Three Realm Red Envelopes Chapter 3744 Choice Choice Audiobook Listening Online

"Observe! Please follow us!"

The two demon gods did not dare to have a nonsense, and immediately took Chen Xiaobei and rushed towards the place where the body of Zhu Jiuyin was found.

Obviously, Mo Luo Wu Tian has the supreme position in the demon world.

Even if Chen Xiaobei is just a magical messenger of Mo Luo, he can still decide many things in one sentence, and no Mozu dares to resist.

It was a huge cave, very deep, and very wide, and it was even possible to build an underground city in the cave.

It can be seen that the demons really made great efforts for Candle Jiuyin's corpse, consuming countless manpower and material resources, and a lot of precious time.

Here, Chen Xiaobei saw a large number of elite soldiers of the Demon race, a large number of demon gods, and the high-level Xuan **** realm.

Of course, all these people must obey Chen Xiaobei's order and all withdrew from the burrow. Even the Emperor Tiansha didn't dare to say a word, and immediately did so, so as not to be guilty by Mo Luo.


In the cave, there was only Chen Xiaobei, and the huge body of Zhu Jiuyin.

The human face dragon body, several thousand meters long, is covered with red dragon scales, entangled in the void of the burrow, like a living creature, overwhelming and domineering.

"Great! This second ancestor witch corpse, from now on, is in my pocket!"

Chen Xiaobei raised her eyebrows and summoned Candle Jiuyin from the space of Xu Mi immediately.

"Brother, wait a minute!"

Zhu Jiuyin was preparing at all times, and immediately acted without Chen Xiaobei's order.

"Wow ..."

I saw that Zhu Jiuyin pinched the law to provoke Xianyuan, and lifted the prohibition imposed on the body of the deity with a unique secret magic technique.

"You go back first, it would be bad if you were found!"

Chen Xiaobei immediately returned Zhu Jiuyin to Xumi Space.

"Boom ... Boom ..."

Immediately afterwards, a huge sensation broke out at the scene. Like Dijiang's corpse, Zhu Jiuyin's corpse immediately began to collapse and collapse after losing the support of the restraining force.

After all, the great war of the year was so horrible that every ancestor was seriously wounded, and it would be great to leave the whole body.

The dragon body, which is several kilometers long, was cut directly into nine pieces, and numerous scars on the body appeared.

The human face at the front of the dragon body also became dry and pale, like a dry zombie.

Of course, no matter how severe the damage is, this is always the body of Zhu Jiuyin, and it is necessary for sanctification.

Chen Xiaobei naturally immediately put it into the space ring and closed it.

"唰 唰 唰 ... 唰 唰 唰 ..."

This huge sensation immediately attracted the attention of many demons outside the burrow.

Under the leadership of Tiansha Demon Emperor, a large number of high-ranking demons flew towards the hole, and they could not let Zhu Jiuyin's corpse make any mistakes.

"Come fast!"

Chen Xiaobei looked up at the demons with a complicated look.

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei has two choices.

One is to use the Guiyuan bracelet to evacuate directly, and the other is to return to Mo Luo Wutian.

Of course, if Tiansha Demon rushes forward and Chen Xiaobei wants to leave again, it is too late.

After all, after the Guiyuan bracelet is opened, the door of space will continue to close for a while. As long as the Tiansha Demon chased to the door, Chen Xiaobei could not fly.

However, this is only an assumption.

Chen Xiaobei never thought of running away!

Yun Fanqing is still at Mo Luo Wu Tian, ​​leaving her alone, must be fierce.

Moreover, Chen Xiaobei came here this time in order to help Yun Fanqing revenge, how could he easily let go of Mo Luowutian?

"You guys don't have to come down! Candle Nine Yin Corpse, I have put away, now go back and meet the Godless Demon ancestor!"

Chen Xiaobei's tone was calm and he flew directly into the sky.

Tiansha Modi and others heard that they were naturally surprised and happy, and praised Chen Xiaobei again and again.

"It is indeed a messenger of the demon ancestors, and the problem will be solved as soon as it is shot. I really admire it!"

"The magic ancestors of the ancestors are superb! It can lift the peak quasi-level ban. It is really a hero!"

"The ancestor of the ancestors took the body of Candle Nine Yin, and the people we kept here can finally take a good rest! Thanks to the ancestor of the ancestors! Thanks ..."

In the voices of praise from each other, Chen Xiao flew out of the burrow.

The reason to rush away was because Chen Xiaobei almost smiled again.

The actions of these demons are really like a piece of a sketch on the earth ... Chen Xiaobei has fled their babies away, and they are desperately thanking Chen Xiaobei!

That is, Chen Xiaobei's state of mind is overbearing, and changing people here has long been laughing.


Within the passage of space.

Mo Luo Wutian still closed his eyes and raised his mind, but the twenty-seven demon saints around him had begun to get restless.

"Have you heard? A huge sensation just broke out! This shows that Xuanbei has touched the body of Zhu Jiuyin! He ... can he succeed?"

"Unsuccessful, let alone mention, he must not damage the ancestral witch's body ... otherwise ~ ~ the consequences are unthinkable!"

"Yeah! It ’s a shameless northwest, death is not a pity! I'm afraid he doesn't understand how to pretend, touches the prohibition and hurts the ancestral witch's body, so it's troublesome!"

Obviously, the twenty-seven demon saints absolutely did not trust that Xuanbei, who had just been seen as a poor man.

In their opinion, it was almost impossible for Chen Xiaobei to take down the body of Zhu Jiuyin. Even Chen Xiaobei didn't help, they were thankful.

"But ... what if Xuanbei succeeds?"

At this time, Gallo made a different sound.

Perhaps it is the cause of twinning twins. In the subtle way, Gallo also has an inexplicable feeling for Chen Xiaobei!

Sincerely told her that Chen Xiaobei will succeed!

And she actually believed it!

"If Xuanbei succeeds ... if he doesn't come back, he must be as the demon ancestor said, even if we abandon this space channel, we must kill him! Endlessly!"

The surrounding saints clamored one after another, one by one, fierce and horrifying, and the coercion of horror, as if to shatter the entire space.

In this case, only Yun Fanqing and Mo Luo Wutian remained quiet.

Mo Luo Wutian is still keeping his eyes closed, because everything is under his control and there is no need to be half flustered.

And Yun Fanqing was caught in the anxiety.

On the one hand, she hopes that Xuanbei is Chen Xiaobei, so that Chen Xiaobei is not dead!

On the other hand, she hoped that Xuanbei was not Chen Xiaobei, because Chen Xiaobei could not escape the palm of Mo Luowutian. Once the filling is exposed, he will undoubtedly die!

"Don't bother, everyone!"

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei arrived on schedule, with a confident smile, and appeared in front of the crowd. "I have done the work, Lord Mozu, what reward do you plan to give me this time?"


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