Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 3792: Reincarnation

Old stone forest.

Although it bears a forest word, in this large area, half of the trees cannot be found, and some are mountain peaks like Tianzhu.

Thousands of mountain peaks gather together like towering stone forests, soaring and spectacular.

Chen Xiaobei took the three reincarnated ancient witches and flew directly to the depths of the jungle formed by this chaotic rocky mountain.

Here, there are obvious signs of fighting

Thousands of huge mountain peaks were blasted into waste residue, and the earth mountains were broken, shattered, like ruins.

"I first used the glimpse of the heavenly charm to see the true Yin of the Taiyin. It was here that I later used the glider of the heavenly charm to check the location of the dog, which is also nearby."

Chen Xiaobei's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and she was a little worried: "Looking at the situation in front of you, Taiyin Zhenxian has already fought Yang Yang and did not know who won or lost

"It should be a match."

Dijiang said: "Yang Yang and Taiyin Zhenxian are both seven-star quasi-sages. If this is a deadly struggle, this whole messy ancient forest will be razed to the ground, and even the entire ancient land will be shaken and cracked."

"You mean, they just fought a little bit," Chen Xiaobei asked.

Di Jiang said: "Looking at the traces of the fight, they may not have met, maybe Tai Yin Zhenxian just hit the monster in the mountain and removed it at will."

"You can say that, I can rest assured."

Chen Xiaobei frowned, and said, "Unfortunately, I have already snooped Luo's position with the Peeping Heavenly Amulet. It must be used again tomorrow, otherwise, there is no need to guess here"

"Actually, don't guess blindly"

Hou Tumei's eyes moved slightly, and she stretched out a slender finger, pointing at a huge crack on the ground, saying, "Taiyin Zhenxian came here for no reason."

"How to say this" Chen Xiaobei wondered.

Houtu said earnestly: "Under the ground, it seems that there is a hidden mystery. I have faintly sensed the breath of reincarnation."

"What does reincarnation mean?" Chen Xiaobei was very puzzled.

Zhu Jiuyin explained: "The little girl is the ancestral witch of reincarnation, and everything related to the power of reincarnation can only be felt by her."

"Come with me, let's go down and talk about it first." Houtu took the lead and flew to the front.

The three Chen Xiaobei kept up immediately and did not dare to neglect.

At the moment, Chen Xiaobei's repair is to reach the peak of Jiuxing Xuanxian, which is higher than the other three.

Therefore, if there is danger, Chen Xiaobei must assume the responsibility of protecting everyone.

But then again, Chen Xiaobei's current condition is actually not much better, and he dare not say that it is absolutely secure.

First of all, there is only 10,000 years of life left, and it is not necessary to think about the malignant marrow and the nine demon gods.

Secondly, all the spirit jade and resources are used up completely, and the endurance is very weak.

Third, although the peak quasi-holy ancestral ancestral dragon whip was obtained, in this magic weapon, Xun Peng was motivated by the peak quasi-holy cultivation, so no aura was injected therein. Xiaobei is unavailable

Fourth, the six-eared macaque was not seriously injured, and it was basically impossible to participate in the battle.

Fifth, although the strength of the four saints in Shengcheng City is very strong, Chen Xiaobei does not want to expose them to Yang Yan, so basically they will not be allowed to fight.

In summary, Chen Xiaobei's strongest trump card is just a one-star **** chaos blood sword.

How Dangerous the Road Is, Chen Xiaobei Cannot Retreat


This was the site of the Witch


Houtu opened the road all the way, after thousands of meters underground, it actually inspired a black and white touring space door

At the same time, Hou Tu Zhan Yan smiled and said, "Great. This is a relic left by one of my disciples. I should be able to control everything in it."

Afterwards, the people passed through the door of space and entered a small independent world.

There are sunshine, rain and dew, birds and flowers, and more aura. It is a Taoyuan wonderland that hides away from the world.

However, no trace of Tai Yin Zhenxian or Yang Yan was found.

"follow me"

Fortunately, Houtu can sense the force of reincarnation that no one can sense.

Following this mysterious atmosphere, everyone began to quickly penetrate the interior of this small world.

The deeper you go, the greater the surrounding environment changes.

The daylight began to dim, the rain dew gradually dried up, the vegetation fell, and the birds became bones on the ground.

This is almost a doomsday scene.

"There is no danger ahead," Chen Xiaobei was a little worried.

After all, there is a huge limit on strength right now, but you dare not take everyone to risk.

Chen Xiaobei is not afraid of death himself, but he is very afraid of his friends and brothers being injured.

"Beijing need not worry, everything you see is an illusion of reincarnation"

Houtu said: "This large array is not low-level ~ ~ It looks like it is written by a high-level quasi-sacred witch. If I do n’t lead the way, even Taiyin Zhenxian and Yang Yan will be in Completely lost here "

"Can you get them back if you are lost here?" Chen Xiaobei was very worried.

After all, Taiyin Zhenxian and Xiaotian Dog are both Chen Xiaobei's good partners, and they must not be allowed to go wrong.

Hou Tu nodded his head, calmly said: "At present, I'm just guessing, they have come here. If my guess is correct, then I have a way to find them out."

"It's great that you are there." Anyway, Chen Xiaobei was relieved.

According to the analysis before entering, it is very likely that Taiyin Zhenxian entered here, and Yang Yan was originally nearby, and the chance of chasing in was also very high.


Under the leadership of Houtu, the crowd seemed to be circling around a sphere.

From Taoyuan Wonderland in the beginning, to the wasteland in the later days, to Taoyuan Wonderland

Repeated like this, over and over again.

Finally, after nine full turns, he stopped.

However, after stopping, the surrounding scene changed dramatically.

Everyone went directly into an ancient cave heavenly place, just like the dislocation of space, extremely mysterious and difficult to explain with common sense.

"This is the people who are in the reincarnation array. It's okay. If I set up a ninth reincarnation, if I personally set it up, I can form the eighty-first reincarnation."

Houtu said indifferently: "I just took you out of the gap between the circle of law, and those who do not understand this will definitely be involved in the circle of law."

"Then, he will start from the day he was born, and slowly go through every day of growth, aging, and dying until death.

"People who can't see the reincarnation will be trapped in this large array for the ninth time. Note that the vast majority of the ninth people who are real time will be trapped to the end of their lives."

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