Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 928: Are you constipated (3)

All of a sudden, everyone was stunned. ΩWwΩW. "LieWen. CC

Who dares to think?

The previous second was also aggressive, confident that he could break through the blood lord of Bei Xuanzong, Gordon!

This second was immediately subdued, even a finger could not move!

"This ... is this a magical weapon?"

Yue Changkong's eyes widened fiercely, your eyes were full of shock, and a little greedy!

Spirit artefacts are very rare even in the ancient school of the hidden world, and many ancient art of the hidden world can't even take out one.

One can imagine its true meaning!

In addition, the magical tools are also divided into three or six or nine grades. This golden rope can subdue the celestial strong, which is obviously the best of the spiritual tools!

Like Bai Yulong brocade box, water-cutting knives, they are lower than it.

This level of magical tools is even more rare. Even the Huashan School can't get it out. It's no wonder that Yue Changkong will be greedy.

"Let me see, can I untie it?"

If Su Dong wasn't stupid, he rushed forward, observing the bundle of Xianxuan greedily, and wanted to untie it, and then directly into his pocket.

"You know the fart! Let me see!"

Yue Changkong originally saw Su Dong if he was not pleasing to the eye, and rushed over immediately, saying that he didn't want Su Dong to accept the bundle of cents!

"Yue Changkong! Don't be too crazy!"

If Su Dong was angry on the spot: "On the age of the husband, you are more than 30 years old! On the age of the husband is your uncle's generation! The husband eats more salt than you eat! The husband does not understand, can you still understand? I bother!"

"I'm not dead! Do you have to sing contradictions with me, right?" Yue Changkong was unhappy, and with conflicts of interest, he was ready to tear his face with Su Dongruo at any time!

Seeing the scene at hand, everyone in Bei Xuanzong was delighted.

It's less than an hour before dawn, and it would be perfect if the enemies were in trouble at this time!

Unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is not so many coincidences and wishes.

"Never stop arguing! Can Bei Xuanzong still fight? Chen Xiaobei still can't kill? You have to wait until this thing is done!"

Gordon drank: "Help me untie this rope immediately! Otherwise Chen Xiaobei runs away, you just pick up sesame seeds and throw watermelon! You will have no time to cry!"

As soon as this statement was made, both Yue Changkong and Su Dong looked awkward.

As Gordon said, if Chen Xiaobei runs away, their loss, especially the loss of Yue Changkong, is definitely much greater than this golden rope!

"Okay! If you want to see, let you be optimistic!" Yue Changkong had to make concessions for his 5ooo spirit stone.


If Su Dong grunted coldly, he squatted down.

However, after observing for a long time, but where the knot of the rope was not found, naturally I did not know where to untie it.

No way, Su Dongruo could only hold the bundle of immortal cords with both hands and pull **** both sides.


Su Dongruo had almost exerted his strength to feed milk, and was desperately pulling, trying to break the bundle of immortals by brute force.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the bundle of immortal cord did not loosen at all, and he wanted to tear it off, just a daydream.

"My God! What the **** does that rope do? It's so tough!"

"Elder Su is a strong man in the early days of the sky. He has 7oooo combat power, which is equivalent to 28ooo pounds! The horrible power can't be moved at all, it is incredible!"

"Bei Xuanzong actually has such an exquisite artifact, and it looks like there are still many treasures in it! This information is too rich!"

"As you say, as long as you break Bei Xuanzong, we will be there!"

The surrounding people were shocked, and the exclamation sounded one after another.

"You can do it!"

Listening to the surrounding discussions, Yue Changkong couldn't wait to say: "It's like constipation, squatting there, and occupying the pit, not shit! Why not let me come!"

"You ... you are constipated! Your family is constipated!"

If Su Dong was almost vomiting blood with anger.


If Su Dong becomes angry and anger, on the right palm, he is instantly wrapped in the red fire truth, and turns into a short sword that looks like a blaze of fire, and directly splits the bundle of immortals.

"Lying grass! Do you want to kill me!"

Gordon was instantly pale and frightened.

At this moment there is no real body protection. This blessing with a 7oooo combat knife is enough to cut Gordon's body in half!


However, only one sound of Jin Tiechang was heard.

If Su Dong devotes his best effort to the knife and cut it on the bundle of immortal cords, it will stop abruptly in an instant.

"This ... how is this possible ..."

If Su Dong was stunned, he couldn't understand all that he saw: "Old man's" Flame Slash "can even cut the tank armor. It can't cause any damage to this rope ... The level of this artifact is really not Average high! "

"This ... how is this good ..." Gordon was impatient, and said, "Master Yue, would you like to try?"

"Me?" Yue Changkong looked for a moment and shook his head. "I won't try it ..."

His practice is that if it is higher than Sudong, but it is not much higher, he knows in the heart that he keeps tying up immortal cords, why should he show ugliness in front of others?

For a moment, Yue Changkong and Su Dongruo both remained silent and had nothing to say.

It is ridiculous that they were eager to try each other at the beginning, and they were eager to untie the bundle of immortal cords, but now they are choked, and they can't even put out a fart.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Ziya and Zhao Ritian both smiled as if they were watching a monkey.

Although this bundle of immortal cord is imitation, the material used is high-end spirit, and it was created by the Heavenly King Xingjun himself.

Under the ground fairy, no one can break it!

Even if Yue Changkong and Su Dong could use their breastfeeding power, they would just be two jumping beam clowns!

But then again, Zhao Ritian was actually not at all relaxed, and even very worried!

The bundle of cents is really strong, but the consumption is also huge!

The last time I tied the island's peak to Ninja Tanaka Takayoshi, I consumed 1ooo spirit stones.

This time it is 1ooo consumption.

Plus 5oo spirit stones consumed by the transformation.

In the cornucopia, there are only aura equivalent to 75oo spirit stones ~ ~ This is by no means good news. The God of Heaven and other people from all religions are staring. Shen Gongbao wants to send the spirit stones down, but it is not so. simple!

If the aura runs out, trouble will follow.

Of course, Zhao Ritian only had a slight headache, but he would never be aura.

Because his heart is very clear, if Chen Xiaobei cannot wake up, there must be a dead end, and there are no more soul stones to enjoy!

"Don't bother!"

At this time, Gordon said calmly: "There is an old saying in China, you have to tie the bell to solve the bell! Go grab the guy who releases the rope, and the problem will be solved naturally!"

As soon as this remark was made, the eyes of the remaining three celestial beings all fell on Zhao Ritian's body.

"Lying grass ..." Zhao Ritian sweat came down.

(End of this chapter)

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