Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 921: Divine Command (4)

"come here!"

Zhao Ritian pulled Jiang Ziya to the side, lowered his voice, and said, "What fool are you pretending to be? Kirin Ya studied Bingshu for forty years!"

"The King of Zhou worshipped you as a general and destroyed Shang Yang in one fell swoop! You have commanded more than a hundred battles!"

"Now you are not required to win more by less. You just need to restrain the enemy. You can wake up to Chen Xiaobei. Is this always difficult for you?"

Zhao Ritian is a six-eared macaque. He knows the situation of Jiang Ziya very much, and naturally knows that only Jiang Ziya can solve the dilemma!

"Yes, you are right. The skills I am carrying this time are Liu Tao and San Lue, a few military methods! It is not impossible to reach dawn!"

Jiang Ziya lowered his voice, and the words turned, and said, "But don't forget our stand! You and I are all Chen Xiaobei's enemies. How can we help him make a siege?"

"Lying grass! Is your old man a long time to live comfortably, and his brain is rusty?"

Zhao Ritian was not angry: "If Chen Xiaobei is dead, you and I can survive? Don't forget, we are all Bei Xuanzong now! To Chen Xiaobei's enemies, you and I are two ants! Run to death! "

"This ..." Jiang Ziya looked for a moment. 『Δ』 hunting Ω text network Ww 『W. "LieWen. CC

"What a crap!"

Zhao Ritian said calmly: "Time is urgent! No minute or second can be wasted! Take out your Marshal Tianbao immediately! Whether it is life or death, it all depends on you!"


Jiang Ziya took a deep breath, and the whole person's aura seemed to change instantly.

"Come here!"

Jiang Ziya shouted, "Get the map of Bei Xuanzong immediately! Contact all foreign aids at once! Report your respective cultivation and expertise immediately!"

When this remark came out, everyone was stunned. At this instant, they were shocked by the natural atmosphere of Jiang Ziya's natural commander, and they took their lives!

Feng Qingyang went to get the map.

Murong Xiaoyao called Wen Jie, Xiao Nezha, red baby.

Murong Tian called Xiang Yu.

"And me! And me!" At this moment, Qiaoer ran out.

The little girl just slept too much just now, got up a little late, holding her cell phone in her hand, and called Liu Xuanxin while running.

At the same time, the idle people immediately reported their cultivation and their specialties.

"Chen Zhongfu! Zhang Cui'e!"

Jiang Ziya immediately ordered and said, "You two have nothing to do, but you have a serious lack of combat experience, so you two go to the suzerain's room! Once he wakes up, you will immediately tell him about it!"

"Okay ..." The old couple also knew that their stay was just a burden to the crowd. They said nothing and stepped back immediately.

"Huo Qiaoqiao, your cultivation is too low to fight, so stay here and use my cell phone to give me orders!" Jiang Ziya ordered.

"Yes!" Qiaoer nodded, standing obediently, standing by at any time.

"Taiyi Tan! Murong Happy! Aoi Kuai! Bring Xiaobai!"

Jiang Ziya continued: "You are the first team, head to the northeast of Zongmen to stop the dealer's horses! Use guerrilla tactics to find those who are lowered! Remember! Serious injuries, but don't kill!


Tai Yitan took the command, took Murong Xiaoyao and Aoi Jingku, and rushed out of the gate.

"Huo Yuanba! Murong Tian! Jin Liu! Bring Sirius!"

Jiang Ziya said: "You are the second team, go to the southwest of Zongmen and stop the Ye family's horses! The tactics are the same as the first team! Go immediately!"


Huo Yuanba immediately took people away.

"Wu Aofeng! Pharaoh!"

Jiang Ziya said very seriously: "You two are the third team, head to the north, and stop the men and women of Xuanjianmen!"

"Lying grass! Smelly old man! You hate me for beating your incisors and deliberately retaliate against me?"

Wu Aofeng said unhappyly: "They are all three people and one animal as a group to block a team of 100 people! Pharaoh and I are going to block a team of 500 people. Have you made a mistake!"

"What? Are you afraid?" Jiang Ziya asked back.

"Afraid of your grandma's legs!"

Wu Aofeng's violent temper, just one point, angrily shouted: "If it is fighting for the Master! Even Wu Daofeng, I will dare to go! But if you play me, then not!"

Jiang Ziya smiled with great grace and said, "Be assured! Not only did I not play you, but the success or failure of this battle depends to a large extent on the performance of you and Pharaoh!"

"It mainly depends on me and Pharaoh? How do you say this?" Wu Aofeng was surprised, and at the same time he expressed his deep expectations.

"First, I will arrange all the reinforcements to go to your position. Second, the supremacy arrangement should be Qi Yueting and Qi Zhenxing, and they are all there. Third, that position will be the first to enter the Lost World!"

Jiang Ziya said: "While taking advantage of the dark night, the people are gathered together, and I want you to make Xuan Jianmen 500 people difficult to walk! Is there a problem?"

"Good plan!" Wu Aofeng flashed in front of his eyes, and instantly looked at Jiang Ziya, loudly: "No problem! Guarantee to complete the task!"

"No, I have two more questions." Wu Aofeng said.

"Say!" Jiang Zi said.

"Pharaoh's strength is not abrupt, but in my opinion, should I go?" Wu Aofeng said.

"Oh, you look down on Pharaoh! At a critical moment, you may have to rely on Pharaoh to save your life! This matter is not discussed, you must act together!" Jiang Ziya smiled as if everything was under control.

"Okay, listen to you ..." Wu Aofeng nodded and asked, "In addition, why don't you let the kill? Only let you hurt? How unpleasant!"

Jiang Ziya said faintly: "If you kill the enemy, no one will take care of the body! But if you hit the enemy seriously, they will have to take care of the wounded! Invisibly, they will reduce their strength!"

"Lying grass! There is such a doorway to fight! High! Really high!" Wu Aofeng suddenly realized, and praised Jiang Ziya.

After speaking ~ ~ Wu Aofeng went straight to the north with Pharaoh.

"Feng Qingyang!"

Jiang Ziya's army kept ordering, and continued, "I will sacrifice the Lost Flag immediately, and I will see every move of the enemies who entered the Lost Army!"


Feng Qingyang also obeyed Jiang Ziya's command and immediately offered the lost flag.

I saw a flash of light, and a few flashing light spots appeared on the flagpole. It was the three squads just sent out. The enemy has not yet entered the area of ​​the lost array.

"What about me? You haven't said what I should do?" Zhao Ritian stood beside him for a long time and couldn't help asking.

Jiang Ziya's eyes narrowed, revealing an inscrutable smile: "You're going to bundle up the immortal cord! Tie me the first celestial warrior who has entered the big battle!"

Chapter 4 ... Damn, I've been in a bad state recently and must be adjusted ...

(End of this chapter)

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