() Originally, to drive chaos, it can only be used when a certain peak is achieved, and then break through a major realm!

However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei's pseudo-realm is in the early stage of one-star quasi-holy. In theory, chaos cannot be used.

However, at this moment, driving chaos is completely different, and it has been given even more anti-natural effects by the power of Zijin Dragon!

Ding——revive: half step true saint, life span: 10,000 years, physique: XXX, combat power: XXX, primal attack: holy level!

This wave of improvement has directly burned out more than 950 million years of life, and the effect can only last for ten seconds!

However, at this moment, even Chen Xiaobei did not expect this result.

Half a step really holy! !! !!

Wouldn't it be beyond the pinnacle of quasi-holy existence?

At this moment, no one is Chen Xiaobei's opponent unless the heavenly saint comes!

"Boom ... Boom ..."

Suddenly, the purple golden dragon's fins and purple golden dragon's wing behind Chen Xiaobei suddenly exploded to the extent of a trillion trillion miles, and even the entire North Underwater Sea was completely covered!

On top of the fins of the Zijin Dragon, covering numerous dragon scales, blooming Shenghui of Zijin mixed with gold, exuding terrible shocking pressure, and even making the whole space tremble astringently, and even the sea water boiled, gradually becoming Sticky, like burnt purple gold, terrifying and extremely gorgeous.

For a while, it was not just the people in the city of the Holy Ghost, but even the four saints and the Emperor Taiyi could not help but kneel on one knee, looking up at Chen Xiaobei's majestic posture!

"Oh !!!! Rao ..."

The long-eared fixed light fairy screamed hysterically.

However, in just one second, without even saying the words of mercy, his voice stopped abruptly.

"Well !!!"

I saw that Chen Xiaobei waved at ease, and the Zijin mixed Yuan Shenghui suddenly condensed and appeared a huge dragon owl!

The dragon swallowed a mouth, like a giant whale swallowing an ant, swallowing long-eared Dingguangxian directly!

"Uh ... boil ..."

Immediately afterwards, Ding Guangxian made a terrible scream.

In the mouth of the dragon dharma method, his body was chopped by countless blade-like mixed Yuan Shenghui, endlessly, and finally became ground meat.

His body was burned by a purple-gold fire, melted a little bit and destroyed!

In the end, his Yuanshen, drawn back, instantly returned to Chen Xiaobei's palm.

Chen Xiaobei pinched the long-eared Dingguangxian Yuanshen, just like a bug! With just one thought, he can be completely obliterated and never be born!

However, Chen Xiaobei did not immediately start.

"Well !!!"

With a change of heart, Chen Xiaobei appeared directly above the core palace of Yuanjiao after a thousandth of a second.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei did not expect that the Nine Saints would be so scary.

Originally, Chen Xiaobei only wanted to use the Nine Demon Transformers to deal with Dingguang Dingguangxian, but at this moment, it seems that there are seven seconds left, which is enough to clean up with Xu Peng.

"Rao ..."

Long ear Dingguangxian naturally wanted to beg for mercy, but he still was shocked and stunned again before he could finish speaking.

I saw that Chen Xiaobei waved again, very simple and casual.

"Howling !!!"

Suddenly, there was a dragon-peng method condensed by the Zijin mixed Yuan Shenghui, who dived down towards the headquarter of Yuanjiao.

You should know that in order not to be disturbed, Yuan Peng has enveloped the entire Yuan religion with a peak quasi-sacred "Sheng Ling Ling Ze Jue Zhen".

This large array is very mysterious, and it is said that it is completely modeled after the "Choutian Star Formation".

If there is a Luoshuhetu suppression of the core array, Holy Power can erupt.

Unfortunately, after the second immeasurable calamity, Zhenxian Daxian came to Beihai Youhai, beat Kun Peng, and snatched the Luoshu River map.

Because of this, there is no holy-level supreme suppression in this "Sheng Ling Ling Ze Jue Zhen", so it can only stimulate the peak quasi-sacred power.

Originally, Chen Xiaobei couldn't break the line at all, so he thought of winning the long ear Dingguangxian, and then approached Xu Peng with the cause of offering a treasure.

However, even Chen Xiaobei didn't expect that Jiusheng Jiuhuan was so scary.

Dragon owl drives chaos!

Directly go out a half-step true saint! !! !!

In the face of absolute power, all plans, calculations, and plots have become meaningless.

Don't make those garish! It's over!

"Oh !!!! Hmm ..."

As Zijin Longpeng dived down, the terrible power of horror instantly crushed the protective layer of "Sheng Ling Ling Ze Jue Zhen"!

"Boom ... Boom ..."

Long Peng swooped down without any more actions than the strong winds driven by the wings, which completely crushed all the houses, palaces, and roads of Yuanjiao into ruins!

"Oh ... mom ..."

Long-eared Dingguangxian was scared and screamed again and again. If it were not only a group of Yuanshen, he might have been scared at this moment.

"Om ..."

At the same time, in the middle of the ruins, a dark cyan mixed Yuan Shenghui suddenly rose up to the sky.

And at the bottom of the dark cyan mixed Yuan Shenghui, you can see that an extremely beautiful woman is sitting cross-legged, her eyes closed, as if everything around her was unknown.

That's right!

She is the reincarnation of the ancestral witch.

In the fairyland, Chen Xiaobei had a relationship with her and knew everything about her!

She is the youngest sister at the end of the twelve ancestors, and Di Jiangzhu Jiuyin cares about her very much.

Chen Xiaobei also promised that Dijiang not only would not kill her, but would protect her and slay her contract master, so that she would be free again.

And at this moment, her contract master, the demon teacher, Peng Peng, was rising into the air, and suddenly followed the path of the dark cyan mixed Yuan Shenghui that directly led to the sky, and suddenly flew up.

However, the demon teacher Xun Peng did not want to fight, but to flee directly.

Obviously, even the top quasi-sacred level "Sheng Ling Ling Ze Jue Zhen" was easily broken, and the enemy's strength is no longer what his Kun Peng can compete with.

It can be seen that ~ www.readwn.com ~ Yun Peng is still very clever. As soon as he notices the danger, he doesn't even talk a little nonsense.

"Want to leave? Not so easy!"

Of course, Chen Xiaobei couldn't let him go. Pengyi's fins suddenly moved and they arrived at a speed of a hundred times, blocking him in front of Xun Peng.

"who are you!?"

The monster teacher Peng Peng's face changed dramatically: "Under the saint, when will you have such a terrible monster power !?"

"Wow ..."

While roaring, the demon teacher Xun Peng directly showed the demon prototype. .

He knew that the visitor was not good. Since he could not escape, he could only fight desperately.

I can only see that the black and white robe on his body burst directly, and his shape suddenly rose at an incredible speed, and in a short time, he turned into a giant monster with a length of 900 million miles!

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