"Got it……"

Xiao Er reluctantly ate another big mouthful, keeping his life important, and flew back quickly to help the **** dog break the iron chain.

Chen Xiaobei took the **** dog into Xu Mi's space, and then took Xiao Er together and quickly flew back to the resting VIP tent, pretending that nothing happened, and continued to lie in bed.

After a period of time, the entire core barracks was in turmoil.

Obviously, the senior members of the demons have found that the two extremely important prisoners suddenly disappeared.

And it disappeared from under their eyelids!

Did the enemies mix in and leave the prisoner? Is there an undercover inside? How did the other party do it? Can God save the prisoner without knowing it, maybe he can kill the high level of the Demons without knowing it!

There is no doubt that this incident seems to be just the rescue of the prisoner, but the hidden huge threats have disturbed all the seniors of the demons, and they can't sleep well when they sleep!

What's more important, Mo Luo Wutian keeps these two chiefs, which has another huge role!

At this moment, they were rescued suddenly, and all the high-ranking demons of the core barracks will be severely punished.

Once severely punished, some people will feel resentment and some will be removed and transferred.

In this way, Chen Xiaobei's fundamental purpose was achieved.

Disrupt the enemy's rear and paralyze the war brain!

In this way, the frontline demon army will also fall into chaos, even if they will not be retreated, but at least it can be guaranteed that they will not launch a large-scale decisive battle for a period of time!

This is tantamount to giving the Witch a lot of time to adjust for breathing! Whether it is dispatching troops or strengthening fortress defense, it plays a vital role!

Coupled with the sufficient food provided by Chen Xiaobei, the Wu tribe can be said to have slowed down completely, sticking to the Long Que mountain range, and the odds of doubling.

It is further estimated that the Wu tribe is searching for Chi You's corpse south of the Long Que Mountain, and will also get more time, and the probability of success will also increase greatly.

This is the so-called butterfly effect!

Because of one thing, a series of subsequent reactions are triggered.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Xiaobei was rescued by the two chiefs and directly activated the original deadlock!

Now, as long as you take another step and break the game, it will be done!

That's right!

The next move is to take advantage of the opportunity to see Mo Luo lawless and cut off the connection between the demon world and the ancient land!

Of course, this move is extremely dangerous and extremely difficult. It is by no means simple to save two hostages!

First of all, Mo Luo Wu Tian is the pinnacle of the pinnacle.

Even if Chen Xiaobei fights for his life and eats a Promise Saint Motan and consumes his life, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Mo Luo Wutian!

Secondly, the channel connecting the two realms should be a special space channel. Chen Xiaobei is also not sure. Can he cut it off?

The most important thing is that if this channel is cut off, can the demons build another channel? If this problem cannot be eradicated, it is only a matter of time before the demons attack the ancient land again.

The third and most important point is, suppose Chen Xiaobei can handle Mo Luo Wutian and cut off the two realms. However, after he cut off the passage, will he be involved in the turbulent space? Where will it be teleported? Will it even be directly hanged by the space insurgency?

Obviously, this last move seems simple, but if you really want to succeed, you still need to fight for your life!

Even fighting for your life may not be successful!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei's state of mind is extremely powerful. No matter how many obstacles and dangers ahead, he will never waver! Rather die!

The turmoil in the barracks certainly affected the VIP rest area.

However, Gallo had the identity of the demon ancestor, and the guards could prove that the VIPs had never left the rest area, so Chen Xiaobei's suspicion was quickly ruled out.

After the suspect is ruled out.

Chen Xiaobei was completely relieved and went directly into Xu Mi space.


There are eight people in Xumi space.

Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin, Xu Tianxin, Hell Dog, Six-Eared Macaque, Chief Fei Xuan Yu, Chief Evil Scar, and the sinful slave who has been 100% loyal to Chen Xiaobei, who eats Tianting Dog Food, Xu Fu!

Because they are also the Wu tribe.

Dijiang and Zhujiuyin have helped the two chiefs contact the rune forbidden by the seal repair, and simply helped them deal with their injuries.

After Chen Xiaobei came in, he used acupuncture and some herbs to further heal the two chiefs.

"Flop ... Flop ..."

The two chiefs then knelt down in front of Chen Xiaobei and worshiped, saying, "Meet the ancestor of Pangu ancestor! Thank you, ancestor ancestor for his life-saving grace!"

Obviously, Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin had already identified their identities, and the identity of Chen Xiaobei had also been told to the two chiefs.

"Get up and talk!"

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: "This is a special time, we must seize all the time, and we don't have to stick to these false gifts!"


The two chief warriors stood up at once ~ www.readwn.com ~ and they were not arrogant, nor did they deliberately please Chen Xiaobei.

This is the real Witch tribe, simply and neatly, without the slightest inflorescence.

Chen Xiaobei did not make nonsense, went straight to the topic and asked: "Tell me first, why did the demons arrest you without killing them? What are their plans? What do you want to do with you?"

"Master Zusheng is wise! The demons don't kill us, because we still have value!"

The chief Yanyan chief took the lead to say, "During the period of our detention, the Emperor Tiansha came to talk to us three times in person, and wanted us to be enchanted and serve the demons!"


Chen Xiaobei frowned, and said, "Things won't be so simple! The two of you are just one-star mysterious **** realm, and the demons don't lack strong men at this level! I have drawn you three times, and there must be another picture!"

"Master Zu Sheng is right!"

Xuan Yu chief chief continued: "The real purpose of the demons to draw us together is three. First, let us go back to the ancient eighty-one days to become undercover! Second, let me say" The Twelve Capitals Array "position! Third, let's help lift the ban on the ancestral witch!"


Chen Xiaobei nodded, and in the deep black eyes flashed a clever sense of wisdom: "The first two things are well understood! And the third thing is not so simple!"

"According to your statement, the Demon Clan should have dug up the body of Candle Jiuyin, but there is a ban on the body that was personally imposed by Candle Jiuyin that year, reaching the highest level of quasi-sanity!"

"Unless Mo Luo Wutian comes in person, no one among the demons can break this heavy restriction, and he will not be able to obtain the ancestral witch corpse of Zhu Jiuyin!"

"Exactly! Mo Luo Wutian has to sit in the two-lane passageway in person, and it is impossible to drive in person! In this way, Zhu Jiuyin's body is me!"

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