Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

Chapter 990: Kneeling directly (1)

The special "Nutrition Express" ignited the power of flooding and famine, and Jiang Ziya was full of force, just like a human. Hunting Δtext network www. LieWen. CC

In just three minutes, the moment passed.

The green snake was directly with a cool expression on her face, her body trembled, her fragrant sweats flew, her eyes blurred, and she completely forgot about herself.

The remaining six snake spirits next to me couldn't help showing envy, licking their lips one by one, their eyes stared at the little stars, and I wish I could turn to myself next time!

"The live broadcast eats the grave, the grave jumps on the grave, cuts himself up and commits suicide, you three can go out!"

At this time, Chen Xiaobei walked over and watched the three stunned teasers miserably.

"I ... we're just joking! How can a joke be taken seriously? That's what you Chinese people do, with no sense of humor."

Those three teases were flushed, as if slammed by an invisible slap.

When I pretended to be forceful, one was harder than the other, but at this moment I can only say that it was just a joke.

This face could hardly be louder.

"Well, I knew you would say that, the islanders are like that.

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently, but his face was not addictive, and they had to put their face on the ground and step on it.

"Last name Chen! Be polite!"

The island nation, Jaylen, was immediately angry, and said queerly: "Will it only take three minutes to pass? Is it worth the pride?"

"That's it!" Lao Bi despised the island nation, "I haven't spoken for an hour at a time, he has only three minutes, and he's embarrassed to come out and say?"

Kato Kitty snorted coldly, disdaining: "The Chinese are like this. I don't know the height of the sky, the frog at the bottom of the well!"

Chen Xiaobei heard that he had no fluctuations in his heart, and even wanted to laugh: "Well, remember your words, I'll go to sleep first and then hit your face."

After speaking, Chen Xiaobei retreated.

Go directly to the carriage return, use the mobile phone to check the latest information about the Crown Prince Cha Guo ’s wedding, and then sleep beautifully.

With this awakening, it was all dark.

"I'm going to short oil, and I slept for six hours, and **** is almost done!"

Chen Xiaobei stretched out, got out of the car and walked back to the set.

"This ... that's what it means ..."

As soon as he entered the shooting scene, Chen Xiaobei was completely stunned.

Island nation Jaylen kneels on the ground! The island country Lao Bi also kneeled on the ground! Even the most imposing Kato Kitty is kneeling!

The photographer is kneeling! The lighting engineer is kneeling! The prop master is kneeling! Even the director Terita Yamashita knelt!

"I said ... why are you all kneeling on the ground?"

Chen Xiaobei asked in doubt.

"Too ... too awesome ..."

Yamashita Teruhiro saw the expression of a ghost, and trembled, "Teacher Tooth is so good! Hey for six hours! Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, six snake spirits were all He conquered ... "


Chen Xiaobei looked for a moment, and looked at the fairy cave mansion.

The six snake spirits seemed to collapse, lying on the ground in twos and threes.

Each one is messy, the sweat is dripping, and the skin is glowing with a touch of red, and the expression on his face is like flying in the clouds, fluttering and enjoying.

The last white snake is still fighting against Jiang Ziya, but the state is not much different from the previous six snakes.

It is only a matter of time to be completely conquered.

"For a long time, you don't need me to slap, you kneel yourself?"

Chen Xiaobei's amused smile looked at the three funny ones just now.

"I'm convinced! I'm convinced to take orally! Teacher Toothless is simply too bad! For more than ten years in the industry, he can be said that there is no ancient man before, and no one comes after!"

The island nation Jaylen was horrified, and his eyes on Jiang Ziya were already full of awe.

"Before I met Toothless Teacher, I thought I had an hour record and I was very good! But now I know that compared with Toothless Teacher, I am just a dreg! An ant!"

Lao Bi, the island nation, was downcast, and had no room for contentment.

"Ginger is toothless!"

At this time, Kato Kitty suddenly screamed: "He is God! Artillery God! From today, I will no longer use the title of" God's Hand "! With a toothless teacher, no one in the movie circle can call God! "

"That's right! Teacher Jiang Yaoya is simply God! We can't find any other way to express our shock at this moment except kneeling and shooting!"

Yasushita Yamashita, together with his four employees, were all convinced to take it orally, with a look of worship.

As for the seven snake spirits, there is no need to say more. Both the body and mind have been conquered by Mr. Jiang Moya. From now on, they and other men hehe hehe, I'm afraid it is hard to feel anymore.

How can ordinary cattle plough the land that has been ploughed by God cows?

Seeing the scene at hand, the coolest person has to add a Chen Xiaobei.

"Let ’s go with the short oil! The ginger's film is not yet typed. There are 14 more believers this time, and it will be a good start. Will millions of believers be far away? Wow, click ..."

We must know that the island ’s small movie culture has a long history and is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Tens of millions of dead houses use small movies as their second life.

As long as this film goes out, it is impossible to think of it without fire!

As the actor and the biggest selling point of the film, Mr. Jiang Miya can definitely go crazy in a short time.

Not surprisingly, ten million island nations' dead houses will in all likelihood become the loyalty of Teacher Jiang Moya.

Degree of sewing machine! The power of the bull! Perpetual motion lasts!

It is no exaggeration to say that Jiang Moya, a god-like man, will surely become the faith of thousands of dead houses in the island country in the near future!

Within six days, millions of fans, so-easy!

Almost an hour later, Jiang Ziya was finally done.

After some washing and cleaning, it was early in the morning.

The seven snake spirits are called a reluctant **** ziya, and even directly said that as long as they can enter the harem of **** ziya, they are willing to wash their hands in gold pots and completely end the small movie business ~ ~ Teruya Yamashita also reluctant to **** ziya The later promotion of the film was to incite Jiang Ziya to make more films.

Jiang Ziya himself has a half-pushing attitude. People are not plants. Who hasn't had a passion or a desire?

Naturally, Chen Xiaobei can see that, plus Li Xiang's next plan is about to start soon, it is definitely impossible to bring Jiang Ziya to the oil bottle.

Therefore, Chen Xiaobei simply gave Jiang Ziya to Yamashita Terita.

Before leaving, Jiang Ziya was given the last two gold guns and two bottles of Baiguo Longbian wine.

What Chen Xiaobei didn't expect was that Jiang Ziya finally took the initiative to come together and said sincerely: "Xiaobei! You let your husband experience the dignity of a man. This time in the peach meeting, the husband must find a way to help you get a Daquan peach! "

The first chapter, thanks to the "Great Meow Kingdom", said using the great gods, there is a great reward, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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