The barbarian priest of sequence 7 temporarily acquires the mythical insect, but is besieged by two other forces.

The Soul Seeker, also in Sequence 7, carries a white bone lamp with an eerie pale flame igniting inside.

One after another condensed shadow creatures flew out of it and rushed towards the barbarian priest.

These shadow creatures are very different in form, not humanoid, and under the control of the soul seeker, they attack the barbarian priest.

Some of the revenants tried to burrow into the body of the barbarian priest and take control of the body, and some of the shadows erupted into miserable soul screams.

Attempts to interfere with the mental state of the barbarian priest and make his sanity spiral out of control.

But the barbarian priest's body was covered with blood-red spiritual light and shadow, and he who entered the barbaric state was exempt from these means of control.

Wield the metal cross in your hand and smash the enemies of sequence 8 into minced meat.

If he wanted to rush out of this relic in one go, he had the main material of Sequence 6 in his hands, even if he didn't know the corresponding recipe.

It can also be guessed from the quality of mythical insects that this is the most precious thing in the ruins.

The alliance formed by the three forces of them has cracked in the face of interests and produced civil unrest.

Originally, he encountered mythical insects outside the ruins, but he was busy chasing and separated from some of his subordinates.

How could the late sequence 7 of the other two forces allow him to take the mythical insects away?

But the methods of the Sorcerer and the Soul Seeker will be restrained by the barbaric state.

The Soul Seeker at the end of Sequence 7 raised his right hand, and his pale skin was as if it were a newly resurrected corpse.

A brilliant spiritual flame rose from his body, ready to extract the soul of a barbarian priest.

Although most of the effects were offset by the barbarism, the barbarian priests still suffered a severe mental shock.

The fleeing figure suddenly slammed, and the Pain Witch in the late Sequence 7 also burst out with full strength.

Let the body and soul of the barbarian priest suffer to the extreme.

This was also offset by the brutality of the situation, but he still suffered hard.

The battlefield was extremely bloody, and Xu An and the others were watching from the extraordinary ship hidden by the secret curtain.

Obviously, everyone's idea was to wait until the enemy was all seriously injured and dying, and then go up to mend the knife.

Anyway, if you open a high-level secret charm, of course, you have to make good use of the effect of the spell.

Xu Chen's gaze was solidified, and he spoke: "

There are no other forces, it is still only the three organizations of the Red Rot Sect, the Demon Tribulation Sister, and the Sinners."

"It may be that in the process of chasing mythical insects, I encountered a large number of evil creatures."

"Causing the team to tear apart, the enemy we encountered was the part of the sequencer that was left behind."

Nie Wenzhi's expression was calm, what he really wanted to hunt was the hidden enemy behind the scenes.

Although there are three late Sequence 7 stages in the battlefield, he has the company's terrifying taboo in charge, and even if it is also late Sequence 7, it can be easily killed.

"Wait a little longer, let them use up all their hole cards, and we'll do the final harvest."

"As for this mythical insect, it will naturally fall into our hands."

Xu An believes that Hailing Company and Crimson Pomegranate Company naturally cannot turn their faces because of the promotion of Sequence 6 to the main material.

For the consortium forces, I am afraid that only extraordinary materials at the level of sequence 1 will fight and kill each other, completely tearing their faces.

Xu An is ready to fight in the ensuing battle, and he wants to harvest the head of the Sequence 7 present.

Even if he was a bigwig-level powerhouse in the late stage of sequence 7, Xu An now dared to risk the sword to mend the knife.

Because he has essentially become Sequence 8, hunting a late Sequence 7 can get more than 6,000 kill points!

And the quality of the sequencers of this evil organization is obviously higher than that encountered by the outside world.

It was easy to accumulate 10,000 clicks, and Xu An considered upgrading the "solid" entry to become golden.

In this way, it is used to deal with the final pit kill of the enemy behind the scenes.

Xu An's eyes were fiery, watching one hostile sequencer after another fighting in front, as if he was looking at a beating treasure chest.

As for captain Yao Zhenshan, his approval to promote sequence 7 was rejected.

But as long as we can accumulate enough company contributions in this battle.

Then you can even order extraordinary potions that relieve mental state, or low-level taboos that strengthen the resilience of the soul.

It may not be possible to pass the next promotion application.

In the vast consortium power, he became a sequence 7, and he could barely be regarded as entering the door of the extraordinary realm.

However, in the corporate division, serial 7 is already a very high existence.

The surrounding members were very excited, because this feeling of "yellow finches behind" was really good.

Watch enemies kill each other, and the potions and spells that enemies use to save their lives are rapidly consumed.

There is no reason to feel comfortable, after all, there are no these life-saving potions and death spells.

In the subsequent harvesting battlefield, their battles became easier.

Soon, the battlefield fell into a white-hot phase.

The three most powerful Sequence 7 late-stage ones all used the taboo objects they carried, erupting into layers of colorful and brilliant spiritual ripples.

However, the use of contraindications has serious side effects and is very costly.

Eventually, the mythical insect fell into the hands of the Sorrowful Witch.

Almost all three late Sequence 7 enemies were seriously wounded.

Not killed by the enemy, but injured by the taboo he carried.

Xu An's eyes narrowed slightly, he had been looking forward to taboo items, fantasizing about after he got taboo items.

By adding terms to contraindications, you may be able to extract terms that weaken the effectiveness of side effects!

There were three good taboo items waiting for him to harvest in front of him, but they would most likely fall into the hands of Nie Wenzhi and Xu Chen.

Xu Chen said in an icy tone, "

It's now!"

"Wipe it all out!"

Xu An immediately burst out with the extreme speed of the ship and approached the battlefield, due to the high quality of the Secret Charm.

Therefore, the ship moved at high speed and did not show the slightest trace of spirituality.

Xu Chen put on a ring made of pitch-black metal, which was pure metal ring, without inlaid gemstones.

The surface of the ring was carved with intricate and mysterious floral inscriptions, and Xu An glanced at it and felt very much like a poppy.

Xu Chen frantically instilled spirituality into the ring, and the inscriptions on the surface of the pitch-black metal ring lit up one by one.

And it brought out a substantial, naked eye scarlet flower fragrance.

Then the pitch-black metal ring seemed to come to life, and a rattan with thorns grew.

It directly pierced into the flesh and blood of Xu Chen's right hand wearing the ring.

Xu Chen's eyes widened in anger instantly, his right hand trembled slightly, and the green tendons on his forehead jumped, as if he was suffering severe pain.

And this flower vine with thorns followed the flesh and blood of Xu Chen's right hand, constantly drilling up, and may eventually take root deeply into Xu Chen's brain.

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