Chisha stepping tiger stared greedily at the rock wall ahead.

There is no doubt that he was undercover for a long time, even pretending to be grandson along the way, after all, it was for the Chi You corpse behind the wall.

For him, getting Chi You's remains was a top priority.

As for the life and death of Chen Xiaobei and others, you are not in a hurry, you can slowly torture them later, maybe you can ask some valuable information, and then it is not too late to kill them!

"Wow ..."

When I saw Chisha stepping on the tiger's backhand, the three-star Celestial Celestial Yuan suddenly shrouded, as if thousands of chains were chained, and Chen Xiaobei, Hei Feng, Yun Fanqing, and Gallo were imprisoned.

The absolute gap in repair makes Chen Xiaobei and others unable to resist at all.

Suddenly, Chisha Tatianhu was completely controlled.

Fortunately, everyone has some use value, otherwise, Chisha will be able to completely wipe out everyone on the spot.

"Boom ... Boom ..."

After controlling Chen Xiaobei and others, Chisha Tatianhu no longer had any more fears, and began to blast the real horror element according to the rock wall in front, smashing the rock, and even cracking the mountain. .

"What to do now? If we can't escape, then there is only a dead end ..." Hei Feng's expression was bleak, his voice was shaking and panicking, and he went a little bit into despair.

"The Wutian Mozu just let us confirm the identity of the undercover in secret this time, and did not let us and the undercover act. What he said did not give us a very powerful life-saving trump card ..."

Gallo was equally anxious and worried, and his eyes were full of unwillingness, and he was unwilling to die like this: "Unexpectedly, that undercover was actually a Samsung demon god, Chisha stepping tiger! We are not his at all! opponent!"

"No! I can't die here!"

Yun Fanqing's response was more intense than the two before, while struggling desperately, he hissed: "I haven't found revenge for the guide! I haven't let the West teach Xiaobei to be buried! I can't die! I can't dead!!!"

Yun Fanqing has always been a quiet and elegant little girl, let alone howling, you rarely hear her speak loudly.

However, at this moment, her voice was hysterical and heartbroken! Like Hei Feng, she felt desperate! Like Gallo, she felt unwilling!

However, her despair and unwillingness are definitely far above the former two!

That's because Hei Feng's despair and Gal's unwillingness both stem from the coming death. And Yun Fanqing's despair was due to his inability to avenge Chen Xiaobei.

Thus, in Yun Fanqing's eyes, revenge on Chen Xiaobei has long been above her own life and death.

If she can avenge Chen Xiaobei, she will not hesitate to fight for her life!

If Chen Xiaobei cannot avenge Chen Xiaobei, she will die forever!

"Don't panic!"

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei seemed very calm.

First of all, when it is absolutely necessary, Chen Xiaobei can use the power of the extermination marrow and the nine changes of Dragon and Witch to defeat Chisha Tianhu.

Therefore, for Chen Xiaobei, the situation is still under his control.

Of course, doing so would expose Chen Xiaobei's identity.

Therefore, if conditions permit, Chen Xiaobei will try to use other hole cards that will not reveal his identity to break the game!

Although the other party is a Samsung Tian Yao Yuan Shen, powerful to an incredible degree.

but! do not forget!

There are several big red envelopes in Chen Xiaobei's hands!

Before the 18 kills of red envelopes, Chen Xiaobei only used 11 of them. In addition, the ears given by the Master of the Heavens and the blood of the Xuanxian Beast given by the Styx are not yet available.

In other words, Chen Xiaobei still has five red envelopes that have not been opened. The treasures in them were not used before, so they were not removed.

But it's different now.

Chen Xiaobei and others are trapped and urgently need a way to break the game.

Among them, there is a treasure that can directly reverse the situation.

Of course, Chen Xiaobei still doesn't want to show his hole cards. After all, the deepest situation in the ruins, according to Hei Feng, must be the ultimate horror, and there may be other dangers.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei simply didn't break the game first, and put the Chisha Tiantian Tiger into the deepest part of the ruins, and let this guy do the open cannon fodder.

To put it bluntly, the danger that Chen Xiaobei is most worried about is not the Chisha Tian Tiger, but the hidden thing in the deepest part of the ruins, which is still unknown!

Chen Xiaobei's idea is very clear. His eyes have been locked on the front, paying attention to the every move of Chisha Tianhu, and more concerned about a change that will occur next!

"Boom! Boom ..."

Suddenly, there was a blast with no warning, suddenly erupting from the direction that Chisha stepped into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a dark black fluid of energy, like a thick river of rivers, gushed forth, crushing his head and covering his face towards Chisha Tiantian Tiger!

"Huh! Do you want to hurt me?"

Chisha Tatianhu is very confident in his strength ~ ~ A smile on the corner of his mouth, the body protects the immortal Yuan, just stand in place as it is, he must carry the kind of thick ink on the front. Energy fluid!

The reason why Chisha Tiantian Tiger is so confident is that the speed and power of the dense ink fluid does not seem too strong, and it feels like the power of a star god.

This is lower than the two major realms of Chisha Tatianhu. It's awkward. With such strength, it is not enough to tickle Chisha Tatianhu.


Just the next moment!

The pupil of Chisha Tiantian Tiger could not help shrinking, but his face turned into a black, the heart and breathing were almost stopped, and even the state of mind began to tremble violently. The terrifying illusion of the earth!

Obviously, the black fluid is not only the shape and speed power on the surface, but also hides the terrible killing and evil spirit!

This is really creeping out of the blood of the dead mountains!

Moreover, the corpse mountain blood sea here is the corpse mountain blood sea piled up by the heavens and gods, and even the death of the mysterious god, there is the death of the quasi-sacred!

Endless death and murderous spirit, already terrifying, and then brewing trillions of years, the essence has undergone tremendous changes, even a special sublimation, becoming even more horrible than ever!

Right now!

That dark fluid, by virtue of coercion alone, directly deterred a Samsung Sky God!

It is conceivable how terrible the coercion is.

"Uh ... hmm ... hmm ..."

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the screams of terrible screams, Chisha Tianhu was drawn into the dark fluid!

And this horrible dark fluid suddenly spewed out along the channel opened by Chisha Tianhu! Flushing to Chen Xiaobei and others! !! !!

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