Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3706: That's too late

"Uh ... Bei, you may be disappointed ..."

The Dijiang Martyr said, "When the witch world was created, the twelve ancestors of the witches already knew that the witches were extremely belligerent, and they liked **** killings. Therefore, the law of merit will only inhibit the development of the witches ... , We have weakened the rule of merit! "

"In addition, we don't care too much about luck. After all, as long as we have enough strength, it is completely irrelevant! Therefore, the rules of luck have been greatly weakened by us ..."


Chen Xiaobei heard that Khan came down. "You mean, in the world of witches, merit and luck are almost impossible to help me? Then how can I play ..."

You know, Chen Xiaobei used to rely on merit and luck to break the game.

The point is that after Chen Xiaobei unified the human realm, both merit and air transport were in a very high state, and both of them failed, and for Chen Xiaobei, it was almost a self-decision.

"no way……"

Dijiang explained, "To establish the laws of the world, we must maintain a balance. To make other laws more advantageous, we must weaken others ..."

Chen Xiaobei reluctantly asked, "Since you weakened the rules of merit and luck, what rules have you strengthened?"

"Life and death!"

Di Jiang said, "Our strengthened laws of life enable our witch descendants to have stronger physical and blood abilities than ordinary people at birth!"

"Well ... I can understand it!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down and said, "In the beginning, Taiyi established the heavenly courts and ruled the heavens and the tens of thousands of races. The Wu tribe could compete with the Tai Tianting by the power of one tribe alone! It is because of the descendants of the Wu tribe. Geniuses emerge, and genius is like a cloud! "

Chi You! Xingtian! Ayagi! Houyi! Kuafu! Jiufeng ...

These are the famous super powerful witches under the twelve ancestors! If it weren't for the premature defeat of the Witch tribe, these big witches would probably grow into new ancestor witches!

And this is exactly the power of the witch life law!

After the offspring are born, the physical blood is stronger than other races in the first place. In addition, the probability of producing top genius is also higher than other races!

Because of this, the longer the ancestral witch has developed, the more superpowers in the clan, and the stronger the entire race!

But in the end, that's the same sentence ...

Blessings depend on each other!

The strength of the law of life has allowed the Wu tribe to develop at a rapid speed, and it can even shake Tai Tianting's status.

And this is exactly the enemy that makes Tiandao feel daunting!

Tiandao knows that letting the witches develop will sooner or later threaten their status.

It is for this reason that Tiandao secretly calculates, causing the Wu tribe and Taiyitian to start an endless battle, which will cause both sides to lose each other and go to extinction.

"Let's talk about the law of death!"

Chen Xiaobei is very curious, what kind of advantages will the powerful death rule bring to the Wu tribe?

"Our law of death is modeled after the Pangu ancestors!"

Dijiang explained, "After the death of the ancestor, the body became a floodland! And after the death of each of us, the corpses will be turned into energy, or integrated into the spirit veins, or nourished the natural treasures. In short, they will let The witch world is getting better! "

"So it is ..."

After hearing this, Chen Xiaobei couldn't help falling into silence. It took a long time before he spit out a poem, "Redness is not ruthless, but it turns into spring mud to protect the flowers ..."

The death of the Wu tribe's ancestors can make the Wu tribe's world a better place, so that the descendants of the tribe can develop better!

From this we can see that there was absolutely no sense of desolation in the desolate place!

Chen Xiaobei can even imagine that this is a world full of vitality, aura, and even a better world than heaven!

Thank God for everything, all the good things here are completely destroyed! In the end, the witch world is completely desolate and extremely desolate.

Of course, thanks to the law of death of the witches, the survivors were able to establish the ancient eighty-one days.

Originally, there was no aura in the eighty-one days of the ancient times. It was precisely the generations of the ancestors of the Wu tribe who died and the corpses turned into energy that slowly formed some small spiritual veins that nourished the descendants of the Wu tribe to survive. .

After trillions of years, the Wu tribe has restored some vitality.

With the advantages of the laws of life, there were eighty-one black chiefs and some powerful priests.

Of course, geniuses like Xu Tianxin are also lucky under the rules of life of the Wu tribe.

Unfortunately, within eighty-one days, Reiki is still very scarce, and some people ca n’t even eat enough food. Otherwise, there will surely be more powerful men and more geniuses.

Of course, this is all past!

Now that Chen Xiaobei has taken over the ancient 80 days, naturally, he will find a way to revive the old style of the Wu tribe!

"Since the law of death of the witch is like this ... then ~ ~ haven't the bodies of the twelve ancestor witches turned into twelve super-giant spiritual peaks of the highest quasi-sacred level? Yet?"

After Chen Xiaobei listened, his face could not help but worry.

"not at all……"

Di Jiang shook his head and said, "At the time of the war, we knew that we must die, so we avoided the law of death with secret laws! The corpses of the twelve ancestors did not turn into energy, and the enemy would not be cheap!"

"So, do you know where these corpses are?" Chen Xiaobei was instantly excited.

Don't forget, the Master of the Heavens pointed out to Chen Xiaobei two paths to sanctification.

First, get the imprint of the Pangu Yuanshen of the Sanqing sage, and then borrow the Chaos Bell to prove it!

This road is almost impossible to pass because neither Yuan Shizun nor Taishang Laojun can imprint Yuan Shen to Chen Xiaobei.

Second, gather the corpses of the twelve ancestors, reunite the true body of Pangu, and then use the Chaos Bell to prove it!

Although this road is still difficult to reach the sky, anyway, there is a chance to succeed. Therefore, during the Winter Solstice Conference, the leader of the Heavenly Heavens will try every means to let Chen Xiaobei choose the Emperor Jiang.

"I can sense the position of my own body!" Dijiang said.

"I can too……"

Zhu Jiuyu was overcast and said, "As for the corpses of other ancestors, only they can perceive them! Of course, Brother Dijiang and I can perceive the positions of other ancestors! Grab them and you can unlock all The mystery! "

"It's too late ... now it's meaningless to grab other ancestors ..." Chen Xiaobei's eyes sank, and he sighed helplessly.

"For ... why is it too late?" Both Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin looked at each other with a bad feeling in their hearts.


Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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