Repaired: Two-star true immortal, Life span: 303.27 million years, Physical fitness: 30,000 trillion, Fighting power: 200 trillion, Primal attack: Holy class!

Ding——Repair: Two-star true immortal peak, Life expectancy: 45.27 million years, Physical fitness: 30,000 trillion, Fighting power: 500 trillion, Primal attack: Holy class!

Ding——Repaired: Samsung True Immortal, Life: 65.27 million years, Physique: 30,000 trillion, Fighting power: 1500 trillion, Primal Attack: Holy!

"Lying grass! This is too ... too cool ..."

When the fluctuation of Xianyuan in his body calmed down, Chen Xiaobei was stunned: "A bone marrow of black golden water and unicorn actually broke me into the triple small realm, plus a major realm ... this ... it was incredible ! "

There is no doubt that this result caused an extremely strong impact on Chen Xiaobei's heart.

The dramatic increase in lifespan and combat power is not much anymore ~ ​​www.readwn.com ~ What makes Chen Xiaobei feel most delighted is that the big realm can even break through smoothly! This is definitely what Chen Xiaobei needs most! Favorite! The most important effect!

You must know that in order to impact the peak of Xiandao, Chen Xiaobei must not use elixir to break through the realm. That way, leaving Chen Xiaobei's foundation to leave a loophole and completely interrupt Chen Xiaobei's ascent channel in a certain realm!

In addition, Chen Xiaobei cannot accept the inheritance of others, because the force of inheritance will have a certain exclusion with Chen Xiaobei's own strength, it will never be perfectly integrated, and it will never be able to set the peak of immortality.

Because of this, if Chen Xiaobei wants to break through the realm, he must rely on the opportunity to grow mysterious and mysterious.

These opportunities are not something you can get, and they often limit Chen Xiaobei's development.

but! now!

For Chen Xiaobei, the appearance of myeloid bone marrow is a huge opportunity for Chen Xiaobei!

Like the blood bodhi **** fruit, the bone marrow of black gold water unicorn is a pure natural fetish, without any side effects, and it will not let Chen Xiaobei's foundation leak.

At the same time, the blood bodhi tree comes from the blood and blood of the unicorn! The bone marrow of black gold water unicorn is also derived from the beast unicorn!

In other words, the blood and bone marrow of the Kirin family can help the practitioners improve their cultivation.

However, the exact effect of different types of unicorns is not the same.

For example, blood bodhi can cure severe injuries and increase power without injury, but it cannot break through the realm! But Xuanjinshui Kirin's bone marrow, although it has no therapeutic effect, can break through the realm!

In other words, if you can find a more advanced unicorn fetish, there will be greater, more, and more wonderful help for Chen Xiaobei's great realm!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei didn't want to look for anything else right now!

First scoop the bone marrow of the black gold water unicorn in your hand to the end, otherwise, later!

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