Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 978: Bundle Chen Xiaobei (1)

"No problem."

Tian Zuo Xiongyan was very calm: "My husband has already checked it, your friend wants to steal Dulong Fangzun, and it has not been successful! It is just a fake, and the official knows that the husband is ok to say hello!"

"Okay, since Mr. Tian Zuo said so, then I can rest assured."

Chen Xiaobei nodded and said, "Tomorrow's antique party will continue as usual, the address has been sent to your mobile phone, please help me inform everyone."


Tian Zuoxiongyan frowned slightly and said, "I want to know more about Xue Ji's condition than antique parties. When do you plan to solve it?"

"I have resolved it."

Chen Xiaobei said faintly: "Whether you believe it or not, Dulong Fangzun is related to an evil spirit. Now that the evil spirit has been removed by me, your granddaughter will never get sick again."

"Evil? Mr. Chen, are you a psychic? If that's the case, Xueji shouldn't be a big deal ..."

Tian Zuo Xiongyan is a person who has seen the world after all. Naturally, he has heard the words of evil spirits and psychics, so he naturally believed in seven points.

"Oh ... oh ..."

At this moment, there were two funny ratios in front of the police station, just like the old hen, screaming and came out.

Not others, but Jiang Ziya and the six-eared macaque.

The island country's tear gas quality is also good. Until now, there is still Yu Wei, let these two tease more than a nose and a tear to stay straight out.

Dignity Jiang Taigong! Dignified giant demon six-eared macaque! At this moment I was crying, my eyes and nose turned red, and my burning pain was hot!

"How did you make a man like this !?" Tian Zuo Xiongyan sank, staring at Koizumi Mitsuhide.

"This ..." Koizumi was almost scared to pee.

"Mr. Tian Zuo, this is not to blame your police officers."

On the contrary, Chen Xiaobei calmed down and said, "It's these two teasers who are asking for themselves! Let them have a hard time!"

Tian Zuoxiongyan nodded, and then no longer asked, instead asked: "Mr. Chen, it's too late, or should the husband arrange a place for you nearby?"

"No, don't they want to stroll around? I'll take them here for a stroll!" Chen Xiaobei's tone was flat, but there was something in it.

"This ... well, let's leave now." Tian Zuo Xiongyan knew that Chen Xiaobei was not an ordinary person. He could not guess Chen Xiaobei's thoughts and did not dare to guess blindly.

After talking, the gangsters who were present were dispersed.

Chen Xiaobei's decision naturally attracted the attention of Jiang Ziya and the six-eared macaque.

These two guys are funny, but their brains are not stupid. After a little calculation, they have basically guessed that this action can completely expose their undercover status. Chen Xiaobei will never give up.

"Let's go!" Chen Xiaobei pointed to the front and let the two teasers go first.

Jiang Ziya and the six-eared macaque were disturbed. They were figuring out how to get through this level. Before thinking about it, naturally, they could not tear their faces with Chen Xiaobei and could only go forward obediently.

Chen Xiaobei followed them far away.

"You look back, how far is Chen Xiaobei from us? The old man's eyes are crying and he can't see clearly ..." Jiang Ziya said with a very low voice.

The six-eared macaque glanced back and said, "Maybe twenty meters away ... you shouldn't hear us ..."

"It seems to be really exposed this time ..." Jiang Ziya whispered: "Chen Xiaobei is a better man than a ghost, and he must be planning a bad idea against us!"

"What should we do now?" Six-eared macaques knew more or less Chen Xiaobei.

Revenge must be reported, and the wrist is quite tough!

This incident has already stepped on the bottom line of Chen Xiaobei, it is impossible for him not to take revenge!

"What else can I do?"

Jiang Ziya frowned, "We must grab Chen Xiaobei's shot first, then we must be strong. Only by holding him back can we be safe!"

"Do you mean that I want to use a bundle of cents?" The six-eared macaque asked.

"Crap!" Jiang Ziya asked, "With Chen Xiaobei's strength, ten thousand you and me are not his opponents! You don't have to tie a fairy rope, how can you subdue him?"

The six-eared macaque frowned slightly and reluctantly said, "There are only 7,500 spirit stones left in my cornucopia, and it will cost 1,000 to tie him ... This loss is too great ..."

"Aren't you going to tie him up for death?"

Jiang Zi's teeth glared with anger and anger, "Don't forget, my husband is also a disciple of the primitive saint. No matter how revenge Chen Xiaobei can kill the husband!"

"But you are just a little demon who has died for sin, and you should never have to live again! Falling into the hands of Chen Xiaobei, you must only have a way out!

After hearing that, the face of the six-eared macaque also gloomed: "To die, everyone will die together! Before I die, I will surely bring the original old man back to the law of reincarnation, and Shen Gongbao will give me red envelopes, all of them in the Three Realms red envelope group! "

"No! Nothing!" Jiang Ziya shuddered in shock.

You know, the law of reincarnation was changed by Dao Zu Hongjun himself! The decree not to issue red envelopes was personally issued by the primitive saints!

If these two things break apart, the original Tianzun will only be locked up for hundreds of thousands of years by Hongjun Daozu!

The calamity is coming. Without Yuan Shi Tianzun's words, such as the interpretation of the Sun and the Heaven, I am afraid that it will be completely wiped out by other religions!

"Don't die together! We can't all die!"

Jiang Ziya said in a hurry: "You tied Chen Xiaobei directly with a bundle of immortal cord and consumed the spirit stone. Looking back, I went to Shen Gongbao with you and said, let him replenish it! By the way, please ask for other magical tools to deal with Chen Xiao north!"

"It's almost the same!" The six-eared macaque heard his words, and frowned, finally unfolding.

Take a look around. There are no pedestrians on the island streets late at night.

Looking back, I glanced at it and found that Chen Xiaobei was still 20 meters away and was walking slowly.

"I'm ready! Are you going to tie Chen Xiaobei now?" The six-eared macaque asked Shen Sheng.

"Spirit is yours, you choose the timing yourself! Whether it is death or alive is all in your hands! Can't hold Chen Xiaobei ~ ~ Let's go to Huangquan together!" Jiang Ziya sighed.

"What nonsense! Bound Xianxuo, then, how could it not be able to restrain Chen Xiaobei!"

The six-eared macaque glared angrily and yelled, "No more nonsense! Now!"

With a shout, the six-eared macaque turned back suddenly and waved his hand, sending Jin Chancan's bundle of immortals directly.


The bundle of immortal cords rushed towards Chen Xiaobei at a very fast speed.

Although the artifact is imitation, even Gordon, the lord of the blood race, can easily bind it.

The results can be imagined!

Chen Xiaobei was **** firmly and couldn't even move a finger, and fell over directly to the ground.

"It's done! Success!"

Ginger teeth and six-eared macaques rejoiced.

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