Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3734: Different number

Chapter 3734: Different Numbers, Sound Novels, Online Listening

"Of course no problem! You made a great contribution this time, as long as I confess to the Godless Demon Ancestral, he will certainly call you right away! You can go with us, naturally it is the best!"

Gallo gave a positive answer without doubting Chen Xiaobei's motive.

Of course, this is mainly because the demonization of Chen Xiaobei's body is almost absolutely true, without any flaws.

Therefore, in the eyes of Gallo, Chen Xiaobei is a real holy demon. He has made great contributions to the demons and has no doubt at all.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei penetrated into the enemy's interior smoothly.

Galo couldn't think of it anyway. Chen Xiaobei was going to see Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​not for any reward, let alone worship Mo Luo Wu Tian as a teacher!

What Chen Xiaobei really wanted was to find Mo Luo Wutian Revenge!

Even if he can't take Mo Luo's life, he must let him peel off the skin first!

Speaking of which, this is really ironic!

Originally, Mo Luowutian wanted Yun Fanqing to count on Chen Xiaobei, but now it is better. If Chen Xiaobei is not accounted for, he will be counted by Chen Xiaobei instead.

If nothing unexpected, this time Mo Luo Wutian will be pitted by his wishful thinking.

Subsequently, Chen Xiaobei and Galoyun Fanqing went on the road together.

As for Hei Feng, naturally he must stay, lead the treasure hunt team, and continue to find the next goal.

Of course, after the next target is found out, Heifeng will not report to his superiors.

After this birth-to-death adventure, Hei Feng has desperately wanted to ally with Chen Xiaobei! He can see that Chen Xiaobei is definitely a big man! It is also the only person who can change the fate of the black hunter family!

Therefore, with clues of treasures, Hei Feng will surely give information to Chen Xiaobei!


All the way north, there is no danger in the first section.

However, due to the exhaustion of Jiu Fanxian's vitality, Chen Xiaobei's body condition became very bad, and almost all the help was on Yun Fanqing's help.

Therefore, the three were not moving fast. It took a long time before they finally reached the core barracks of the Demon Army.

The demon barracks that straddled the continent were the frontline combat troops, so long as they were ordered to fight.

At this moment, the barracks is the brain of all the Demon Army, responsible for giving orders and planning!

"We've been on the road for a long time, and rest here tonight!" Gallo explained, and then took the lead to enter the barracks to negotiate.

Yun Fanqing and Chen Xiaobei followed, and went in.

This Demon Core Barracks is an extremely important heart of war! It is impossible for ordinary people to enter, even if they are demons, they must not enter or exit without permission, otherwise, there is no pardon for killing!

He revealed his identity as the ancestor of the demon ancestor, and was able to enter smoothly, and received good treatment.

After entering the barracks, Chen Xiaobei has been looking around.

The guards here are extremely rigorous, and all of them are elite soldiers. They are well trained and patrolled repeatedly, not even a fly.

In addition, Chen Xiaobei also saw several mid-level and high-level demon gods, one by one, with fierce vigor and strong aura.

All these made Chen Xiaobei secretly fortunate.

Fortunately, he and Galoyun Fanqing became partners, otherwise, it would be impossible to enter here.

Wanting to rescue the chief warrior Xuan Yu and the war chief Yan Yan, is daydreaming, there is no possibility of success at all.

That's right!

Chen Xiaobei's other purpose of this trip was to save people!

Originally, Chen Xiaobei was worried about how to successfully rescue the two chiefs.

Now, thanks to Gallo's east wind, Chen Xiaobei has been mixed into the core barracks, and the difficulty of saving people has plummeted in an instant.

At this point, Chen Xiaobei had never thought of it.

It can be regarded as a huge surprise.

The three were then taken to the VIP lounge area, where there are individual tents that look small, but the interior is very luxurious and comfortable.

Chen Xiaobei said he wanted to take a good rest and went into a tent alone.

Galovan Brahma entered another tent.

After simply settling down, Chen Xiaobei immediately called Xiao Er from the Qingdi Xianhu.

This little guy has been sleeping in the field of sunlight, and has completely digested the two-star Celestial treasure chest last time.

And this time, it broke through to the middle of Jiuxing Tianxian Realm in one breath.

At this speed, breaking through the realm of Xuanxian will not take long.

"North Brother!"

When Xiao Er saw Chen Xiaobei, he couldn't wait to say, "I already felt faintly that the third pair of wings would soon grow out! As long as I broke through to the mysterious realm, I could grow out! By then, I would have six wings. ! "

"Isn't it just two wings? See you excited!" Chen Xiaobei was a little confused.

"North Brother! You don't know yet!"

Xiao Er said: "When I grew up to six-winged and twelve-winged, they would each have a kind of talent, which is very powerful! It can even be said that it can make my strength leap essentially!"

"That's it! No wonder you're so excited! I'm all looking forward to what I said!" Chen Xiaobei calmly said, "It's not difficult for you to break through ~ ~ Eat some blood bodhi tree leaves, and then Just sleep well! "

"I think so too!" Xiao Er couldn't wait to say, "If you have nothing else to do with Brother Bei, I'll go back to Qingdi Xianhu first!"

"Don't worry! I'll call you out, of course!" Chen Xiaobei said, "Later, I'm going to rescue two people. You may have to help me bite the lock!"

"Okay! No problem!"

Xiao Er, the little maggot, was immediately excited: "I smelled a lot of fragrant treasures nearby! The lock that Beige said should not be low! If I eat it, I can eat less leaves!"

"Okay, you're ready, let's go!"

Chen Xiaobei settled down, took out two super Ruyi monkey hairs, and turned himself and Xiao Er into even smaller flying insects.

Then, Chen Xiaobei used his natural purple gas to cover himself and Xiao Er to ensure that no one would notice their whereabouts, and then flew out of the tent.

Originally, Chen Xiaobei could fly over by himself, but his physical condition was so bad that he was afraid of something unexpected, so he was accompanied by Xiaoer.

Xiao Er naturally loyal and flies in front.

The place where the two chiefs were detained, Chen Xiaobei had previously confirmed with the sacred amulet of the sky, so he did not take any detours and arrived directly there.

Those were two heavy black iron cages, and depending on the material, they were about two-star gods.

In the cage, the two one-star black chiefs have been tortured to death, and many banned runes make them completely unable to escape.


Just as Chen Xiaobei and Xiao Er were preparing to act, they suddenly broke out!

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