"It's started! Gui Yu seems to be angered by Chen Xiaobei! The 45ooo combat power bursts as soon as he comes up!"

"Forty-nine handles of the true silver sword, it's crazy to blast the sky!"

"It's so murderous. I feel that Guiyu wants Chen Xiaobei's life!"

"Let's see how Chen Xiaobei responds. If the strength is not good, I am afraid to die under the sword of Guiyu!"


As soon as the battle was at hand, the audience under the field were all tense, nervously looking at the ring, for fear of missing any details. Δhunwen "network www. ΔLieWen. CC

"Xiaobei! You must be fine ..."

Luo Boti's eyebrows were creased, and a heart was tightened.

Although I have decided to believe in Chen Xiaobei, in this situation, how can a person who really cares for Chen Xiaobei not be nervous?

The enemy is a master of the 45ooo combat power of Shinji!

"Can you say that Master can do it?" Tai Yitan's expression was calm and nervous, and he could not hide it.

"It doesn't seem to work ..." Huo Yuanba shook his head and said in a deep voice: "But Master is absolutely not an ordinary person. You shouldn't look at it with ordinary people's eyes!"

"How do you say that?" Tai Yitan asked again.

"Last time, no one believed that Master could save my sister, but he could do it!"

Huo Yuanba said with a dazzling look: "Master is a man born to create shock. In him, any miracle can be born!"

"That's true!" Tai Yitan nodded, feeling a little more stable.

Obviously, at the time of getting started, Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba already knew that Chen Xiaobei was not an immortal.

But they were willing to stay in Chen Xiaobei.

Tai Yitan was in order to learn witchcraft, and Huo Yuanba was in return.

But besides that, there is a bigger reason why they are willing to stay, because they all see that Chen Xiaobei is not something in the pool!

Following Chen Xiaobei, there will be a chance to skyrocket up to 90,000 miles, from Long Aoshi to Jiu Zhongxiao!

"Hum! Between this trick, Chen Xiaobei will die!"

Xu Changqing lay on the stretcher and sneered: "Wu Aofeng, you can kneel down and recognize the Lord! In the future, your life will be mine!"

"Chen Xiaobei cannot lose! Never!" Wu Aofeng clenched his teeth and was very firm.

"Oh, are you trying to deny it?"

Xu Changqing said coldly, "You proposed the gambling game. So many people around you looked at it. Do you think you can't afford it?"


Wu Aofeng said angrily: "I Wu Aofeng has always been a spit and a nail, and will never deny it, but until the final result comes out, everything is unknown!"

Xu Changqing smiled coldly, and said, "You can't cry without seeing the coffin! I dare to assert that within ten seconds, the winner will be divided!"

On the podium.

Yue Changkong smiled proudly: "Haha! There is no suspense in this battle! God bless me Huashan faction! My child should merit merit!"

As soon as this remark was made, the masters of the ancestors all congratulated each other: "Congratulations to Master Yue! Congratulations to Master Yue! Father and son are united in their hearts and their power is broken! There is nothing that they can't do together! Congratulations ... "

In the sound of flattering, Yue Changkong was more proud: "My son won the first and recovered the spirit stone! I collected Chen, Tai, Wu, Huo, these four worldly geniuses! I can also take my daughter-in-law back to Huashan by the way The best of all three! "

Everyone nodded, and the sound of the horse was louder.

However, at this time, Liu Xiyuan and Situ Hengfeng both had very complicated looks. They wanted to remind Yue Changkong not to be too happy, but he didn't dare to speak.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the ring.

"Little bastard! That's it, haven't you a little awareness of the weak?"

Yue Junmo stared angrily at Chen Xiaobei.

Originally, Yue Junmo planned to use his strength to deter Chen Xiaobei, let Chen Xiaobei kneel and ask for forgiveness, humiliate Chen Xiaobei, and then take away Chen Xiaobei's life.

However, Yue Junmo never thought that Chen Xiaobei didn't seem to care about his 45ooo combat power. Not only was he not afraid, he didn't even look at it at all.

Because until this moment, Chen Xiaobei still did not have any precautionary action, not even a trace of vitality did not move.

"Don't you think of me! I want you to die!"

In order to reach the later stage of the true truth of Yue Junmo, no one dared to ignore him like Chen Xiaobei except for the Celestial Strong.

"Wow! Hey ..."

With a roar, the seven, forty-nine Shinji silver swords rushed out at the same time, piercing directly towards Chen Xiaobei.

Since Chen Xiaobei cannot be deterred by strength, Yue Junmo intends to torture Chen Xiaobei with real pain and let Chen Xiaobei yield!

The silver sword is like a tide.

Each sword has poured 45ooo combat power, which is equivalent to 18ooo pounds!

This wave of attacks exploded, enough to chop all the platforms to fly ash!

The strength of Shinji's late strongman is definitely not a joke!

"Hmm ..."

Forty-nine Shinji silver swords, covering Chen Xiaobei without leaving any dead corners, almost next second, Chen Xiaobei will be crushed to death.


At this critical juncture, Chen Xiaobei still did nothing.

"Is the kid crazy? Don't stand still, don't dodge, and don't gather Shinji, is this dead?"

"Crazy! He is absolutely crazy!"

There was a terrifying cry from the audience around, even if the brain was wide open, they couldn't figure out what Chen Xiaobei was going to do.

"Master, what do you want to do ..."

Tai Yitan and Huo Yuanba completely choked.

Their heart is to believe in Chen Xiaobei, but in this case, if they were changed to Chen Xiaobei's position, they would be wiped out instantly.

After racking his brains, he couldn't figure out how Chen Xiaobei was going to die.

"Oh, Wu Aofeng! This is what you call awesome? I was scared by the ghost rain when I met him. Is there an immortality?" Xu Changqing disdainfully said.

"This ..." Wu Aofeng was speechless for a while, and wanted to maintain Chen Xiaobei ~ www.readwn.com ~ But that was it, he really didn't know what else to say.

"Xiaobei !!! What the **** are you doing? You can't die!" Lobodhi couldn't calm down and screamed.

She and Chen Xiaobei have a life-long friendship, and they have committed lives to each other not once or twice.

But at this moment of life and death, she suddenly realized that Chen Xiaobei and herself were more than just dating!

This big boy who is rude and cynical on weekdays has already occupied an important position in his heart that no one can replace!

"Loboti! Save your effort! This little hybrid will surely die! And you will be my woman, and I will never escape my palm! Hahaha ..."

Yue Jun Mo laughed proudly.


But at this moment, Chen Xiaobei spit out a word.

The silver sword in the sky, freezes instantly!

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