Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 953: Phone calls (4)

Meeting room. Hunting "Net WwΔW. LieWen. CC

The central theme has been occupied by Ye Jianming.

Although there is a no-smoking sign, Ye Jianming still holds a cigar in his arms, as if he was announcing in advance. From today, this is his own place!

The next three positions are occupied by the three major shareholders involved in this equity transfer.

All three of them are full of fat, and there is a deep greed in the eyebrows. At first glance, it is the capitalist who recognizes money but not others!

Below, the smaller shareholders are sitting, and they have not much equity in the hands. They come here today only on a routine basis and have no actual right to speak.

Of these small shareholders, more than half are members of the Lan family, all of whom are embarrassed, and obviously they have not closed their eyes all night.

Theoretically, even if the Lan Group changed hands, the shareholdings in the hands of the Lan family are still there, and the worst thing is that they are just kicked out of the board of directors and are not allowed to participate in the management of the company.

The annual profit of the group still has to pay them dividends according to the shares, so that they have nothing, and the family is ruined!


This acquisition is fundamentally not a normal acquisition!

The Ye family and the banker were embarrassed. The promotion of the acquisition was not to run the Lan Group, but to avenge the Lan family! Revenge Chen Xiaobei!

First, Lan Mengchen wore a green hat to Zhuang Bifan. This was no longer a slap. It was all about putting the dealer's face on the ground and stepping on it!

As one of the four major families in Longdu, how can the banker accept such a great shame?

Don't blame if you don't play with the dead blue family!

Secondly, Chen Xiaobei killed Ye Tianling, Ye Jianming revenge at all costs, and his plan also started from the Blue Family!

Madly suppress the members of the Blue Family, let Lan Mengchen submit, and then let Chen Xiaobei submit!

Because of this, once the power of the Lan Group falls into the hands of the Ye Family, the Ye Family and the Banker will certainly join hands to exert pressure inside and outside, and use all kinds of despicable means to persecute the Lan Family!

It was only a matter of time for the Blue family to have nothing and ruin their home.


At this time, the door of the meeting room was opened by Mr. Qin.

Lan Zhengguo walked in slowly, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, his steps were difficult, his face was very pale, as if his soul was gone.

"Where do I sit?"

Lan Zhenguo glanced around, there was no room in the conference room, he could only stand at the door.

"Why does Mr. Lan know why? I asked you to come here, just to make a comeback! Once the contract is signed, the chairman of the Lans Group will be me Ye Jianming!"

Ye Jianming said coldly: "The first thing I took up was kicking you and everyone in the Lan family out of the board! It should only take two or three minutes, should you stand?"


Lan Zhenguo suddenly felt a pain in his heart, his body was crooked, and he almost fainted on the spot.


Lao Qin quickly helped Lan Zhengguo.

Seeing the scene at hand, the members of the Lan family at the scene also showed a look of despair and their hearts were completely cool.

From the beginning of Lan Mengchen's engagement, they knew that the behemoth of the dealer was pressed on the head of the Lan family!

Today's Eastwind incident, the ultimate consequence is far more than just being kicked out of the board!

"Mr. Lan! Members of the Lan family! Before I take office, I can give you another chance!"

Ye Jianming said viciously, "I heard that Lan Mengchen is a very filial child. As long as you call and ask her to bring Chen Xiaobei back, I can keep you on the board! And, never again It will be difficult for you! "

"Really? Are you telling the truth?"

"Okay! We're willing to make this call! Let's call ... let's call ..."

The people of Lan's family seemed to have caught the life-saving straw, one by one pulled out their mobile phones, and called Lan Mengchen's phone.

Obviously, this is exactly the effect Ye Jianming wanted.

Forcing the Lan family is equal to forcing Lan Mengchen and also forcing Chen Xiaobei.

"Put down your phones!"

At this time, Lan Zhengguo yelled suddenly, his body was shaking, and said, "Don't forget! What really wants us to die is the dealer!"

"You call to force Mengchen, not only will we die, but we will kill Mengchen!"

"She has sacrificed enough for this family. Can't you elders take on the role of elders?"

"I beg you! This time, we will take care of ourselves! Don't drag Mengchen in!"

People are so heart-felt, Lan Zhengguo talked about this, everyone in the Lan family was touched, and they put down their phones.

For so many years, the big hat of 'Zhuangjia'er' has pressed against Lan Mengchen's back like a big mountain, so that she can bear the pressure and restraint that she should not have suffered during the flower season!

Lan family can have today, half of the credit in Lan Mengchen's forbearance.

If anyone can make this call, unless the conscience is eaten by the dog.

"What? Shame your face, right?"

Ye Jianming's expression went dark for a moment, and he calmly said, "Since this, don't blame me for not giving you a chance!"

Everyone in the Lan family had no choice but to wait indifferently for the cold judgment in the course of humiliation and despair.


Ye Jianming glanced coldly at the three major shareholders who were preparing to sell the shares, saying, "We can formally sign a contract!"

Jingle Bell--

Jingle Bell--

Jingle Bell--

Just then, the phones of the three shareholders sounded like an appointment, and they rang at the same time.

The three guys ignored Ye Jianming and hurriedly pulled out the phone to connect, as if there was something extremely important.

"Okay! That's it!"

"Just now? That's great!"

"Okay! The sooner the better! Better now!"

The three guys laughed, all nodding their heads like chickens pecking rice.


Ye Jianming's eyebrows frowned, and when something happened, there must be a monster! How can such a clever thing happen?

Lan Zhenguo also showed a surprised look, but could not see any doubts.

It didn't take long for the three shareholders to call.

"Three, don't hesitate, let's sign a contract now!" Ye Jianming was afraid that things would change and immediately urged.

"Sorry! President Ye, I won't sign this appointment!"

"I won't sign it!"

"me too!"

The three major shareholders have stated their positions ~ ~ and gave exactly the same answer.


Hearing that Ye Jianming almost sprayed old blood on the ceiling.

His elaborate scheme was only a step closer to success. The three guys suddenly changed their guts, as if they were taking off their trousers when watching a small movie. As a result, the Gourd Brothers were released!

"Why! Why do you regret it?" Ye Jianming was almost furious.

"Because someone has doubled your asking price! As long as it is not mentally handicapped, you should know how to choose!" The three shareholders said.

"Who is it? How dare you grab my business with Zhuang Ye! Doesn't he want to confuse in the Chinese business community!" Ye Jianming asked with gritted teeth.

"it's me!"

At this moment, a young blond man, with two lawyers, walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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