Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 973: Dogs from 1 country (4)


Chen Xiaobei did not hesitate to agree with the price offered by Tian Zuoxiongyan.

Theoretically, if you take a second look at Tensuo Xiongyan, he will definitely increase the fare, but Chen Xiaobei is going to put a long line to catch big fish. Naturally, the fish cannot be scared away!

"Mr. Chen is so refreshing, the old man immediately asked someone to send over the spirit stone!" Tian Zuo Xiongyan did not expect such a smooth, and his face was full of smiles.

"This is how I do business! As long as the price is right, I will not hack you again, so that you will come to me again when you need it!" Chen Xiaobei smiled, said.

"Coming to you again?" Tian Zuoxiongyan was surprised. "So, Mr. Chen still has antiques of the same level?"

"Yes! Both high school, low school!"

Chen Xiaobei smiled slightly and said, "If you are interested, you can bring a foot spirit. The things from me can definitely meet the needs of different groups of people!"

"That's great!"

Tian Zuo Xiongyan excitedly said: "The old man has a great obsession with the collection, but he must not ask for` `god quality ''! Let's set a time here, the old man must go to Mr. Chen to visit!"

"We also want to check it out! Although not as good as Mr. Tian Zuo, dozens of spirit stones can still be taken out!"

"Yes! We want to see it too!"

"Mr. Chen, set a time with Mr. Tianzuo first, let's go together to save you trouble!"

Although the surrounding people were beaten by Chen Xiaobei, they were all authentic antique lovers and often came to Tian Zuo Xiongyan to meet here.

When they heard that Chen Xiaobei was still available, they naturally wanted to take a look.

If they meet their preferences, they are also willing to pay a large price.

"Okay, then we will set the time tomorrow, the specific location, I will send it to Mr. Tian Zuo later!" Chen Xiaobei smiled, said.

"Okay! That's it!" The crowd agreed in unison.

Subsequently, Chen Xiaobei collected another 300 spirit stones, took Dulong Fangzun, and left Tianzuo Manor together with Aoi.


Return to Li Xiang's villa.

For the first time, Chen Xiaobei and Li wanted to talk about his plan to find a place to display antiques for sale to Tian Zuo Xiongyan and others.

Li Xiang objected, saying: "North Brother, IMHO, those antiques are ancient relics of our country! How can they be easily sold to the islanders?"

Chen Xiaobei smiled, and said, "Oh, didn't you tell me that the ancestors of the islanders were our Chinese? They are not sold to outsiders?"

"Brother! It's wrong of you to say so!"

Li wanted to frown: "The island nation ’s crime of aggression against China is a bit angry with people and gods. How can you treat them as your own?"

"I didn't think of them as my own people, I just saw them as my own dogs!" Chen Xiaobei's tone was soft and light, but he showed a strong domineering.

"Own dog?"

Li wanted to look for a moment, totally unable to imagine, what kind of mentality Chen Xiaobei actually uttered such words!

Take a country as a home dog!

This is too crazy!

Li didn't want to understand, but it wasn't strange at all.

Because he didn't know, long ago, Chen Xiaobei had planned to feed the island emperor and the prime minister with Tianting dog food!

Eat Tiantian dog food, is Chen Xiaobei's loyal dog!

As long as both the Emperor and the Prime Minister ate Tianting dog food, isn't this so-called Oshima Empire equivalent to Chen Xiaobei's loyal dog?

"Li thought, there are some things you don't understand and I don't want to explain."

Chen Xiaobei said lightly: "You just need to know that I 'sell' the ancient artifacts to my dog, just let them look at it first! When I want to, I can let them kneel by ticking my fingers Send it back! "


Li wanted to look for a moment, although he still didn't quite understand what Chen Xiaobei meant, but his heart was deeply shocked by Chen Xiaobei's domineering!

Whenever you want, tick your fingers and let them kneel and send them back!

How overbearing!

Li Xiang's mood was convinced by it. He believed that Chen Xiaobei would be able to do it when he said it, so he immediately nodded and promised: "I understand, I will send someone to find the location, and I can get it tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, then I'll go back to the room first, and I'll let me know if there is news." Chen Xiaobei got up and went to his own room on the second floor.

Sitting on the bed, Chen Xiaobei took out the sapphire gourd, and pumped all the 318 spirits harvested today into the sapphire gourd.

"At present, there are a total of 618 spirit stones in the jade gourd, and even the first and second changes of the Dragon and Witch Nine Transformations cannot be supported for a minute ..."

Chen Xiaobei secretly reckoned, "If I want to rescue the fox and revenge for her, I must hoard more aura ... the more the better ..."


It's like drag racing must be fueled first!

Every step of Chen Xiaobei's future is inseparable from Reiki. If you want to go further and fly higher, Reiki is essential!

He desperately needs Reiki!

Get as much Aura as possible at all costs!

"I hope those guys will do their best tomorrow and buy more cultural relics ... Now, let's take a look at Dulong Fangzun first!"

Chen Xiaobei fixed his mind and took Dulong Fangzun out of the space ring.

"Little two! Come out and eat!" Chen Xiaobei said, saying.

Xiao Er's ‘嗖’ came out at once, and he was so excited: “What to eat? What to eat?”

"There is a mezzanine at the bottom of this copper tripod. You bite open before you talk." Chen Xiaobei said lightly.


Xiao Er responded, and immediately jumped into Dulong Fangzun, and ‘Kakaka’ swallowed up.

Soon, Dulong Fangzun's sandwich was bitten by Xiao Er.

I saw a dark purple light coming out, and the temperature of Chen Xiaobei's room immediately dropped a lot.

"It's cold! Strange ... why is my body afraid of cold?"

Theoretically, with Chen Xiaobei's current physical strength, the cold and heat are hard to affect him ~ ~ But at this moment, he clearly feels a kind of pervious cold, making him instinctively want Add some clothes!

"Can it be said that the black rosary in the mezzanine is a magical weapon with power?" Chen Xiaobei blinked before his eyes, guessing.

"This is Jiuyou Amethyst! It is a kind of great tonic food with an overcast attribute!" Xiao Er exclaimed, a pair of small eyeballs looked like a starving ghost giving birth, staring at the Wuzi rosary and shining straight.

"Jiuyou Amethyst?"

Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, and calculated: "This thing is extremely overcast. It is also a good supplement for evil spirits!"

"If you are not mistaken, the anger of Tian Zuo Xue Ji comes from the evil spirit who is attracted by these nine amethysts!"

"As long as you remove this evil spirit, Tian Zuo Xue Ji will never get sick again!"


Just then, there was a gust of wind suddenly outside the villa!

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