In the decision-making office of the Crimson Pomegranate Company, hundreds of decision-makers sit in their respective posts.

It brings together the best intellectuals and theorists, ranging from 18 to 60 years old.

After all, people of different ages will make different judgments.

There were many screens in the decision-making office, and one of the young commanders said:

"The bait has been triggered, the net can be closed."

"Cooperate with several other companies to destroy the high-level combat power of hostile forces in one go!"


Inside the black commercial car, Captain Yao Zhenshan said in a calm but hurried tone:

"The battle has begun!"

"Follow the previous plan!"


An infinite layer of ripples spread out from the unknown, covering the surrounding three blocks.

The dense general population immediately became obscure and hazy, completely dim, and had no sense of existence.

The sequencer, on the other hand, is as dazzling as light and shadow, emitting a blazing white soft glow.

Xu An could immediately see that in a room of a residential high-rise building in the distance, dense blazing white light clusters overlapped together.

This is the room where the enemy meets, and the higher the level, the more dazzling the blazing white light and shadow.

This is a group of sequence 7 communicating in the room?

This time the big fish has been caught, not only Bai Hao, but also the sequence 7 of the hostile forces will be killed wantonly!

The company uses taboo items that divide the battlefield, separating the worlds of ordinary people and sequencers.

Until the effectiveness of the taboo item dissipates, the two planes do not interfere with each other.

In addition to the most dazzling group of serial 7 light and shadow, there are also many relatively dim lights and shadows around the residential high-rise buildings.

These are sequence 8, sequence 9 of hostile forces, which are designed to probe the perimeter.

As soon as he noticed that the people of the eight major consortiums appeared in the vicinity, they immediately warned and let the Sequence 7 powerhouses of their respective forces leave.

But under the planning of the decision-making department, these secret whistles could not detect the approach of the company's sequencers.

Because the location of the extraordinary squad is far enough and the ride is in ordinary vehicles.

Xu An saw the light and shadow of sequence 8 and sequence 9 in the surrounding area, and secretly thought that these were his main hunting targets.

And the sequence 7 gathered in the rooms of the high-rise buildings of the residents will suffer the fire of the company's powerhouses.

Perhaps you can take the opportunity to pick up a leak and snatch a Sequence 7 head to get a high kill value.

Even if you are new to the existence of sequence 7, you can get at least 1,000 points after killing, and at the peak of sequence 7, that is, the kill value of more than 8,000 points.

The thought in Xu An's mind flashed through in an instant, and his body instinctively began to act, rushing towards the nearest Sequence 9 enemy.

At the same time, Xu An summoned the expanded extraordinary ship.

In the room of the high-rise building, Bai Hao and the others were preparing to trade the "Frost Ring".

The mutation was sudden, and those present were all experienced in battle, and none of them could become sequence 7, none of them survived by luck, and they all had tenacious souls.

Only then can they barely resist pollution and not completely go out of control.

Sequence 7 "Pain Witch", who can get the frost ring immediately, her eyes instantly became cold.

Attacked by a consortium?

This is a taboo item that divides the battlefield!

This is undoubtedly a pre-planned pit killing plan!

Who did the leak?

The "Pain Witch" and the surrounding sequence 7 powerhouses immediately thought of Bai Hao.

Because this time the trade meeting was fully facilitated by Bai Hao.

That is, Bai Hao has the frost ring in his hand, otherwise the three forces would not have much interest in trading at all.

Because there is always a risk, but Bai Hao killed three Scarlet Pomegranate Company Sequence 7!

This point cannot be fake, isn't it Bai Hao's leak?

Was it the Crimson Pomegranate Company that positioned it with some kind of weird taboo item?!

Many Sequence 7's thoughts rolled in his mind, and the "Pain Witch" of Sequence 7 directly snatched the frost ring in Bai Hao's hand.

It doesn't matter who made the leak, or the Scarlet Pomegranate Company used weird taboo items.

This material promoted to sequence 6 is inevitable for him!

The eyes of the Sequence 7 powerhouses of the other forces flickered, and most of them looked at the location where Bai Hao was.

In particular, the serial 7 "detainer" of the sinner is even more gloomy.

How could it be detected by the eight major consortiums? Could it be that Bai Hao is the dark son of the Crimson Pomegranate Company?

Impossible! He did kill three Scarlet Pomegranate Company Sequence 7.

But his suspicions are undoubtedly the highest, or Bai Hao's mental pollution and loss of control of reason are even more exaggerated than he shows.

Bai Hao is designing a pit to kill everyone present? But didn't he Bai Hao also have to die in the hands of the consortium?

The different forces in the room had lost trust at this moment.

And the corner of Bai Hao's mouth raised the ability to use the frost ring.

The surging spirituality was all poured into the frost ring, and the purple and deep gemstones emitted an obscure mist of light.

From it, a violent frost snow comparable to the peak of Sequence 7 was swept away, and the target of the attack was everyone except himself!

At this moment, everyone instantly understood that Bai Hao was an inner ghost!

But everyone was still instantly overwhelmed by the sudden frost, and they felt as if their spirituality was about to be frozen!


A company party Sequence 7 instantly appeared above the residential tall building, launching a crushing siege of the hostile Sequence 7 in the room.

Xu An could feel the frosty aura flowing from the high-rise buildings of the residents, as well as the explosive spiritual ripples.

"The number of serial 7 sent by the company has reached more than 30!"

"And the enemy only has a total of 14 Sequence 7, the difference in combat power units is doubled, and the Sequence 7 powerhouse on the company side also carries terrible, relatively low side effects, and taboo items suitable for their own abilities!"

"Originally, I wanted to take the opportunity to pick up a leak and make a wave of windfall wealth, but the risk is too great, and the aftermath of this level of battle will crush my bones."

Xu An immediately summoned the extraordinary ship, brought four teammates, and stood on the deck of the extraordinary ship himself.

In front of him is the sequence 8 of the four "Demon Calamity Nuns", originally intended as a secret sentry, but now that the battle is about to break out, they can only choose to attack Xu An's team.

The bodies of the four "mages" exuded an icy aura, and their faces were covered with abstract patterns formed by the outline of cold ice.

One frost spear after another quickly condensed in midair, and a rich spiritual fluctuation emanated from the tip of the spear.

At the same time, a layer of invisible frost barrier appeared in front of these four "mages".

Xu An instantly completed the action of raising his hand and shooting, and under the blue entry "Rate of Fire Increase" effect, six exorcism bullets automatically locked the enemy's head.

Shooting away frantically, they were all blocked by the frost barrier in front of the enemy.

Evil repellent bullets only produce high damage when they hit evil, filthy creatures.

But when touched on the frost barrier, the effect is only a little stronger than that of ordinary bullets, after all, the rate of fire has increased by 150%.

"Sure enough, in the face of sequencers with special abilities, the bonus achievements brought by exorcism bullets seem a little powerless."

"It is impossible to break the frost barrier by relying on the black iron revolver alone, but it can divert the enemy's attention."

"However, the ability of the wind to care is enough to break through these frost walls."

Xu An instantly used the "Favor of the Wind", and the spirituality flowed in his deep eyes.

Dense invisible wind blades slashed at the enemy's frost barrier, forming exaggerated cracks.

But the enemy's frost spear also stabbed towards Xu An.

However, a hideous scarlet vine appeared in front of Xu An, blocking all the frost spears.

This is the captain's blocking attack for Xu An, the captain is the peak of sequence 8, blocking the attacks of four series 8 mid-stage, it can still be done.

Xu An was wrapped in a strong wind, and a golden yang flame rose from the surface of the long knife in his hand.

While keeping the wind blade bombardment, he sprinted in front of the four Sequence 8 enemies.

Using the ability of "Blind Hair", he instantly cut out seven swords, smashing the frost barrier of the four people.

Later, when he was about to harvest the enemy's head, the enemy turned into a shadow and fled into the distance like a stream of water.

"Sequence 8 of the Demon Plague Nun is to manipulate Frost, and Sequence 9 is to incarnate Shadow?"

"It can attack from a long range and escape at great speed, which is more difficult than expected."

A brilliant and clear light spread out from Zhou Yanzhi's chest, illuminating the shadows around him.

This directly caused the four enemies to interrupt their abilities and suddenly change back to human form from the shadow state.

At this time, it was too late for the enemy to hurriedly use the frost ability to remedy it.

Xu An was wrapped in the fierce wind, quickly rushed to the enemy, and slashed out with all his strength, directly cutting the enemy at the waist!

Although this enemy finally used the frost ability to try to block Xu An's slash, it was unsuccessful.


The enemy's body was broken into two from the middle, and the intestines, organs, and plasma inside were frantically splashed on the ground.

Died tragically on the spot!

Xu An immediately received feedback on the entry of all things, killing enemies and promotion.

At the same time, the golden entry "Unlimited Attributes" is triggered.

[Kill sequence 8 "Ermage", trigger the golden entry "Unlimited Attributes", and the strength of flesh and blood is permanently +3! ] Zhou

Yanzhi said quickly in the black tent hut:

"This is the matching effect of the abilities between different sequences."

"The enemy's sequence 9 is the ability to incarnate the shadow, which is directly restrained by my ability and forcibly lifts the shadow state."

"Otherwise, this kind of battle experienced sequence 8 powerhouse, if you want to really kill, you will have to spend more thought."

Zhou Yanzhi continued to emit a warm and clear glow, which directly caused the other three enemies to forcibly lift from the shadow state.

Xu An seized the opportunity and sprinted quickly while thinking that it seemed that the enemy's sequence 9 was only escaping with the help of shadows, not real avatar shadows.

This is also reasonable, after all, the ability of sequence 9 cannot be so powerful, this is only the initial ability.

The enemy fell out of the shadows, and although frightened, he immediately adjusted his mind and used the frost ability of Sequence 8 to counterattack.


Xu An completed the shot before the enemy could fully open the frost barrier.

The enemy's face was stunned, and a hole appeared in the center of his forehead.

The inner walls of the wound are intertwined with abstract burn marks.

After killing another Sequence 8, Xu An immediately received feedback on kill values, experience points, and infinite attributes.

At the same time, Xu An chased towards the remaining two enemies.

Such a scene continued to play out throughout the battlefield, but it was naturally impossible for other extraordinary squads to crush the enemy so easily.

Only Xu An's exaggerated combat power can achieve a strong killing.

The company's extraordinary squad is also worried about their own injury and death in the process of fighting.

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