Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 962: Will count (1)

"Why do you two go with me? The island nation doesn't know anything about you. What use is there?"

Chen Xiaobei asked curiously. Ω Hunting "WWW. LieWen. CC

For Zhao Ritian's true body, Chen Xiaobei can't see yet.

However, as for the identity of Jiang Ziya, Chen Xiaobei had been wary. He proposed to follow up, and definitely had a purpose!

"When I first entered the teacher's gate, I just wanted to follow the Master, learn more skills, and serve the Master more!"

Zhao Ritian said: "Also, several brothers are famous geniuses in China! It's easy to attract attention when you are abroad! No one likes a disciple like a disciple, no one cares! At critical moments, you can also use a bundle of immortals to help the master ! "

"Well, what you said is also a bit reasonable, go ahead and prepare, and come out with me tomorrow!" Chen Xiaobei nodded and promised.

As a result, Chen Xiaobei did not know Zhao Ritian's identity.

In the second place, Zhao Ritian said it really makes sense. The power of the bundle of immortal cables is placed there. At the critical moment, it is really a weapon to counter the strong enemy!

"Thank you, Master Grace!"

Zhao Ritian paid a respectful respect, and then he retreated.

"What about me? May I go together?" Jiang Ziya couldn't wait to ask.


Chen Xiaobei slipped his lips and said, "I'm not going to lead a soldier this time. What can you do?"

"I ..." Jiang Ziya was speechless for a while, biting his head, and said, "My time limit for the Three Realms is approaching! I will be punished if I don't receive a million believers in one month!"

"It was you who was punished, but not me! I have shown you the way you can go. If you do n’t go, blame me?" Chen Xiaobei's expression was indifferent.

This time to go to the island country, Chen Xiaobei has two big things to do! How can I help Jiang Ziya to do the task? Not to mention beware of this old guy at any time please!

"No! You must take me! This matter will involve you!" Jiang Ziya said.

"Involved with me? Why?"

Chen Xiaobei said coldly, "I have indicated the way, it is you who push three obstacles by yourself. This is also unwilling to do, then you are not willing to do it! Shen Gongbao wants to punish me? Even if I agree, my master will not agree!"

"No, no, no! Shen Gongbao will not punish you! Don't alarm the Saints!"

Jiang Ziya quickly explained: "Isn't your Yangshou only one year old?"

"Oh? You old man, still know my Yangshou?" Chen Xiaobei squinted and asked, "What does this have to do with your mission in the Three Realms?"

Jiang Ziya explained: "Could you say that it is a coincidence? My time limit is exactly the day when the mother-in-law and mother-in-law peach meet!"

"Yan Taohui?" Chen Xiaobei blinked.

I remember the last time, they said that Yan Tao will be held soon. If you can get a peach, it is the best way to supplement your life!

"Yes! That's the Peach Club! That day is exactly the deadline for my Three Realms mission! Shen Gongbao will definitely mention me in the group!"

Jiang Ziya said: "If you help me complete the task, the mother-in-law will be rewarded with a peach if she is happy! If she is not happy, she will not punish you, but you will definitely not eat this peach!"

"I'm going to short oil! Are you threatening me?" Chen Xiaobei squinted and asked with a smile.

If Chen Xiaobei had only been wary of Jiang Ziya before, today it is completely determined. Jiang Ziya is the undercover!

First, he investigated the weakness of Chen Xiaobei's life span, and then he intentionally limited the mission to the Taotaohui.

This makes it clear that I want to take advantage of people and threaten Chen Xiaobei to agree to Jiang Ziya's request!

But why does Jiang Ziya want to go to the island country?

Chen Xiaobei couldn't figure it out.

However, Jiang Ziya has revealed his hole cards. If Chen Xiaobei is refusing, the old man may have to do other things, please, let him count the promises, million believers, Chen Xiaobei has a way!

"Okay! Now that you've talked about this, I'll take you with me!"

Chen Xiaobei said rudely, "But the ugly words are at the front. At that time, I will show you the way. If you don't go again, I will go to the group to sue you!"

"Relax! I won't make you mess up there!"

Jiang Ziya patted his breast and promised: "As long as you can increase the number of believers, I will do whatever you ask me to do!"

"Okay, then you go ahead and prepare, tomorrow morning!" Chen Xiaobei said lightly.

Jiang Ziya nodded and left.

Behind the Northern Xuanzong Mountain.

Zhao Ritian had been waiting there, and Jiang Ziya sneaked away.

"I'm done too, I can go together tomorrow!"

Jiang Ziya said earnestly: "This time, the primitive saint has calculated that the self-respect of the ego is in this world. We must rush to find her before Chen Xiaobei! As long as this task is completed, I can return to heaven and you can regain your freedom! "

"Of course I know! But how easy can it be?"

Zhao Ritian said coldly: "I heard Shen Gongbao said that although the island country is not large, it also has hundreds of millions of people! Without portraits and information, trying to find a specific person is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack!"

"Not completely clueless!"

Jiang Ziya said: "As long as you inject Qi into the chest of a reincarnated person, a demon-flaming red lotus will appear on the skin of her heart!"

"Fantastic Red Lotus? Are you talking about the spiritual imprint of the son-in-law?" Zhao Ritian narrowed her eyes, her eyes surprised, and she looked forward.


Jiang Ziya nodded and said, "Last time, Honghuangda 6 has not been broken. The King of Shang Yang insulted the goddess of the son-in-law. The son-in-law of the son-in-law was angry. ! "

"The mass calamity is coming, Shen Gongbao entered the Shang Dynasty, and bundled the Qi of Intercession with the Qi of Shang Dynasty. And I entered the Zhou Dynasty, and bundled the Qi of Qi with the Zhou Dynasty!"

"The battle between the Shang and Zhou dynasties is the epitome of the entire feudal war!"

"The ruling Shang Dynasty ~ ~ was finally defeated by the Zhou Dynasty! And the censorship of 'Wanxianlaichao' was eventually defeated by my teaching!"

"In this battle, Jiji played a vital role! She was not only a fox demon who charmed the king, but also carried the whole spirit of her demon goddess!"

"This time the calamity is approaching, the original saint is expected that the truncation under the leadership of the leader of Heaven will definitely explain to me the revenge! Whoever wins the son-in-law will have a huge advantage!"

"Well, it is still the most important part to win the son-in-law!"

After all, Jiang Ziya is the person who has experienced the last calamity throughout the process, and he knows some of the secrets.

"I understand!"

Zhao Ritian nodded and said, "I want to kill the birth days this time, and I am the best weathervane!"

(End of this chapter)

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