Xu An wants to continue to kill evil, but the friendly ability is too strong, especially most of the high-end combat power holds taboos.

And there is Chen Renwang's bamboo umbrella to open the hazy light curtain, and the evil of the entire ghost park has been destroyed by everyone.

Each company employee is increasing their number of kills as much as possible in exchange for a high company contribution.

In this way, the Crimson Pomegranate Company, together with several other companies, wiped out the known evil creatures in just half a day.

Each evil lair is laid with tricky ritual traps.

But they were all easily disintegrated, in short, the hard power of the eight major company branches was too strong.

This level of evil invasion can be easily wiped out.

But until the end, the company could not find the source of the plane gap.

And the unknown enemy who ventured to attack the Crimson Pomegranate Company building, although injured, also managed to escape.

Xu An rode in the returning armored transporter, and in the ensuing battle, he possessed golden quality spiritual restoration and spiritual relief.

It has been able to meet the spiritual consumption of the sea serpent's short staff.

And the sea serpent short staff also added the entry "confessing the Lord", so Xu An is killing the evil in the middle and late stages of sequence 7.

Gained a lot of kill points and experience points.

Chen Renwang fed dark green bamboo umbrellas with high-quality evil flesh and soul.

Jagged and hideous fangs swallowed the evil body and soul completely.

Only then did Chen Renwang say in the armored transport vehicle:

"Although this operation was completed without loss, the layout behind the scenes was not killed."

"The gap in the mask cannot be locked, and the enemies behind the scenes can even fight with the minister without dying, and the probability is also the strong of sequence 5."

"Therefore, our operation this time can only be regarded as a temporary victory, and the planners behind the scenes can completely hide and accumulate evil creatures."

"Evil will come again soon after!"

Xu An thought deeply that this kind of strong person who can tear the gap in the plane and let the evil in the late stage of sequence 7 enter the present world must be at least sequence 5.

Sequence 6 simply cannot do this.

Chen Ren looked at Xu An and the sea serpent staff in his hand.

Motioned for Xu An to hand him the sea serpent staff for inspection.

Xu An naturally handed the sea serpent staff to Chen Renwang.

Chen Renwang intends to help Xu An, which can be regarded as an investment, because Xu An's record is too brilliant.

It seems to have a high degree of compatibility with contraindications.

In the battle just now, the Sea Serpent Staff only interrupted Xu An's two attacks.

But none of them are fatal moments.

This is still Xu An's disguise, deliberately showing that he was disturbed and recoiled by taboo substances.

Otherwise, it would be too outrageous, and the taboo of this level did not react at all, as if it had completely fallen asleep.

This naturally aroused suspicion, so Xu An carried out two disguises.

Chen Renwang's palm had a strange and indescribable mysterious pattern outlined, turning into a deep imprint, covering the surface of the sea serpent's short staff.

Xu An thought expressionlessly, good fellow, add another layer of seal, this sea serpent short staff is estimated to not wake up....

It was obvious that Chen Renwang had some kind of high-level ritual magic and sealed the Sea Serpent Staff for a second time.

Chen Renwang returned the sea serpent staff to Xu An and explained, "

I just happened to master a ritual magic that stifled the activity of taboos."

"Now that you carry this contraindication, the side effects are even smaller."

Although this seal was of no use to Xu An, he still expressed his gratitude.

A Sequence 7 colleague in the team who once held a sea serpent staff spoke up:

"I also obtained permission before high-risk missions to temporarily use this forbidden item."

"That battle was simply terrifying."

"Every critical moment in the battle, I am about to share life and death with the enemy."

"The sea serpent's staff will always interfere to dissipate the strange power in the blue sapphire."

"Fortunately, I survived and never dared to touch this taboo item again."

"But how can the gap between people be so big, this sea serpent short staff met Xu An, and completely slept to death..."

The members returned to the company's branch, where logistics personnel were cleaning up the flesh and blood around the branch.

Xu An could feel the spiritual ripples that had collided with high personalities here.

The crowd dispersed to go about their own business.

Walking through the pure white tunnel inside the company, Captain Yao Zhenshan spoke:

"I feel ready, this battle has completely brought me to the end of the peak of Sequence 8."

"I'm going to be fusing extraordinary materials soon."

Xu An naturally knew that the captain did not have much risk of losing control, after all, a blue "willpower" entry was added.

After parting with the captain, Xu An returned to his staff dormitory, where he was using his authority to view the footage of the battle that broke out in the company building.

In the surveillance footage, a secluded path extends within the company, between the unreal and the real.

On both sides of the path, scarlet rivers are washing, and flowers on the other side of the dark blue are planted.

The end of the path is blurred, and the outline cannot be seen.

This path directly crushed the scarlet arm, but the enemy fled, and it was clear that the owner of the scarlet arm was the one behind the crack in the plane.

"The secluded path, the flowers on the other side, the Scarlet River... Is this what the minister is capable of?

"The minister must have followed the path of the Blood Stamen, and it is known that the name of sequence 6 is Poppy, could it be that the name of sequence 5 is the other side flower?"

The mysterious realms corresponding to the Blood Stamen path are "flowers, blooms, demons, and flourishes".

The serial names mostly carry the word flower, and Xu An thinks that his guess is likely to be correct.

"The other side of the flower? This sequence path is really terrifying, except for the defect of weak physique, everything else is strong.

Xu An guessed that the reason why the minister did not chase and kill the owner of the scarlet arm was because he was worried that the other party had arranged a terrible ritual trap in advance.

After all, every evil lair is arranged with strange ritual traps.

There could be no more terrifying magic traps on the path of the layout himself's escape.

And the minister's initiative to go out to chase and kill is likely to cause the enemy behind the scenes to go around in circles and steal the stock of extraordinary materials.

Xu An turned off the surveillance footage of the battle and began to check his gains.

[Kill the late evil of sequence 7, a small number of sequence 7 evil creatures, a total of 48,000 kill points! ] 】

【Kill a large number of evil creatures, trigger the golden entry "Kill Enemy Promotion", and increase the experience point acquisition multiplier by 8 times! ] 【

Personal level increased LV35, current level is LV76! 】 Xu

An leapfrogged directly from the middle stage to the late stage in one step, the spiritual flame in his body rose violently, the flesh and blood of the body continued to evolve, and his eyes flowed with brilliant clear starlight.

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