In Chen Xiaobei's opinion, the main task this time to come to the island country is to stop the demon fox's wedding and help the demon fox to take revenge. Hunting Network WwΔW. LieWen. CC

The second is to help Li want to find the ninth Hachigi snake scale.

Now there is a third goal, which is to seek reincarnation.

This goal has been mentioned many times by Master Tongtian. It is even more important for Chen Xiaobei to find it as soon as possible than to find that marriage.

Chen Xiaobei has been suffering from no clue, and the vast world has no idea where to find it.

What I didn't expect is that the two funny comparisons of Jiang Ziya and Six-eared Macaque not only revealed their identities, but also provided Chen Xiaobei with a direct clue!

I have been reincarnated, and it is in the island country!

In this way, the search scope can be greatly reduced, and the probability of finding reincarnation will naturally increase greatly.

"Chen Xiaobei, what are you going to do with us?"

The six-eared macaque saw Chen Xiaobei kept silent, thinking that Chen Xiaobei was figuring out how to pack him and Jiang Ziya, so he couldn't help asking.

"I've always had grudges and complaints. You have protected my family and friends, one by one, and today I will spare you, let's go! If we meet again next time, we are the enemy!"

Chen Xiaobei didn't figure out how to pack them, instead he did not intend to embarrass the six-eared macaque.

"I'm also a man of clear grudges! And, I don't like being rude!"

The six-eared macaque frowned slightly and said, "Last time, Jiang Ziya and I just protected your family and friends just for self-protection! I'm not entitled to give you one for another!"

As soon as this statement was made, Jiang Ziya directly sprayed old blood.

Cursed in my heart, did the six-eared macaque take the wrong medicine? Chen Xiaobei said to let him go, but he still had a reason to not want to go?

But Chen Xiaobei looked at the six-eared macaque.

Although this demon monkey is doing things for hermeneutics, she is very moral, and she also scolded her for being shameless.

The **** nature of the rivers and lakes is very appetizing for Chen Xiaobei.

"I know all you said."

Chen Xiaobei smiled slightly and said, "So, I just let you go, but she **** to stay! So you don't owe me!"

"Okay! The bundle of immortal cords is yours! See you in the rivers and lakes!" The six-eared macaque changed his mind and directly cut off his spiritual connection with the bundle of immortal cords, making this spiritual object an unowned one.

Then he disappeared at the end of the street without looking back.

"Wait for my husband ..."

Jiang Ziya struggled to get up from the ground, the dentures flew, and the position of the front teeth became a black hole. His speech had been leaking, and he was dying.


Chen Xiaobei said coldly, "Have I said you can go?"

Hearing that, Jiang Ziya trembled and yelled, "Six ... Six ears are gone, I have to be with him ..."

"Oh, the six-eared macaque left a bundle of immortal cords. You don't leave anything, can I let you go?" Chen Xiaobei received the bundles of immortal cords and wanted to benefit from Jiang Ziya.

"I ... I have nothing on my body ..." Jiang Ziya sweated down.

He was a man of sin, and the Master of Heaven was keeping his eyes on him, let alone a magical weapon, and he didn't even take a little repair.

After finally having a cell phone, he was snatched by a six-eared macaque.

When you stand upside down, you can't drop a steel goblet, which is the **** tooth at the moment.

"Nothing? Then I'm sorry! Obediently go back with me!"

Chen Xiaobei directly reached out and grabbed Jiang Ziya's collar, and he pinched Jiang Ziya like a chick.

Call out somersault clouds, step on, and head straight into the sky.

"Oops ... my mother ... slow down ... don't drop me ..." Jiang Ziya was caught in the air, almost scared.

"I just ask you, do you want to live or die?" Chen Xiaobei asked with a smile.

"When ... of course I want to live ... you must not let go ... what are we talking about!" Jiang Ziya thought that Chen Xiaobei was about to throw him out of the air, and immediately persuaded.

"What day is the Taotao Conference?" Chen Xiaobei asked.

"Seven ... Seven days later! Seven days later is the Peach Festival!" Jiang Ziya said quickly.

"Seven days? That is to say, within seven days I must let you gain millions of followers, so that I won't provoke the queen mother and mother at the Peach Blossom Party!"

Chen Xiaobe narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did you think about it, sing, dance, broadcast live, film, what do you want to do?"

"I ... I want to do everything, but I can't do anything ..." Jiang Zi swallowed.

This is a big truth.

At the beginning, the live broadcast of Pharaoh was started by indulging the glory of the king! Xiao Nazhe and Red Baby's star road also succeeded through hard study and training.

For Jiang Ziya, since the beginning of the world, his mind has not been on the Three Realms mission. Chen Xiaobei let him learn, he did not learn the same, naturally nothing.

"With only seven days, it is too late for you to learn and sell now!"

Chen Xiaobe narrowed his eyes and laughed sadly: "Since you are not willing to choose, you can only rely on me to help you arrange it!"

"You help me arrange it?" Jiang Ziya looked for a moment, wondering: "I can't do anything! What are you planning to do for me?"

"Remember why you were last reported to have killed Pharaoh Live?" Chen Xiaobei laughed.

"Uh, remember ... because of my misinformation, I shouted‘ I ’m drunk, and seven or eight mother-in-laws are sleeping with me ’.”

Jiang Ziya's expression flickered, his eyes suddenly stared at the boss, and the cold sweat ‘唰 唰’ burst out: "You ... shouldn't you want me to be a duck?"

"Do ducks? Hey ..."

Chen Xiaobei just smiled and sprayed: "You are so funny, your brain is really big! You go to be a duck, you have to receive one million guests in seven days, and you must satisfy every guest ... Are you dead? "

"No ... not a duck? Then I can rest assured ..." Jiang Ziya was relieved.

But it's good, before the breath is even, the whole person is dumbfounded.

"I won't let you be a duck, but I will find seven mother-in-laws to accompany you to sleep!" Chen Xiaobei raised her eyebrows, smiling very evil.

"No ... don't make a joke ..." Jiang Ziyahan was all down: "What does the sleeping woman have to do with my mission in the Three Realms? How could this be a reward for believers?"

"You don't need to worry about that!"

Chen Xiaobei's face sank ~ ~: "If you perform well and let me get the peaches smoothly, I will spare you my life! Otherwise ..."

As he was talking, Chen Xiaobei suddenly let go.


Jiang Ziya's collar loosened, and instantly fell into a free fall state.

He is now just a child, hitting the ground from the depths of the clouds and turning into a piece of meatloaf in minutes!

On the front line of life and death, this old tease is more screaming than frightened, it is worse than killing a pig.

Chapter Three, thank the [Stone] brothers for bringing a reward for their sorrow. Thank you very, very, very much!

(End of this chapter)

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