Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 983: Island nations and lakes (2)

"You can't go in! Do you know who opened this club? Do you know the consequences of a forced break in?"

A barman stopped at the garden entrance. "" Ω "Ww" W. LieWen. CC

On his front, there are a group of guys wearing long swords and wearing island warriors.

Each one presses the handle of the knife one by one, fierce and evil, and when there is a big disagreement, he will act, and at a glance, he knows that the person coming is not good.

However, it seems that the owner of this club is not small, so a little waiter dare to stop these twenty warriors with swords.

"I don't care who opened this club. If you never let it go, don't blame me!"

The samurai leader frowned, and threatened with a cold voice.

"What a shame to pretend! Let me tell you the truth! This club is run by Mr. Aso! Do you need me to say more about the power of the Aso consortium?"

The waiter looked arrogant and thought he could scare off the enemy by reporting the name of the master!


After hearing only a muffled sound, the samurai leader kicked himself on the waiter's stomach.

The power was so extraordinary that he kicked the waiter beyond three meters with one foot, fell to the ground, rolled his stomach, and couldn't get up!

"Let's go in!"

With a big wave of the samurai leader's hand, he took more than twenty men and rushed in.

"Who are you? Get out! Don't stop us!"

The island tyrants in the garden were very upset by Chen Xiaobei, and they wanted to leave quickly, but the road was blocked by the group of warriors.

"If you want to go, you can leave all the antique calligraphy and paintings you bought, and I guarantee you can leave in peace!"

The samurai chief squinted and threatened coldly: "Of course, if you don't cooperate, I can't guarantee that you will have no arms and legs!"

"Under the broad day, do you dare to rob us? It's just death!"

One of the local tyrants yelled, "Everyone! Call in bodyguards! Let these idiot warriors know how stupid they are!"

"Okay! Okay ..."

The local tyrants in the garden are either rich or expensive. They are accompanied by bodyguards when they go out, but they stay in the parking lot.

At this moment, they were robbed by the samurai. Of course, the local tyrants couldn't bear it. They took out their mobile phones one by one and contacted the bodyguards.

The samurai chief did not stop, looked at them with a smile, and let them call casually.

"What's going on? Why don't you answer the phone?"

"No one answered my phone!"

"Me too ... Me too ..."

But soon, the local tyrants showed terrified expressions without exception, and the bodyguard's phone could not be reached!

The samurai leader then sneered: "Hum, your bodyguards are just a bunch of wine sacks and lunch bags! Before we came in, we picked them up!"

"What? How is this possible? Our bodyguards are all professional bodyguards hired heavily, how could they be completely destroyed?"

Those tyrants couldn't believe this fact.

You know, their bodyguards are either retired special forces or underground black boxers. On weekdays, one enemy is ten.

Today, it was even silenced, and it was incredible!

"Chen ... Chen Zhufeng! This place is where you let us come! You tell us clearly, what is going on here?"

"Chen Zhufeng! Have you colluded with these people, collected our spirits, and snatched back antique calligraphy and painting!"

"Chen Zhufeng! You are so heartless!"

The local tyrants couldn't make the phone call, and Xiaoxin immediately became half cold, and all of them flinched back and pointed at Chen Xiaobei.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Tanaka Takayoshi scolded: "If my master wants to grab the spirit stone, he can kill all of you in the first place, why bother with you for a long time in the garden?"

You know, Tanaka Takayoshi is the pinnacle of Tian Zhao, and the cultivation of Shinji pinnacle is as high as 5ooo.

Either these local tyrants or the warriors, in the eyes of Tanaka Takayoshi, they are just a group of ants.

As long as Chen Xiaobei orders, Tanaka Gaoji can clear the field completely by his own minutes.

"Everyone! Calm!"

At this time, Tian Zuoxiongyan said, Shen Sheng said: "My husband believes that this has nothing to do with Mr. Chen ... if you read it correctly, all the samurai are all` `Dongchen Yidaoliu ''! ''

"Dong ... Dongchen is a sword-knife? Mr. Tian Zuo! Are you kidding me? That's our island nation's first swordsman!"

"Yeah! How can Dongchen come to grab our stuff because of his powerful skills like Yun Yun?"

Hearing that there were several local tyrants around, he immediately questioned.

But more people agree with Tian Zuoxiong.

"I think Mr. Tian Zuo is right! Only Dongchen's one-size-fits-all can easily settle all our bodyguards!"

"Yes! In front of the master of swordsmanship, our bodyguards have no strength to fight back!"

"If the other person really is Dong Chen's one-size-fits-all, then don't we have no room to resist at all?"

"Crap! The bodyguards are gone. Let's fight against the feathers?"

Everyone's little heart was completely cool, and when looking at the more than twenty warriors, it was like looking at their own dad, full of awe.

"Likewise, I won't say it a third time!"

The samurai chief smiled coldly, and said, "People who don't want to lack arms and legs, put down the antique calligraphy and painting in their hands! Those who obey obediently can leave safely!"

As soon as this remark was made, the local tyrants around looked like they were going to be cut by humans, and their faces were pained and tangled.

You know, these antique calligraphy and paintings, even the cheapest one, cost them 3 spirits.

For ordinary locals, this is already a huge expenditure.

Let them directly let people ~ ~ definitely more uncomfortable than cutting them a piece of meat.

"Sir Samurai!"

One of the big fat guys was distressed and died. The dog jumped off the wall and said, "It ’s no use robbing you of antique calligraphy and painting. It is better to grab Chen Zhufeng directly! He has collected 3ooo spiritual stones. That is the favorite of those who cultivate. ! "

As soon as this statement came out, the local tyrants all looked like chickens pecking rice: "Yes, yes, go and grab Chen Zhufeng! Don't grab us! Chen Zhufeng has 3ooo spirit stones in his hand ..."

"There is no need for you to remind me!"

The samurai leader grinned, his eyes showed greed, and said, "The reason why Lao Tzu will bring people out of the mountain is because there are a lot of spiritual stones to take! As for the antique calligraphy and painting, Lao Tzu will not let go! Drop things and go! "

"you guys……"

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei in silence raised his eyes and glanced at the warriors, and slowly said, "I don't want to be abolished, I will disappear immediately under my eyelids!"

(End of this chapter)

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