Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 909: Becoming Bei Xuan (4)

"OK! Since Tai Yitan abstained, then Chen Xiaobei is the undisputed first! Tai Yitan is second!"

Yue Chang paused for a moment, hesitating a bit: "As for the third ..."

As the saying goes, grasshoppers are also meat, not to mention the third place reward is 5oo spirit stones, this is definitely not a grasshopper!

Yue Changkong wondered if he could postpone the battle of the third or fourth place. Anyway, waiting for Yue Junmo to wake up and take the third place. Hunting Network WwΔW. LieWen. CC

"Does the third place need to be considered?"

But at this moment, Wu Aofeng, who was lurking in the crowd, shouted again: "From the beginning of Huiwu, those who were seriously injured were all actively retiring from the game! Guiyu is naturally no exception! The third place is Huo Yuanba! "

"That's right! Guiyu's unconsciousness is equivalent to automatic retirement! The third place is Huo Yuanba!"

"That's right! Despicable things like Guiyu are not worthy to be included in the list!"

"Ghost Rain Gets Off! Huo Yuanba Third! Huo Yuanba Third ..."

The crowd immediately started to follow Wu Aofeng.

At one point, Wu Aofeng said that it really made sense. After each round of the previous game, there were winners who retired because of injuries.

Secondly, Yue Junmo's despicable and shameless behavior was deeply disgusted by the audience, and everyone naturally stood by Huo Yuanba.

In this way, the pressure was on Yue Changkong again.

Although Yue Changkong wanted Yue Junmo to compete for the third place, but that was the end of it, and he couldn't do anything arbitrarily.

You know, Yue Jun Mo, who changed his name to Gui Yu and wore a mask to participate in the Battle of the British Heroes, was to recover the first three thousand spirit stones!

To put it bluntly, this is counting all the contestants, and at the same time treating all the audience as monkeys!

If Yue Junmo's identity is Bailu, the calculated contestants will naturally not be able to join the Huashan faction! When the audience is tricked, it will definitely provoke public anger.

At that time, the Huashan faction had a bad reputation, and the talents who had finally been dug out might be cut off by the Qingcheng faction!

Instead of this, it is better to obey the public opinion, and generously announce Huo Yuanba third!

This can show the generosity of Huashan faction, and the participants will naturally scramble to worship under Huashan faction!

After the Chen Xiaobei, Tai Yitan, Huo Yuanba, and Wu Aofeng have all collected them, then try to find a way out of them and squeeze out the spirit stone with advantage!

Thinking of this, Yue Changkong had to make concessions again: "Everyone be calm and restless! What you said makes sense! I announced that Gui Yu was disqualified from injury due to injury! The third place in this Battle of England Championship was won by Huo Yuanba ! "

"Okay! Good ... Yuezong is wise! Huashan sends generosity! Good ..."

There was a good voice from the audience, but almost no one knew the small abacus played by Yue Chang on an empty stomach!

"Master Yue! What a plan!"

If Su Dong squints his eyes, yin and yang are weird, he said, "As soon as this sentiment is sold out, all the people present will be sent to you by Huashan! It seems that I can't grab you!"

"Assign to assign!"

Yue Changkong smiled smugly and waved his hand, saying, "Come! Put the top three rewards on the central platform!"

With his order, a large number of disciples from Huashan sent a box of spirits to the central platform.

Square wooden boxes, medium size, each box contains 5oo spirit stones!

The box is uncovered, and the crystal spirit stone is exposed to everyone's sight!

Huo Yuanba put a box in front of him.

There are three boxes in front of Tai Yitan.

Chen Xiaobei had six boxes in front of him.

Ten boxes, a total of 5ooo spirit stones, in the sun, scattered colorful brilliance, instantly stunning the audience.

Tens of thousands of eyes focused on this position, revealing an infinitely shocking look.

You know, most of the tens of thousands of people present are from the secular rivers and lakes. They do not belong to the ancient school of the hidden world, and they are extremely difficult to get a spiritual stone.

There are 5ooo spirit stones. Before that, they were all unseen, unheard of, and they didn't even dare to imagine so many in their dreams.

Seen with my own eyes at this moment, how could it not be shocked.

And at the same time.

Chen Xiaobei, Tai Yitan, Huo Yuanba, Wu Aofeng, including Luo Boti, all revealed a big word from their hearts-cool!

The 5ooo spirit stones that shocked the audience, at this moment, they are all in the North Xuan capsule!

In the end, Chen Xiaobei achieved his most desired result!

The receipt of this sum of spiritual stones will solve a lot of problems for Chen Xiaobei, which is definitely the most urgent need of Chen Xiaobei!

As for Tai, Huo and Wu, the three of them were either blessed by Chen Xiaobei's teachings or blessed by Chen Xiaobei's life.

At this time, they were able to contribute to Chen Xiaobei and reach the goal of Chen Xiaobei. All three of them felt very happy and even very fulfilled!

Luo Bodi did not know how the 5ooo spirit stone entered Beixuan, she only knew that Chen Xiaobei had obtained 3ooo spirit stone.

But for her, it was already an astronomical figure! Make her feel happy for Chen Xiaobei!

In short, people related to Chen Xiaobei are at the moment a word-cool!

"Everyone! Please be quiet!"

At this time, Yue Changkong stood at the front of the observation deck and said loudly, "The rewards are in place, and the results are clear at a glance!"

"But in accordance with the process, I must solemnly announce again! This time the British General Assembly martial arts, first place, Chen Xiaobei! He will get 3ooo spirit stones provided by my Huashan faction!"

"Second place, Tai Yi Tan! He will receive 15oo spirit stones provided by my Huashan faction! Third place, Huo Yuanba! He will receive 5oo spirit stones provided by my Huashan faction!"

"Also, fourth Wu Aofeng, he will get a book of advanced martial arts secrets provided by my Huashan faction!"

Yue Changkong said so much, every sentence must be emphasized once, the reward is provided by his Huashan faction!

The intention is known to even a fool.

"The ranking has been finalized! The rewards are all down!"

Yue Changkong cleared his throat and said loudly: "Next, as my master of the Huashan faction, Yue Changkong officially invited four new heroes from the war to join our Huashan faction!"

As soon as this word came out ~ ~ the scene immediately became restless.

"The rumors really are true! Huashan sent a strong sponsorship to this meeting, just to receive apprentices!"

"Lying grass! Chen Xiaobei are too cool! Not only have they harvested a lot of spirits, they have also been invited by the ancient school of the hidden world! We people, we have no chance in the next life ..."

"Isn't it? The Huashan faction is not only a hidden-age ancient faction, it is also a middle-aged hidden-age ancient faction! It has a long history and a rich heritage! If I can worship it, I can wake up with sleep!"

"Envy and jealousy, but dare not hate them! The four of them entered the ancient school of the hidden world. In the future, they must be the dragons of the people. We can only look up in our lives!"

Everyone at the scene exclaimed, envy, overflowing with words.

Listening to these evaluations, Yue Changkong proudly raised his chin.

But in the next second, everyone, including Yue Changkong, was stupid!

"Sorry, I don't plan to join the Huashan faction!" Chen Xiaobei shrugged and smiled evilly.

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