"This ... this is not OK!"

Zi Peng's holy expression looked suddenly, and Shen Sheng said, "Xun Peng's holy veins, there are only two in the world! These are the treasures given to me by the Master. I must leave the last one!"

"What are you nervous?"

Dugu Burial Fairly said indifferently: "This kind of elixir, I just need to take one, but two are useless! It is nothing more than a peace of mind!"

"As my status, can I still lie to you? What can you feel uneasy about?" Said Supreme Master Zipeng.

The Duke Funeral Fairy asked: "Since you won't lie to me, give me the elixir first, and I will give it back to you after the marriage contract is made. What's wrong with it?"

"This ..." Saint Zipeng lingered for a while.

He is definitely not stupid, he already feels vaguely that he may be pitted.

Just now, the Dugu Burial Immortal used the slogan method, saying that his Zi Peng Holy Lord is not as good as Chen Xiaobei. He was annoyed for a while and gave a Du Peng Shengmai Dan to the Dugu Burial Immortal.

At this moment, the lonely burial fairy became fierce and wanted a second one. He gave neither, nor did he give. It was really a dilemma, extremely depressed.

"It seems you are not sincerely proposing to me!"

The lonely funeral fairy took out the newly-received Kunpeng Shengmai Dan and deliberately handed it over: "Give you back! We don't even have the minimum trust between us, and we won't be happy together in the future!"


Zipeng Shengzun was in situ, which was even more difficult.

If the elixir is withdrawn, it is tantamount to giving up the solitary burial fairy! But if you do n’t take back this elixir, you have to lose another one!

This multiple-choice question is really confusing to vomit blood.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Xiaobei was sitting at the back and almost smiled. Silently gave hundreds of likes to the lonely funeral fairy.

This girl really learned the essence of Da Huyou.

If Zipeng saint gives up, the lone buried funeral will veto the marriage contract as a matter of course and will not be entangled by the other party.

If Zipeng Shengzun does not give up, the lonely buried fairy backhand will deceive him two priceless Sheng Dan, and pat him on the bottom, leaving him to cry blindly.

"Fairy! Don't make a fool!"

However, at this moment, the Lord Yulin stood up and said, "The Lord Zi Peng gave you a panacea, which is enough to show sincerity! Grandpa is willing to guarantee him, he will never lie to you!"

"Thank you Brother 2!" The Supreme Master Zi Peng quickly thanked him if he was pardoned.

Obviously, this sentence of Jade Emperor Yulin directly solves the problem of Zipeng Saint, and a single elixir can solve the problem.

"Why doesn't Grandpa vouch for me?"

Of course, the solitary burial fairy would not agree, with a small face and a bad temper: "Grandpa should definitely trust me since he recognizes me as a granddaughter! I won't lie to Zipeng Shengzhuang! If grandpa can't believe it, then when I don't Have been here! "

After finishing speaking, Dugu Burial Fairy placed the elixir on the coffee table beside Chen Xiaobei, turned away and left.

"Good granddaughter! Don't leave! It's bad for grandpa! Don't leave!"

The Lord Yulin really regarded the solitary burial fairy as his granddaughter, and after a while of distress, he quickly caught up.

The solitary burial fairy murmured with a small mouth, and did not give Yulin Saint a good look.

"Okay! Grandpa listens to you!"

Saint Yulin settled down, looked at Lord Zipeng, and Shen Sheng said: "Seven masters, you also saw that this girl and the old man have no choice! It ’s better to do so, the old man as a guarantee for this girl! You will put two Dans Give her all the medicines temporarily! On the date of the marriage contract, I will return one to you! "


The Lord Zi Peng was a stunner again, and the puzzle he had just solved was thrown on his face again.

give! engagement!

No! Goodbye!

How to choose this? Zi Peng Sheng is really tangled.

"Why? Wouldn't you be too old to believe?" Yulin Sheng asked in a deep voice.

"No! Of course I can trust Brother Er ... Old Brother Er's intention!"

After all, the Supreme Master Peng Peng cannot resist the beauty of the lonely buried fairy.

Of course, he valued the blood of the quasi-sacred peak of the alone burial of immortal immortal. If the two are combined, what will be the future child?

Thinking of this, Zipeng Shengzong finally made up his mind to take out the second and last Kun Peng Shengmai Dan and hand it over to the lone buried funeral.


The lonely funeral smiled with a smile, and she was extremely glamorous: "This is your gift! When Bao Jia comes to me, it will be officially hired. When the marriage contract comes into effect, I will return you a panacea!"

"Okay ... okay!" Saint Zipeng sighed and asked expectantly, "Can I call you Fairy now?"


The dugu burial fairy collected both elixirs and shook his head directly, saying, "Let's wait until you are hired! Everyone is a man with a head and a face. Everyone has rules, otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke for outsiders!"


With his gaze fixed, Zi Peng Sheng couldn't wait to say: "I'll go back and tell our father about our marriage contract. If my father is okay, I can send a treasure armor as soon as possible!"

"So what if he's okay?" Asked Dugu Buxian.

"If anything ... it may take some time!" Said Zipeng Shengzhuang, "the amount of calamity is approaching, my father is too busy, I hope Xian ... I hope Miss Dugu can be patient!"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I have a lot of time, and I have patience." Du Guo buried the fairy with a sly smile, and had other plans in her heart.

"So, I won't bother!"

Zipeng Shengru thought he was chic, and turned away.

"We are leaving too!"

Lord Mohan and King Jin were so ashamed that they wanted to leave for a long time and got up to leave.

"Second Brother!"

However, at this time, Zipeng Shengzhang, who had just gone out a short time, turned back, stared at Chen Xiaobei angrily, and said, "If you remember correctly, this boy is also the pursuer of Miss Dugu! I hope, he Can disappear from Miss Dugu! It's best not to show up! "

"Brother Seventh Master, rest assured, I will ask this young man to say a few words and I will ask him to leave!" Yulin Shengzun said very seriously.

Obviously, this old man was like breaking up Chen Xiaobei and Dugu Burial Immortal ~ www.readwn.com ~ This sentence is naturally true, and Chen Xiaobei will never be left.

"Okay! With the words of the second elder brother, I can rest assured!" Lord Zi Peng nodded, and then he really left.

"What does the old man want to tell me?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"You are a good boy! However, you are not in the right way with us, and you cannot be a family after all!"

Yulin Sheng Shen said in a deep voice: "The old three Yulin Shengyuandan, your husband gave you! Please leave Xianer, and never disturb her life!"

"Grandpa! You can't let Xuanbei go!"

The dugu burial fairy panicked on the spot: "Eye-sighted people can see that as soon as Xuanbei walks on his front foot, his hind foot will be killed by Zipeng Shengzun!".


Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, and said, "As long as the old man answers my question truthfully, I will say nothing and leave immediately!"

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