Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 969: Dark Purple Rosary (4)

"What ... how are you little bastard!"

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous. The moment when Qi Jirou of Meichuan saw Chen Xiaobei, his anger was almost out of his eyes. "Hunting network WwΔW. LieWen. CC

"Meichuan! Don't think you're the one your grandpa invited, you can be brazen!"

Tian Zuo Xue Ji guarded in front of Chen Xiaobei, and said angrily, "Mr. Chen is my life-saving benefactor! If you dare to disrespect Mr. Chen, believe it or not, I will blow you out!"

"I ... am I wrong?"

Uchikawa Chijiro was called a grievance, and his teeth were pumped away by Chen Xiaobei. Couldn't even scold him?

"Mr. Chen, let's go, ignore him!" Tian Zuo Xueji gave Meichuan Qijiro a glance, and directly called Chen Xiaobei to go inside.


Meichuan Qijiro glared angrily at Chen Xiaobei's back and said coldly: "When I give the gift to Father Tianzuo first, as long as his old man is happy, I will let him blast this little hybrid out of Tianzuo's house every minute! "

Manor yard.

There is a large European-style house, and from the outside, it is no different from ordinary villas.

But as soon as you enter it, it's an unusual sight!

The big house is full of all kinds of cultural relics, all around the world, but from China, they account for about two-thirds.

As a result, China has a long history and vast land, and its cultural relics are naturally more abundant than other places.

Secondly, the owner of the big house is probably more interested in Huaxia's historical relics.

Using the gossip-looking qi technique, Chen Xiaobei glanced over. There was no fake in the house, and the antiquities of each cultural relic were at least golden, and the purple-gold ones accounted for half.

It can be seen that the owner of the big house also has a very high pursuit of his own collection. It is not a boutique in the boutique, and it will not be put here at all.

"Dulong Fangzun!"

As far as his eyes were concerned, Chen Xiaobei immediately locked his target.

In the middle of the big house, a square dragon-shaped bronze ancient tripod is quietly placed in a special glass cover.

The lingering atmosphere of purple gold can be directly determined, this is indeed the real thing!

Without saying a word, Chen Xiaobei immediately opened the eyes of fire and took a closer look. There was indeed a mezzanine inside the Dulong Fangzun.

"Huh? What's that?"

Chen Xiaobei's brows wrinkled slightly, revealing the color of doubt.

The mezzanine does exist, but the interior of the mezzanine is not the eight snake scales that Li wants to find, but a string of dark purple rosary.

The texture of the rosary looks like jade, but the color is very weird, where Chen Xiaobei seems to have seen it.

It's Yin!

The color on the rosary is exactly the same as the shade of yin gathered on the forehead of Tian Zuo Xueji at the airport!

But strangely, this rosary was sealed very well, and the yin was not leaked at all. That is to say, this is not the source of the yin on Tian Zuo Xueji, so where did the yin that caused her unconscious Come on?

"You can't tell, you are also an antique lover and you are so fascinated!"

Tian Zuo Xueji held her hands and pouted her mouth, and there was such a bit of complaining in her tone.

A small rich woman of her own high-value appearance was beside her, but Chen Xiaobei stared at Dulong Fangzun without squinting, without even looking at herself.

Used to being held by everyone as a star, except that Chen Xiaobei was very lonely to himself.

This makes Tian Zuo Xue Ji very much concerned, isn't her charm so bad?

"Xueji! I heard your rescuer is here, is this the one?"

At this moment, an old man with a white hair, dressed in a black-gray kimono, stepped on the wooden clogs unique to the island nation.

Obviously, this old man is exactly the grandfather of Tian Zuo Xue Ji, the head of the Tian Zuo family, and the island nation's undisputed wealth, Tian Zuo Xiongyan!

Behind him, he was followed by a group of 50-to-60-year-olds who were successful people at a glance.

As soon as they entered the big house, these guys' eyes fell on Chen Xiaobei.

I want to see what is sacred in the end, and she can save the life of Miss Tian Zuo.

If you can seize the opportunity and let Tian Zuo's family push one behind, even if the carp jumps through the dragon gate, it will not be impossible.

"Let me introduce, this is Chen Zhufeng, who pulled me back from the ghost gate at the airport, Mr. Chen!"

Tian Zuo Xueji continued: "This is my grandpa, and those who are behind my grandpa are antique experts and antique lovers."

"I heard that Mr. Chen is a Huaxia native, and just happened to answer the old saying of Huaxia, the hero is a boy!"

Tian Zuo Xiongyan said with a smile: "At a young age, the medicine is extraordinary, and the future is bound to be infinite!"

"Yeah yeah……"

The people around him looked at Tian Zuo Xiong Yan Ma, and nodded one by one, starting to figure out how to get rid of Chen Xiaobei.

Chen Xiaobei just nodded slightly to Tian Zuo Xiongyan, and did not intend to have any relationship with this group of people, and continued to observe the situation of Dulong Fangzun.

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen is also a fellow in the same team?"

Tian Zuo Xiongyan didn't mind, came forward and said, "This Dulong Fangzun is the old man's favorite collection ..."

After waiting for Tian Zuo Xiongyan to finish his speech, Chen Xiaobei said in an astonishment, "Give it to me!"


With that, everyone in the big house was stunned.

"This kid is too arrogant? Mr. Tian Zuo's favorite is this Dulongfangzun, how could it be given away?"

"That's it! He thought he could save Miss's life, and he can do whatever he wants? Too much self-righteousness!"

"It is said that the Huaxia man is humble, and I don't think he knows what humbleness is!"


The group of antique lovers around made a lot of dissatisfaction and scoffed at Chen Xiaobei's request.

Tian Zuo Xiongyan also showed some displeased expressions, Shen Sheng said: "There is a saying in Huaxia, gentlemen do not win people! Mr. Chen made such a request, it is against the gentleman's way!"

"I made this request to save your granddaughter's life!" Chen Xiaobei asked, "Is your granddaughter's life important, or is it an antique?"

"Naturally, Xue Ji's life is important! But ~ ~ Is there any connection between the two?" Tian Zuoxiong asked with a frown.

"I'm not in a position to say the connection, and you might not understand it when you say it."

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: "If you believe, send me Dulong Fangzhuang, I will protect your granddaughter from getting sick! If you don't believe, then when I say nothing, your granddaughter won't have to come again Find me!"

"This ..." Tian Zuo Xiongyan fell into hesitation.

"Grandpa Tian Zuo! Don't believe him!"

At this time, Ujigawa Shijiro brought someone in and said, "The gift I brought to you today can help Miss Xue Ji's condition! You don't need to ask for that kid at all!"

After that, the two behind him came in with a tray.

Chapter Four, April Fool's Day is coming! Are you cheated today?

(End of this chapter)

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