Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3710: Very unreasonable


Exuding a dark mist, Chen Xiaobei suddenly rushed to the most dense enemy of the Demon Warrior.

As we all know, the greatest advantage of the battlefield is to gather together the strength of a large number of the weak, and to explode the strength against the strong.

However, the battlefield also has one of the biggest disadvantages! That is to say, once the power is excited, each of the weak people in the formation needs to be relieved for a period of time in order to re-energize the power, otherwise the body cannot bear it.

In other words, after the night **** dark spirit suit helped Chen Xiaobei to block the first wave of might, the tens of thousands of demons warriors had completely lost their resistance.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm ..."

I saw, where the dark fog night gods passed, the demon warriors were wiped out!

Just like harvesting straw in a paddy field, the Demon Warriors that were densely flying in the air were killed and fell, leaving only an empty space!

"Wow ... wow ..."

At the same time, Chaos Blood Sword is continuously absorbing the primordial gods of these dead.

Moreover, this time, not only did they not only devour the Yuan Shen, but also the blood and blood of those who died, together with the corpses, were swallowed cleanly.

Obviously, Chaos Blood Sword has two powers!

The first is that Chaos Devour is a power brought by Chaos Beast Blood, which can devour physical objects, reaching the highest level of quasi-holy.

Everything that is devoured by this power will be converted into energy, helping the Chaos Bloodsword upgrade. Of course, upgrading takes a lot of time. The higher the level, the longer it takes to upgrade.

The second is that the God Eater ability is the ability brought by God Eater Tianjing, which can devour Yuan Shen and reach the level of Jiuxing Xuanxian!

Those devoured primal gods can also be converted into energy, replacing the effect of aura, inspiring the strongest power of the Chaos Blood Sword. Of course, if there is more energy than this, it can also be used to upgrade Chaos Blood Sword.


Two major abilities came together, devouring tens of thousands of demons cleanly, leaving no residue!

"This battle is really fun!"

Chen Xiaobei fixed his mind, and his heart was very refreshing: "More importantly, the energy swallowed today, plus the leaves of the blood bodhi tree that was previously swallowed, as long as there is enough time to digest, it is enough to raise the chaos blood sword to one star Level, but also some energy! "

One thought of this.

Chen Xiaobei returned the Chaos Blood Sword to Qingdi Xianhu, so that the winged devil snakes continued to urge the sunlight treasure box to speed up the upgrade.

By the way, Chen Xiaobei also left Primary Two in the field of sunlight.

This little guy ate the entire treasure chest made of the two-star fetish, and I am afraid that he will also sleep for a long time. The sunlight treasure box can make it wake up sooner.

Then, Chen Xiaobei evacuated the scene for the first time.

Once the demons arrived, Chen Xiaobei wanted to leave, but it was too late.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei's own fairy yuan has not recovered much, so he can only take out the original bracelet and return to the place where he came back.

Although back to the original place, one of the biggest benefits here is the connection to the Three Realms of Fairy!

Chen Xiaobei used the old method to send the Qingdi Xianhu to the six-eared macaque, and directly took the six-eared macaque.

Then, Chen Xiaobei and the six-eared macaque returned to Xumi space.

Di Jiang had always been a little worried. When Chen Xiaobei returned safely, he was finally relieved.

"This time, we successfully retrieved the body of Dijiang's deity. The next step is to find Zhu Jiuyin as soon as possible.

Chen Xiaobei said: "I have summoned the six ears and can become a co-worker or a blessing at any time! This way I can sense the position of their deities!"

"North Brother!"

At this time, Zhu Jiuyin stood out and said, "In fact, I also sensed the position of my body!"

"This is really great! Tell me, where is it!" Chen Xiaobei was surprised.

"It's also north of Longque Mountains ..." Candle Jiu asked in a deep voice: "But just go north, to the end of the ancient land!"

As soon as this statement was made, the looks of Zhu Jiuyin and Dijiang were a little dignified.

"What's wrong? Isn't it a long way? Seeing your expressions, that place doesn't seem easy ..."

Chen Xiaobei is very smart and naturally sees something strange.

"If our estimation is correct, the channel for the invasion of the Demon Army is at the end of the northern part of the ancient land!" Zhu Jiuyin said rudely.

"Isn't this just right?"

Chen Xiaobei raised an eyebrow and said, "The purpose of my trip is to cut off that passage! By the way, I can also harvest the ancestral witch corpse, which is exactly two birds with one stone!"

"It's good to kill two birds with one stone ..."

Zhu Jiuyin said, "But the danger you have to face is extremely great! Maybe, the demons have found the place and are digging!"

"More importantly, Dijiang's body was taken away by Beige today! The demons must be furious inside, and they will definitely be guarded by heavy soldiers at the end of the ancient times!"

"Even the high-level mystic emperor will sit down in person! We want to be successful ~ ~ It's so difficult that we might lose our lives there!"

Obviously, Zhu Jiuyin's concern is very reasonable.

The Demons managed to find Dijiang's body, but were taken away. I can imagine how angry the seniors of the Demons were!

At the moment, the hands of the demons can only reach north of the Dragon Sparrow Mountain!

In other words, Zhu Jiuyin's corpse is the last ancestral witch corpse that can be mastered by Mozu.

I also know with my toes that the Devil will send the most powerful force to guard it, and no accidents will be allowed.

"Actually ..." Chen Xiaobeiwan calculated: "As long as I can recover my Yuanshen and break through some cultivation, I will have enough life to deal with that high-level mysterious god!"

Obviously, as long as Chen Xiaobei's Yuanshenjian is healthy, he can use many powers and burn a huge amount of life to set foot in a high falsehood for a short time.

During the battle in the heavens, Chen Xiaobei once embarked on the quasi-sacred pseudo-realm. This time, it is just a simpler way to deal with a high-level mysterious god.


The prerequisite is that Chen Xiaobei's Yuanshen must be restored, otherwise it will only fall earlier than the enemy.

In addition, the life must be sufficient, otherwise, high-level stepping on peaks and driving chaos will not be able to perform, or the time will be extremely short.

"Everything and life can come slowly! But there is one thing that must be figured out ..."

At this time, the six-eared macaque that had been silent raised his own question: "Since the devil has a channel to connect the ancient land, why does Mo Luo Wutian not come by himself? Why is there no strong quasi-san?"

"Actually, I want to know the answer too!" Chen Xiaobei grinned and summoned the Lizard Demon's Primordial God directly.

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

Three Realms Red Envelope Group

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