Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 918: Revenge League (1)

"You give me this less!"

Jiang Ziya said angrily: "How did you promise Shen Gongbao, what you must do! Otherwise, you will have your good fruit!"

"You are threatening me!" The six-eared macaque's voice was cold, and his anger grew stronger. Hunting "" text "network www. "LieWen. CC

"Yes! My husband is threatening you!"

Jiang Ziya said arrogantly: "You were right, you are not our interpreter, you are just our dog. Whoever we ask you to bite, you have to bite! Otherwise, you will die too very ugly!"

"Really?" Six-eared macaques revealed a fierce color in the eyes, and one claw waved, directly choking Jiang Ziya's throat.

"Uh ... what are you doing ... let ... let go of me ..."

Jiang Ziya's body was directly choked up, a strong sense of suffocation, making him feel that he would be pinched off his neck at any time!

"Lao Tzu managed to resurrect my life! I didn't come here to be your dog!"

The six-eared macaque held Jiang Ziya in one hand and the other hand pulled out Jiang Ziya's cell phone and put it in his own pocket.

"Rao Ming ... Rao Ming ..." Jiang Ziya could hardly breathe, and he begged hard.


The six-eared macaque shrugged, throwing **** teeth on the ground like throwing garbage.

"Don't think that I don't know. Now, although you are enlightened and enlarged, the saints in other religions are staring at you!"

The six-eared macaque said: "If you don't say anything, the first master of Heaven will not let you do anything wrong! Otherwise, Jiang Ziya can bring your own cultivation as a man, why bother to find me?

"This ..." Jiang Ziya looked for a moment.

The six-eared macaque did not give him a chance to speak, and continued: "First, the amount of calamity is getting closer, Daozu changed the law of reincarnation! Second, in the name of protecting the lower bound, Yuanshi Tianzun restricted the free delivery of red envelopes!"

"But not only did you regenerate me, you also gave me the right to receive red envelopes freely!"

"If you let the Master of Tongtian know all of this and sue him to Hongjun Daozu, even Yuanshi Tianzun can't afford to be guilty! Can you still have a good life in your teaching?"

"Know the law and break the law! Law enforcement breaks the law! You should know the consequences better than anyone!"

"This ..." Jiang Ziya swallowed his throat drastically, his face was choked into a liver color, but he was speechless.

Obviously, everything that the six-eared macaque said was all about ideas.

This matter, teaching is an illegal operation.

If he is sued by the leader of the Tongtian Church, nothing else, as long as Dao Zu Hongjun punishes Yuan Shitianzun for 10,000 years in confinement, when he comes out, the hermeneutics must have fallen apart and no longer exist!

Don't forget, mass robbery is a big kill!

When thinking of this, Jiang Ziya immediately persuaded.

"I will use your mobile phone to compile everything into information. If you dare to come and pretend to be in front of me, I will send the information directly to the Three Realms!"

The six-eared macaque sneered: "Teacher of Heaven, Taishang Laojun, son-in-law and mother-in-law, they are all in the group, and they can all meet Daozu! Hello, please!"

"I don't dare! Never dare ..." Jiang Ziya instantly looked like a discouraged ball, and never dared to cross.

Originally, Jiang Ziya wanted to use the power of the six-eared macaque to complete the tasks arranged above as quickly as possible, and return to Xian class with Dai sin.

However, the wisdom and ability of the six-eared macaque are beyond the control of Jiang Ziya.

At this point, Jiang Ziya can only swallow his voice: "I will not intervene in your affairs in the future, but I ca n’t guarantee it for Shen Gongbao!"

"I don't need you to worry about this! I didn't say I won't help you, but I don't want to take risks or listen to your fingertips. What to do is my own!"

The six-eared macaque said a little, and went straight out of the room.

"Mom ..."

Jiang Ziya was paralyzed sitting weakly in the chair, and said extremely depressed: "I wanted to give this splash monkey a disposition, but he didn't expect to be dismissed by him.


That night.

Xuan Jianmen.

In the hall for discussion, Yue Changkong sat on the main seat.

Zhuang Bihuang, Su Dongruo, Liu Xiyuan, the three sat on each side.

At the same time, someone is coming in.

The old bookmaker's demon walked in front, and Zhuang Hao and the elder elder Su were behind him.

After they came in and took their seats, Ye Jianming, Ye Tianling, Situ Hengfeng, and Xu Changqing also came in and sat on the other side.

Huashan, Qingcheng, Shushan.

Bookmaker, Liu Family, Ye Family.

The three hidden ancient schools, plus the three worldly top giants, are all here at the moment. Such a lineup is enough to shock the world.

However, no one knows that they got together just for a young man in his early twenties!

The young man's name is Chen Xiaobei!

"Everyone here has deep hatred with Chen Xiaobei! Today, I will lead the Huashan faction to form a revenge alliance!"

Yue Changkong said in a deep voice: "Now that everyone is here, they are willing to form alliances and cooperation! Then, let's agree on a plan to defeat Bei Xuanzong, let's talk about it!"

"Mr. Yue, I have a word to ask before discussing again."

Zhuang old demon frowned and asked, "Did you know that Chen Xiaobei is a fairy of 6 places?"

"I know, Elder Zhuang has told me!"

Yue Changkong's face became cold, disdainful: "But this is completely nonsense! That kid can never be a fairy of 6 places!"

"If we can, we hope he's not ..."

Ye Jianming sighed: "But all his actions cannot be explained by common sense. No one except gods can do it ..."

"Yeah ..." Zhuang Hao nodded. "Unless we can prove that Chen Xiaobei is not a 6-place fairy, we really dare not attack him ..."

Liu Xiyuan nodded again and again: "Our three villages in Yezhuang and Liu have suffered big losses in the hands of Chen Xiaobei, and no one knows his terribleness more than us!"

"A group of cowardly rats!"

Yue Changkong's face hated the iron-steel expression, angrily: "Since you dare not do anything, what are you doing here? Go home and drink milk!"

"Cut!" Su Dongruo snorted coldly ~ ~ said: "If you have the courage, do you have to attack Bei Xuanzong yourself? Why bother to join this alliance?"

"I ..." Yue Changkong was speechless for a while.

In fact, after hearing the story of Chen Xiaobei's Niucha from Zhuang Bihuang's mouth, Yue Changli was also wary!

When he formed this alliance, he actually wanted to fool Zhuang Yeliu to deal with Chen Xiaobei.

Fortunately, the people in these three families were so afraid of Chen Xiaobei that they didn't dare to act rashly.

For a while, the talks were deadlocked, and no one dared to make a head bird.

"Everyone! No need to worry! I have a way to prove that Chen Xiaobei is not a fairy of 6 places!"

Just then, a figure came in.

The first chapter, thank you [no name] brother, for bringing a reward, Niu Fortune, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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