Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3701: Giants gather

At the agreed place, the highest heads of the eighty-one days of the Aragon have gathered.

Among them, there are seventy-nine chiefs, all of whom are from one to two stars, and the other two high priests are nine-star gods.

The reason for the lack of two chiefs is that the two chiefs of Xuan Yutian and Yan Shentian were captured by the enemy during the battle and are still alive and dead.

Among these people at the scene, the three oldest chiefs were the leaders.

Among them, the alliance ’s only main league, Mo Shanggu, is the oldest and has the highest seniority and seniority.

The other two deputy leaders are also older chiefs, Wei Qianzhong and Zuo Songxu.

The Wu people are very united. The decision of these three people is equal to the decision of the Eighty-One Heaven Alliance.

"Why haven't people come yet?"

Wei Qianzhong said impatiently, "The frontline war is imminent. If we delay here for a moment, the frontline may collapse! This is not a joke!"


Zuo Song settled his mind calmly, and his face was unhappy, saying, "If the Demons know that we have left the Dragon Sparrow Fortress, we will definitely launch a comprehensive attack! Once we break through the fortress, we will be completely done!"

From the outsiders' point of view, the two old chiefs seemed to have a bad temper, and they were so impatient after waiting for a while.

However, in fact, it is not their bad temper, but the situation of war that has really reached the critical point of life and death.

Originally, in the early days of the war, the power of the witches was actually better than that of the demons.

However, as the war continued, the fighting power, food, and resources of the witch race were being consumed at a rapid speed. On the contrary, the demon race was continuously replenishing its energy sources.

As a result of this, the current war situation has been fully dominated by the demons.

The Wu tribe can only rely on the location of the Dragon Sparrow fortress, and all people fight hard to count on life and death, in order to barely hold the front.

At this moment, the 81 strongest men in the league have all left the Dragon Sparrow Fortress.

If the enemy is killed at this time and there is only one consequence, then the Witch side will be completely defeated. There is no second possibility.

"They come, the security!"

At this time, the highest-ranking Mo Shangguyun stood up, and Shen Sheng asked, "Sooner or later, the war situation will be out of our control. Instead of being trapped there and waiting to die, it is better to wait for the Herald and see if he can guide us!"


As soon as this statement was made, the vast majority of people around them nodded, expressing their agreement: "In the current situation, we have lost the strength of the two heavenly forces. If we can't keep it for a long time, we will annihilate the entire army!"

The reason why everyone is convinced, of course, is because Mo Shangguyun said the words.

Stand still and lose!

Come to see the Chi You messenger, there may be a line of life!

At this point, neither Wei Qianzhong nor Zuo Songxu could say anything, forcibly suppressed impatience and anxiety, and quietly waited for Chi You to appear.

"Hmm ..."

Eventually, someone came and appeared in front of everyone.

But not one person, but four people!

"The Chiyou messenger you want to see is me!"

Xu Tian's heart took the lead and stood calm, not humble.

If Xu Tianxin had met these big men before, he would worship them.

However, Chen Xiaobei reminded Xu Tianxin in advance that his identity was very different, and he must not be rebelled.

"Wow ..."

After speaking, Xu Tianxin offered Chi You to fight against the sky spear, completely dispeling the doubts in everyone's hearts.

"Sure enough! That is the weapon of Chi You, the warlord! The sky spear! This boy really is the messenger of Chi You! There is nothing wrong!"

Mo Shang Guyun exclaimed, completely confirming Xu Tianxin's identity.

"I'll see you, Lord Chiyou!"

Then, led by Mo Shang Gu Yun, all the big men at the scene immediately knelt on the ground and worshiped.

"Don't rush to worship me!"

Xu Tianxin's tone sank, and he solemnly said, "The one who can really help you resolve the war is my master! Chen Xuanbei!"

As soon as this statement was made, everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Chen Xiaobei.

"Well? Lord, aren't you kidding me?"

Wei Qian asked with a puzzled face, "This Chen Gongzi is not very old and he is not very good at training. How can He De be your teacher?"

"Yeah ... Lord Messenger! This joke is impossible!"

Zuo Songxu also hurriedly raised his own question: "You are now the most lofty existence of the 81 days of our ancient days. How can we worship an ordinary person as a teacher?"

At the same time, everyone around was also arguing, pointing at Chen Xiaobei, his eyes were scornful and his voice cold.

Obviously, these people all look down on Chen Xiaobei from the bottom of their hearts.

However, this can't blame them. First of all, the repair of Chen Xiaobei is just the peak of the Seven Star Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Celestial Fen. It ’s a hundred thousand miles worse than the mysterious gods at the scene. Naturally unconvincing.

"be quiet!"

Xu Tian sighed and said angrily, "I urge you not to offend my Master! Otherwise, you will regret it!"

"Everyone, follow the orders of the Lord Messenger!"

Moshang Guyun is the most mature and upholding ~ ~ said arbitrarily, "Master Messenger is the supreme existence, even if he made a wrong decision, we have no right to question!"

Obviously, Mo Shang Gu Yun also despised Chen Xiaobei, and even confessed that Xu Tianxin worshiped Chen Xiaobei as a teacher, which was a wrong decision.

However, Mo Shangguyun spoke very well. After he finished speaking, everyone at the scene stopped talking about Chen Xiaobei.

"You are all wrong! I am not supreme!"

Xu Tian settled down and went on to say, "This is the reincarnation of space ancestor Wu Dijiang! Next to this is the time ancestor witch candle Jiuyin reincarnation! Compared with them, my Chiyou messenger is almost trivial!"

"What !? Zu ... Zu ... Zu Witch !?"

Everyone heard the words, instantly stunned, scalp tingling, and even wondered if it was a hallucination?

"Wow ... wow ..."

Then, Dijiang and Zhujiuyin each performed their unique Yuanshen ability.

"Space fights !!! Time is still !!!"

Neither the Dijiang nor Zhu Jiuyin explained, and everyone at the scene immediately screamed.

"it is true……"

Mo Shang Guyun was stunned, his voice was shaking. "The two of them are real ancestors! Oh my **** ... my husband can see these two powers in his lifetime. It is really dead without regrets!"

Wei Qianzhong, Zuo Songxu, and everyone else, their eyes were glaring like bull's eyes, and their mouths were so open that they could fit into a fist, which was directly shocked to an extreme that could not be added!

"Listen all!"

At this time, Dijiang stood out and said, "I and Zhu Jiuyin are following Chen Xuanbei's son! His status is much higher than ours!"


The words burst, the audience burst.

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Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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