() "Why ... what a bold idea?"

Zipeng Sheng didn't dare to talk, but he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart. He looked at Chen Xiaobei and asked indifferently.

"It doesn't matter to tell you!" Chen Xiaobei sneered: "Anyway, you already know enough of my secrets! I will never let you go!"

"I ..." Zipeng Shengzun heard that the entire face was green.

I really want to take one hundred and eight big slaps. In order to satisfy curiosity and inquire about Chen Xiaobei's secrets, he will only make himself more trapped in Chen Xiaobei's palm. He can never escape and never die!

Chen Xiaobei frowned and said indifferently: "In your treasure house, there are ample 30 billion top-quality spirit jade, your storage bracelet is in public, and several hundred million! By analogy, your brothers should Are you rich? "


Zi Peng's holy expression looked for a moment, and he said, "Four brothers, five brothers, and six brothers, none of me have money ... But, master, second and third brothers, are richer than me!"

"Especially brother, in the past trillions of years, he has stepped back to where he was, with all his heart, thinking about making money! Conservatively estimate that his wealth may be ten times more than mine, or even more!"


Chen Xiaobei smiled: "In addition to your fellow brothers, there is also the demon teacher Xu Peng! I want to gather all the wealth of everyone! In this way, it is possible to realize my bold ideas!"

"You ... what exactly do you want to do? You need so many spirits ... you can't use it ..." Zi Pengsheng looked blank, unable to guess Chen Xiaobei's intentions at all.

Chen Xiaobei frowned and said in an extremely unpredictable tone, "I want to create a heavenly saint!"


The Supreme Master Zi Peng heard the words, and the whole person was stupid: "Did I hear it wrong? Or did you say it wrong? What did you make !? Heavenly Sage ????"

"Yes! That is the saint of heaven!" Chen Xiaobei smiled with a very confident smile, and he already had a comprehensive plan in his heart.

"Xiaobei Shangxian! You've finished all the plans! Don't sell anything ... I'm almost curious to die!" Zi Pengsheng stunned and looked puzzled.

If others say that they want to make heavenly saints, the Supreme Lord Peng Peng would never believe it.

However, according to Chen Xiaobei, the Supreme Master Zipeng believed three points directly. After all, Chen Xiaobei is a man who can carry the attack of the saint of heaven, and it is all possible!

"My plan is simple, four words! Six-eared macaque!" Chen Xiaobei's mouth evoked a wicked smile, extremely confident.

"Six ... six ... six ... six-eared macaques !!!!!!"

Zi Peng Sheng is not stupid, it is clear at a glance, and suddenly screamed suddenly: "You are going to use the six-eared macaque to become my master, and then sanctify with immense public morality !?"

"Yes! This is my plan!" Chen Xiaobei laughed.

"Chen Xiaobei! You are simply not a human! It is a super wicked monster! You can think of this kind of ghost idea! Crazy ... This is simply Madam !!!!"

Zipeng Shengzhang was completely calm. His pupils were locked, his scalp was numb, and he began to have an extremely strong fear of Chen Xiaobei.

It seems that Chen Xiaobei is some kind of extremely horrible existence. At this moment, the Supreme Master Zi Peng looks at Chen Xiaobei more, his heart will become hairy, and his back and limbs will be cold.

This horrifying plan is almost terrifying to the extreme!

Only Chen Xiaobei can imagine this!

Once successful, the current situation will inevitably undergo tremendous changes, and even many things will be completely subverted!

"You don't have to be so nervous!"

Chen Xiaobei was very indifferent, and said very calmly: "Although I have this plan, it is impossible to achieve the ultimate goal right now! The six-eared macaque can only temporarily stay at the peak of the quasi-sanctification. If he wants to be sanctified, he must find another opportunity. ! "


The Supreme Master Zi Peng is very smart, and thought about it carefully and said, "Yeah ... even if the six ears copied the immense morality of my Master, but to be sanctified, there must be heavenly recognition! Otherwise, it is just like the queen queen Earth, merits in air, but not sanctification! "


Chen Xiaobei nodded and said: "Although the transformation of the six-eared macaque can hide the eyes of most people, it cannot hide the heaven and the sage! Therefore, the six-eared macaque cannot be sanctified for the moment!"

"But as long as he has the peak quasi-cultivation practice, it will be a great help to me. In the future, if there is a chance, the six-eared macaque will be sanctified, and finally my sanctification plan will be realized!"

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei's head was very calm, and he had already calculated everything clearly.

This time, we have to exhaust all our wealth to help the six-eared macaque to become Kun Peng.

In the future, there will be Pinnacle Zhunsheng as a bodyguard. Chen Xiaobei can walk in most places in the heavens and the world!

Of course, the most important thing is that by doing so, you can prevent Kun Peng from becoming sanctified!

Otherwise, once Xun Peng becomes the new saint, Chen Xiaobei may be inferred, and the God of Heaven may become an abandoned son and a dead end!

Because of this, Chen Xiaobei must stop Kun Peng from being sanctified at all costs!

"Xiao Bei Shang Xian ... you are really terrible ..."

Zipeng Shengyan swallowed drastically. From this moment, he has begun to admire Chen Xiaobei from the heart.

This plan is not only crazy and against the sky, but also has calm considerations and courage. Chen Xiaobei has almost no weaknesses.

The Supreme Master of Peng Peng even started secretly thinking about whether to push the boat smoothly and surrender directly to Chen Xiaobei.

Of course, it's just a consideration!

If the plan of Chen Xiaobei fails, the Supreme Lord of Peng Peng will definitely stand on the side of the demon teacher Peng Peng.

But ~ www.readwn.com ~ If Chen Xiaobei's plan is successful, Zi Peng Sheng will naturally submit to Chen Xiaobei, be a dog at the foot of Chen Xiaobei, and even persuade his father, Jinyi Dapeng, to come with Chen Xiaobei Alliance.

Zi Peng Sheng is very clever, and he has already prepared himself with two hands. It all depends on whether Chen Xiaobei can succeed.

Prior to this, Zipeng Shengzun was even willing to cooperate with Chen Xiaobei to help Chen Xiaobei advance the plan.

As the calamity is approaching, Zipeng Shengzun considers for himself and chooses a more favorable development, which is definitely something smart people do.

"Xiaobei Shangxian! Now that you have an idea, I'll take you to see my master now!" Said Saint Zipeng, "As long as you can get my master, you will have the opportunity to see the demon master. Then, you You can implement your plan! ".

Chen Xiaobei glanced at Zipeng Shengzhuang, sharp eyes, as if directly penetrating the entire Zipeng Shengzun, thinking of his careful abacus, all see through!

"No hurry, I haven't figured out how to deal with that **** hare!" Chen Xiaobei shrugged and said, "Let's go back and find Xianer!"

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