Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 959: Weird Extreme (2)

There is no breath, and the ground plasma continues to flow from the mouth, flowing all over the ground!

Zhuang Bifan and Zhuang Fanfan were lying stiff on the ground, their faces were filled with extremely painful expressions, and they were both out of breath, and could not die anymore!

"Bi Fan! Extraordinary! How could this happen? What the **** is this ..."

If the old lady Zhuang was shocked, she screamed hysterically. Hunting Network WwΔW. LieWen. CC

"Dead ... all dead ... day will kill my dealer ..."

Zhuang Bihuang's face was even paler, as if all souls had been lost.

You know, Zhuang Hao, Zhuang Bifan, and Zhuang extraordinary. These are the only three descendants of Zhuang's direct descendants.

When the three of them died, the orthodox incense of the dealer was completely cut off.

"What's going on? Just fine, how did you die when you die? Is this too weird?" Yue Changkong's face was also very ugly.

"I can't see it ..."

If Su Dong shook his head heavily, sighed, "My husband has been walking rivers and lakes for hundreds of years, but he has never seen such a death!"

"This ... Is this related to Chen Xiaobei?"

Xu Changqing swallowed and said, "Zhuang Ye just said how to torture Chen Xiaobei! Zhuang Bifan said that he wanted to go to Chen Xiaobei's woman! Zhuang Bufan said that he would choke off Chen Xiaobei! Just now, three of them They are all dead! "


Everyone was shocked by this remark.

"Isn't it possible ... is Chen Xiaobei a god? Can't he kill someone in the air?" Yue Changkong frowned.

"However, the three of them really just said Chen Xiaobei's bad words, and then died! If it had nothing to do with Chen Xiaobei, it would be too coincidental, right?" Su Dongruo said in a deep voice.

"Impossible! Chen Xiaobei's small animal is not a 6-land fairy! It is even more impossible to be a true fairy of magical power!"

Zhuang Bihuang growled wildly: "Chen Xiaobei! I will crush you to death! I will chop all your women to death! I will chop all your family to feed the dog! You can kill me if you have the ability Ah! Come on !!! "

Seeing Zhuang Bihuang's hysterical roar, everyone around was stunned.

"It seems that I guessed wrong ... Chen Xiaobei really can't kill people from the air ..." Xu Changqing said Shen Sheng.

"Yeah! Chen Xiaobei is just a trivial man, if we can really kill people in the air, how can we live now?"

If Su Dong nodded, he persuaded: "Elder Zhuang, Tai Zhuang, you can't be resurrected if you die, please change your grief ..."

"My husband can't afford this grief!"

Zhuang Bihuang's heart was angry and his eyes turned red: "Chen Xiaobei broke my Zhuangjia incense, I will never die with him! He will kill me now if he has the ability! Otherwise, I will let him die at all costs!"

"Jun Mo, what are you standing behind Elder Zhuang?" At this moment, Yue Changkong suddenly asked in doubt.


Zhuang Bihuang frowned slightly, because he was so angry that he didn't notice when Yue Junmo was already within half a step behind him.


The next moment, no one could think of it, and could not think of it.

In the sleeves of Yue Jun Mo, he slipped out a sharp dagger and drew directly from Zhuang Bihuang's waist.

"Dare to kill my husband! Death !!!"

Zhuang Bihuang is like a tiger with a sore tail!

With a furious roar, Zhuang Bihuang shot a backhand, and the 7oooo combat power burst into full swing. The earth-colored true essence turned into a warhammer and hit directly on Yue Junmo's head.


The muffled sound burst, Yue Junmo's head instantly looked like a ripe watermelon, suddenly blasted by the hammer!

Flesh and blood flew, broken bones splashed!

With a headshot, the immortal is here, and he cannot be saved!

"Zhuang Bihuang! How dare you kill my son! Hey ..."

Seeing the scene in front of him, Yue Changkong jumped up instantly.

However, his wound was not healed, and he was shocked by anger. The wound was instantly torn, and another blood spewed out on the spot, unable to recover from the paralysis of the heart.

"I still want to ask you! As long as this dagger is half a centimeter deeper, it will pierce the old man's anger and breath! Tian Dao will not kill Yue Junmo, will he wait to die? Alas ...

Zhuang Bihuang asked angrily.

The dagger was still stuck in his back, in fact, it had hurt Qi Haidan Tian!

Suddenly, he even blew up Hai Dantian's injury, spit out old blood, and fell to the ground kneeling weakly.

"This ... what the **** is going on? What the **** is going on ..."

Yue Changkong's entire face was tangled, his eyes turned into blood red, and his forehead appeared blue.

Even letting him rack his brains, he couldn't figure out why his son would kill his elder.

It's not just Yue Changkong who can't figure it out.

Su Dongruo and Xu Changqing both looked dumbfounded, stunned aside, their mouths opened and closed, but they were speechless.

First of all, the three of the dealer broke out for no reason!

After that, Master Huashan and the elder killed each other!

For a short while, what happened can only be described by the word "strange". Common sense has been unable to explain!

"Xianzhu, you must first pull down the dagger, you must not hurt Qi Haidan Tian ..." Zhuang Laohu wrestled with grief and persuaded.

"Can't pull it!"

Zhuang Bihuang shook his head heavily and said, "This dagger has been stabbed on the Qihai Dantian, and there are many veins in the surrounding area. Pull it out rashly, it will aggravate the injury! Only people who are proficient in medicine can pull it out!"

"Master of medicine?"

The old lady Zhuang looked for a moment and said, "Wu Lao! Why hasn't the Wu Lao doctor come yet? I'll call him now! Call now ..."

"No need to fight, I'm here!"

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei was still wearing a human skin mask and came in slowly as a witch veteran.

"Witch Doctor!"

Zhuang Bihuang was overjoyed and immediately asked: "You're here! Please help me to pull out this dagger quickly. If I hurt Qi Dantian, I will be useless ..."

"Don't worry, I won't let you waste it."

Chen Xiaobei said something lightly, then threw the treasure house key to the old lady Zhuang, and ordered: "Go to the treasure house and get some medicine for healing."

"Yes! I'll go!" Zhuang Laobu dare not delay ~ ~ took the key, and ran all the way to the treasure house.

As soon as she walked forward, Chen Xiaobei went to Yue Junmo's body next to her body and squeezed some obscure and complicated hands with her left hand.

"Witch veteran, what are you doing?"

The remaining four people in the house all had their eyes widened, and they couldn't figure out what Chen Xiaobei was going to do to the body.

Chen Xiaobei did not speak.

Soon, a black worm emerged from Yue Junmo's body and crawled into Chen Xiaobei's hand.

"Witch ... witch doctor, what is it? Why is it in my child's body?" Yue Changkong stunned, his voice quivering.

"This is a bow and a bow! Those who have been bowed will lose consciousness and act according to the wishes of those who bowed!"

Chen Xiaobei said, taking off the human skin mask, and calmly said, "And I am the one who ran down!"

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