Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 923: True or False Long Yuan (2)

"Come! Have the people sent to Ye's house to check back? Are there any moths in Ye's house! What's going on around the net to expose the gap and let the people of Bei Xuanzong run away?"

To the west, Xu Changqing, the leader of the Shushan School, said Shen Sheng. ΔΔWwΔW. "LieWen. CC

"Brother Bao!"

A disciple ran and said, "People sent just over the phone! They said they were seriously injured when they encountered an ambush! The Ye family's men and horses were also seriously injured, except for Elder Szeto Hengfeng and a dozen people around him. The rest are gone! "

"What !?" Xu Changqing glared his eyes sharply: "Did Chen Xiaobe take the shot himself?"

"No ... they said that they never saw Chen Xiaobei from beginning to end ..." The disciple answered, saying.

"What does Situ Hengfeng eat? It's just a waste! You all followed me and immediately came to support! This mouth must not be broken!"

With a big wave of Xu Changqing, he took a dozen powerful men and rushed to the hill where Ye's house was located.

Without a doubt, all of this is within Jiang Ziya's calculations!

As soon as Xu Changqing left, Huo Yuanba took the second team to kill Shu Shan with his second foot.

The 100th crowd in Shushan, Long Wu, and the front were pulled open, without any suspense, was tortured by blood.

As soon as Xu Changqing went back, the Ye family did not help anything, but the people on his own were almost completely abolished.

There are very few people who can still fight, and some people must be left to take care of the wounded!

"We were tricked! Paralysis! We were all tricked by monkeys!"

Xu Changqing was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, and immediately called Yue Changkong.

As soon as the phone was connected, I heard Yue Changkong screaming with anger: "Stupids! A group of stupids! The enemy was led away by the nose! Leave some people to look after the wounded, and others will kill me immediately!"

"Mr. Yue, have you been tricked over there?" Xu Changqing asked in a deep voice.

"Abominable Chen Xiaobei! It's too cunning!"

Yue Changkong yelled angrily: "He sent someone to attack the dealer first, and I brought someone to reinforce the dealer, and he took someone to sneak attack on my Huashan faction! This time, my Huashan faction and the dealer's people have lost ten!"

"Mr. Yue, this is the same situation for me!" Xu Changqing said very anxiously: "My Shushan faction and the Ye family have also lost ten of them ... how can this be good!"

"We can't spread any more! Otherwise, Chen Xiaobei will hold his nose to death!"

After all, Yue Changkong is the master of a sect, and his wisdom and ability are not weak. He immediately decided: "Xuan Jianmen has the largest number, and it is difficult for the enemy to affect. Now we all go to the direction of Xuan Jianmen to meet, and go to the north Xuanzong mountain gate! "

After hanging up the phone, those who can fight with the major forces will immediately act and move closer to Xuan Jianmen!


at the same time.

Xuan Jianmen's side has long been messed up.

"Brother! Don't hit me, OK, I'm just passing by!"

Little Nezha directly opens his talent skills and sells cute!

Bai Nen's clean face, watery eyes, and red fluttering mouth, no one could bear him if he saw it.

"It's deeper in the middle of the night, why would you pass by here?" A Xuan Jianmen disciple asked Shen Sheng.

"This ... this ..." Xiao Nazhe hesitated for a long time and suddenly shouted, "Brother! Look! UFO!"

"What?" The Xuan Jianmen disciple turned back subconsciously.


As soon as he turned his head, there was a muffled sound in his forehead, and he was dizzy, and passed out!

"Cut! Also 8ooo combat power! We are evened out!"

I saw the red child holding a brick in his hand and said with a scorn.


Little Nezha rushed over and celebrated with the red baby.

Both of them have recently broken through the realm of qi training, only 5ooo combat power, but together they have settled several enemies with higher combat power.

Since they often attend commercial shows, they usually live in the city.

At this moment, back to the Northern Xuanzong, the position they attacked is equivalent to the enemy's chrysanthemum, and they are specially selected to deal with those enemies who have fallen into the game.

"Which! I seem to hear Pharaoh's voice!" Red Baby said suddenly.

"I heard it too! We'll be there soon and they will be together!" Xiao Nazhe took the lead and ran over.

On the other side, an inescapable battle is about to begin.

"Dog thief! I have finished so many disciples in Xuanjianmen, I see where else can you run!"

Liu Chunyi took a dozen people around Wu Aofeng and Pharaoh! "

"Walking by the river, how can there be wet shoes?"

Wu Aofeng sneered: "Since you're surrounded, I don't plan to run, just fight if you want to fight!"

Pharaoh did not speak, and obviously also supported Wu Aofeng in starting the war.

"It seems you are very confident!" Liu Chunyi waved his hand, and a dozen people behind him immediately laid a sword array!

Wu Aofeng smiled disdainfully, and said, "Oh, your strength, I don't know! Since you are in a hurry to send me a fight, of course I want to complete you!"

"I'm not as good as you!"

Liu Chunyi raised his eyebrows and pulled out the long sword he wore from his waist, and laughed: "But! I have Long Yuan Sword in my hand, and a subtle sword array to assist! It is not difficult to push you back! "

"Oh, do you have Long Yuanjian?"

Wu Aofeng grinned with a smile, and pulled out his sabre from his waist: "I also have Long Yuan sword!"


Liu Chunyi's eyebrows smiled slightly for a week, and then he scorned and smiled: "The dark wind this night, you don't say I really didn't pay attention to your sabre! To tell you the truth, that sword is fake! Your idiot was caught Xiaobei flickers! "

"Put your mother's fart! The teacher treats me graciously like mountains, you must not denigrate him!" Wu Aofeng's fierce temper, just a little, anger was almost out of his eyes.

"Oh, Chen Xiaobei certainly didn't tell you! The sword in your hand was the one that I took to change medicine with him. I took a fake sword and flickered him! He naturally gave you a fake sword. ! "

Liu Chunyi ridiculed Yin and Yang ridiculously: "I am so foolish that I still treat fakes as treasures! It's stupid!"

Wen Yan ~ ~ Around a dozen disciples of Xuanjianmen also laughed.

"My Master can't give me fakes! I've taken your dog's head with this sword now!"

Wu Aofeng roared and rushed out.

"You are so stupid as to explode! Look at me and break your fake!"

Liu Chunyi is true, and the energy of the sword array behind him has given him the confidence to fight with Wu Aofeng!


The two were extremely fast, and the real and fake Long Yuanjian confronted in an instant, and the result was immediately revealed.

The fake sword was cut off directly, no suspense!

(End of this chapter)

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