Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3781: Something happened


Words follow the law, and from the point of my eyebrows, a gush of aura like the Milky Way sky suddenly emerges!

Immediately afterwards, the starlight turned into a spiral of stars, spinning at high speed in front of Tai Yi, and gradually came up with a very special phase of law.

This method looks like chaos and yellow, and the sun, moon, and stars appear on the surface, and the water, water, and wind! Surrounded by mountains and rivers, floods and wilds!

In the end, the French phase was solidly condensed and turned out to be a bronze bell!

That's right!

This is exactly one of the three congenital treasures! Chaos Clock! Also called Donghuangzhong!

This bell can suppress the Hongmeng world, imprison time and space, and rebound all attacks! It is said that the five-colored light shone the heavens, and the Chaos mighty shocked the world!

One can imagine how powerful it is!

Of course, what appeared at this moment was only the phoenix of Donghuangzhong, not the deity.

This is too unique a holy power!

The East Emperor Zhong Fa appeared one after the other, which could ban the power of the tens of thousands of people. The higher the Taiyi cultivation, the better the ban.

With this ability, Taiyi can be invincible at the same level.

And among the heavens and worlds, except for Taiyi, no second person has this ability.

"Bye ... bye Your Majesty !!!"

The White Bear Saint no longer had any doubts, and put away all the mixed Yuan Shenghui and Xianyuan, kneeling on his knees.

boom! boom! boom!

He didn't say a word, and loudly and heavily gave Tai three heads.

"Get up and talk."

Tai Yi raised his hand indifferently and calmly said, "I understand your mood, but at this moment, time is urgent, and I hope you can calm down as soon as possible, and ally with us to work together to prevent San Peng from becoming holy!"

"Your Majesty! Don't be fooled by Chen Xiaobei!"

The White Bear Saint said in a hurry: "The master of the Holy Yuan City Yuanjiao is the demon teacher Xun Peng! Think back then that you were close brothers! Your Majesty, have you forgotten?"

"Brother?" He laughed so much, it was cold and cold.

"His Majesty……"

The White Bear Saint thought for a while, and suddenly realized: "I know! Chen Xiaobei is now your contract master, what he says is what! As long as I kill him, Your Majesty you will be able to return to normal, and you can think of talking to the demon master. The glory days of a brother ... "

"shut up!"

Too cold and cold, he screamed, "Although North Brother is my contract master, he has always treated me like a loved one, and never made any demands on me as the owner!"

"This ... how is this possible !?" The White Bear Saint couldn't believe it.

Taiyi went on to say, "Also, the demon master in your mouth, my brother, is actually the culprit that led to the destruction of my demon heaven. It is he who betrayed me! Betrayed everyone in the demon heaven."

"What !!! This ... what the **** is going on here ???" The White Bear Saint was dumbfounded for a moment, and his head was simple. At this moment, it was about to be short-circuited.


Taiyi follows the ins and outs of things one by one.

At the time of the decisive battle of the Lich, Xun Peng stole the Luoshu River map and destroyed Di Jun's "Zhou Tian Xing Xing Zhen". Then, the emperor and the three great ancestors all belonged together, leaving only one single tree to bear. In the end, the monsters lost their chance of winning and could only go with the witches to the same end!

"This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

The White Bear Saint shook his head desperately, and he couldn't believe that he would be so despicable and shameless, so ruthless and wicked, and so self-serving and evil!

"You have a simple mind and don't want to think deep down. Otherwise, you should have seen some flaws for so many years!"

Taiyi said: "First of all, after the Lich War, Luo Shuhe Tu waited for the treasure, but was not taken away by the saints' patriarchs, but stayed in the hands of Kun Peng, don't you think it strange?

"This ..." Shocked the White Bear, he was speechless.

Luo Shuhe Tu is a sacred treasure, and it is the core of "Zhou Tian Xing Da Zhen". Even the heavenly saints are eager to get it, how can it be left to Xun Peng?

This is definitely a major doubt!

Taiyi continued: "Secondly, after the robberies, the survivors of the demon heaven court were hunted down and killed by the saints' religion, and eight pillars of the nine courts died! Just one of the top-ranking Peng Peng lived! Don't you think it strange? "

"This ... this ..." Saint Bear is still speechless.

It stands to reason that Xun Peng is the head of the nine pillars of the demon celestial court, known as the demon master, and the saint should first chase and kill him.

However, only eight other people were beheaded, and only Xun Peng was alive and well.

Doubt! Major doubt!

Tai Yi said again and again: "In the end, I had unified the heavens and the world to make the world's peace and virtue! It is also an immeasurable virtue. Why can Peng Peng be sanctified? But I have no place to die?

"This ... this ... this ..." The Lord White Bear collapsed completely.

He is carefree and simple-headed, but he is definitely not stupid! The facts are here!

Xun Peng was secretly instructed by Tiandao to betray the demon heaven, so that the two sides of the Lich were all killed together, killing two birds with one stone, eliminating the two major threats to heaven!

Because of this, the sage did not embarrass Peng Peng, and left his life, and also left him Luoshuhetu, and even, at the moment, gave him the opportunity to preach sanctification!

To say that Peng Peng is not a traitor, I am afraid that three-year-olds will not believe it.

"Heavenly Peng Peng! I don't wear it with you !!!"

The white bear saint roared hysterically.

For a long time, his loyalty to Kun Peng, in this second, completely collapsed, shattered, and swept away! Instead, there is endless hatred and killing!

The White Bear Saint hates the traitor most!

And Xun Peng, not only a traitor, but also deceived the use of Bai Xiongzun trillion trillion years!

At this moment, the hatred of the White Bear Saint, like countless volcanoes erupting at the same time, is enough to blast the void, smash eternal, endlessly! !! !!

"Xiaobei Shangxian! I just blame me for being blind-eyed and offended you. Now, I am willing to be your little horse pawn. I will fight wherever you point. Even if I lose my life, I won't blink my eyelids!"

The white bear saint is a man, black and white, and blood.

For the bottom line in his heart ~ ~ he will never die, regardless of cost.

"OK! Get up first!"

Chen Xiaobei said: "First of all, I want the resources in your treasure house. Except for some things you use often, the rest are all for me!"

"No problem!" Without saying a word, Bai Xiong Shengzun took Chen Xiaobei to open the treasure house.

He only took away three things, and the rest were all given to Chen Xiaobei.

This time, Chen Xiaobei got 40 billion top-quality Lingyu, countless resources.

"Booming ..."

However, at this moment, a terrible loud noise suddenly burst from the sky, and even shook the entire city.

"No! There is something wrong with Father Yulin!"

Chen Xiaobei's face changed drastically, and he immediately rushed over with everyone.

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