Red Moon Returns

Chapter 11 Burning in Flames (Please read on)

In the world of consciousness, Lynch seemed to have returned to the red mist before the time travel.

The only difference was that there was no longer the bloody full moon above his head that had been with him for thousands of years, which made him feel as if he had lost something and his heart was empty.

Countless twisted shadows surged in the fog, and rustling whispers came from the shadows. Everything was so weird, making people inadvertently immersed in huge terror.

Countless fragments of light and shadow flickered repeatedly in Lin Qi's consciousness. It seemed as if millions of years had been gathered into a moment, and it was also as if a pair of indescribable eyes had seen through millions of years in a moment.

The mere existence of it brought with it enough power to drive people crazy and despair, continuously eroding Lynch's will and immersing him in huge terror.

Every moment, his consciousness was hovering on the edge of sinking, and Lynch felt that he might fall into a coma at any time. He could only hold on to the last bit of conscious consciousness and let himself get through second after second.

You must not faint. Fainting is death.

Hold on, hold on a little longer, even for a second.

In a daze, the fragments of light and shadow in front of Lin Qi's eyes gradually became clearer. He seemed to have seen the abandoned city again, the war between the two races, the bloody sacrifices, the leader being beheaded by humans, and the large group of people. The Dreadclaws scattered.

One second, two seconds, Lynch kept gritting his teeth and holding on, like a boat in the wind and rain, which might capsize every second.

Just as he was getting more and more desperate, a red light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

A red moon suddenly broke out of the red mist and rose into the sky. The cold moonlight shone on Lin Qi just like it had for thousands of years before.

At the same time, the female voice in my mind made a gentle voice.

[The sacrificial ritual of the ancient scintillator can interrupt the ancient memories of the strange object by eliminating the ritual performer in the memory and driving away the creatures participating in the sacrifice from the idol. 】


Lin Qi suddenly sat up from the ground with his head in his hands, breathing heavily.

Only then did he realize that he had regained consciousness and was still in that dilapidated mud house. The fear from his soul had completely disappeared.

Officer Natalie was not far away. Her clothes were a little messy, and there were a lot of stains on her face and hands. It looked like she had gone through many battles, but she still stood upright at the door, her demeanor still so calm.

"Did you fail? I'm sorry." Officer Natalie sighed regretfully.

"I..." Lin Qi forced a smile, covered his head and whispered, "Successful."

"It only took forty-five minutes to succeed? Are you sure?" Officer Natalie's shocked expression was clear. "It can't be so fast. You actually did it?"

"Oh, I dare to come in with you, and I have my own support. If I can't even help you identify the conditions, why come in? It's just the difficulty of this condition..."

Lin Qi sighed deeply, feeling that no matter how he thought about it, it was like a dream, but he still stated the conditions.

"Kill the execution priest and disperse the participants, very reasonable conditions."

It is very reasonable, but it is not a condition that normal people can complete.

Lin Qi thought to himself that after struggling all the way until now, he finally had to face a situation where he could only rely on strength. A sense of powerlessness arose spontaneously, making him even more envious of Officer Natalie's heroic appearance just now.

"Don't worry." The police officer comforted her. "It's not difficult to kill the execution priest. The problem now is how to disperse these terror claws. It will take more than ten minutes. It will be difficult."

"That of yours..."

"The law of power? No matter how strict the law is, some people will violate it. If you want a group of fanatical believers who are making sacrifices to leave the statue, I am afraid it will take a high-level soul-shifter with power level seven or above to do it."

"If the leader is killed, won't these monsters disperse on their own?"

"Not necessarily." The police officer frowned and said in thought, "These Dreadclaws became extinct as early as the Third Age and only exist in the memories of strange creatures in the Dreamland. There are very few records. No one knows how they will react. "

"Are they afraid of anything? For example, fire?"

From his previous experience of playing games, the first reaction in Lynch's mind was that Mao Duo was weak in fire.

"This is even more uncertain, but most living things are naturally afraid of fire." The police officer pointed to the surroundings and shook her head. "The problem is that in this cold environment, fuel is a scarce resource. Look, there are not even wooden tools around. , there is no time to collect fuel slowly now. Let me deal with their leaders first. If they disperse, it is best. If not, I will clean up more. When they reach a certain number, they will naturally collapse. I’m just afraid of not having enough time.”

"I have a way to set fire, which doesn't require fuel. Do you want to try it? I'll set the fire first. Maybe it will make it easier for you to kill the priest."

"Is your physical condition really okay?"

Lin Qi lifted up his clothes, and saw that the withered tree roots had covered his heart, leaving only a little flesh color in the center, which trembled with the beating of his heart, as if it might be completely swallowed up in the next moment.

"I'm not sure, maybe I fell on the road as soon as I went out. But I have always believed that I have to earn my own life. When others are fighting for me, I must at least do my best to help, so that I can sleep peacefully and die in the future. It’s safe to die. Besides, if you don’t try, it may be too late. If you try, you can still survive.”

"Okay." The police officer turned around and patted Lynch on the shoulder, her eyes full of approval, "I was still a little hesitant about what happened next, but based on your words, let's go, do what you said, and let's do it together superior."

"Well, you lead me into the monster group first, and don't let me be attacked by the claws."

"No problem."

It was obvious that there had been several rounds of fierce fighting outside, and at least ten corpses were lying there. The groups of monsters dared not approach and gathered far away beside the statue. More than a hundred of them formed a group, protecting the leader who presided over the sacrifice and the statue in the middle.

At a distance of dozens of meters, the huge leader still waved his claws and roared provocatively.

Officer Natalie shook her long hair expressionlessly, and strode out of the earth house with her sword.

"Are you ready? Lynch."


Lynch completely threw away all his worries, even forgetting his physical condition, took out the long-treasured ring box from his pocket, took out the ring and held it in his palm.

"Then let's go, I wish you can survive."

"Don't forget the bet, officer." Lynch smiled.

"Hmph, wait and see. Power, judgment."

As the policewoman spoke, the image of the small wooden hammer that had been rotating around the scale appeared behind her, flashed by, and sank into her body. Then Lynch felt an indescribable majesty coming from her, which made people dare not look directly at her.

"Follow my steps, don't fall behind." Officer Natalie paused and added in a low voice, "Comrade."

As she spoke, Officer Natalie took steps, but her speed was getting faster and faster, and Lynch had to jog all the way to catch up.

As she saw the distance from the group of claws getting closer and closer, the policewoman dragged her sword, her speed increased suddenly, and she crashed head-on into the arms of the claws in front of her, who were facing a great enemy.

There was a muffled sound, mixed with the sound of bones breaking.

The huge claw monster was hit so that its chest was sunken, and its white sternum was inserted upside down. It couldn't even scream. The monster, which was more than three meters tall, flew up and flew into the same kind behind it like a cannonball, and it knocked a dent in the dense group of claws.

Taking advantage of the situation, the policewoman took two steps forward again, with her right hand on the hilt of the sword, and her left leg stepped forward fiercely.

Boom, the ground trembled with one foot, and several surrounding claws were shaken and unstable.

Using the power of stepping on the ground, Officer Natalie drew her sword out of its sheath, and with a clang, the bright light was like lightning, still so obvious in the sunlight.

The bodies of several claw monsters seemed to be non-existent, and the sword light flashed past their positions, leaving a thin line of blood on their bodies.

The light faded, and the sword had returned to the sheath. Officer Natalie ducked down and drilled through the claws that were frozen in place, and at the same time her left foot stepped on the ground again.

There was another silent vibration, this time the position was deeper, and more claws were affected.

Especially the few claws that had just been scratched by the sword, as the ground shook, a large amount of blood suddenly spurted out from the thin line, and their bodies also staggered in different directions from the position of the thin line, becoming two smooth and flat pieces.

Seeing that she was only a few steps away from the middle of the monster group, the policewoman stopped, twisted her waist and turned around, unsheathed her sword again, and drew a sword circle around her.

Although it was a narrow sword, the blade was extremely sharp. With one stroke of the sword, the surrounding claws either retreated with blood spraying from their waists and abdomens, or were directly cut in half.

For some reason, the policewoman's face also showed a look of pain, but it was gone in a flash, and her expression returned to firmness, and she shouted: "Lin Qi, it's up to you."

Lin Qi kept chasing behind the policewoman, not even looking at the ferocious claws passing by, and always tightly grasped the ring in his palm.

At this time, he heard the call of Officer Natalie and looked at the ring in his hand, but hesitated a little.

The closer he was to the execution, the more uneasy he felt.

Is this thing really not lethal, travel companion?

Are you really trustworthy? You won't lie to me.

After hesitating for only a second, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and put the ring on his finger.

She is my only support in this world, and she just helped me.

I believe you, travel companion.

[Yes. You have three minutes of safe use time, I wish you a pleasant experience. ]

It feels a bit malicious.

The moment he put on the ring, the method of using the ring immediately appeared in his mind, but before Lynch had time to think about it, severe pain instantly swept through his body.

The fire flashed, and the flames burned his body.

The continuous burning, every inch of skin was licked by the flames, and the severe pain eroded Lynch's body. It was a full-scale torture from the inside out, like peeling off the skin, like repeatedly tearing the muscles, every second was like being tortured in hell.

Lynch wanted to scream, but screaming became a luxury, and he realized that he had no mouth.

To be precise, he had lost his body and turned into a flame-like human figure.

But the pain was still there, and the burning pain like torture made him try to take off the ring.

His body had turned into flames, but the ring was still there. He could pull it off with just one hand, but his remaining sanity stopped him in time.

Damn, this experience was too pleasant.

Three minutes, what are you waiting for, bastard Terrorclaw, come on, let's have fun together.

His heart was filled with ferocity, so a human-shaped flame like a giant bonfire started moving and rushed straight towards the nearest Terrorclaw.

Before Terrorclaw could react, it was tightly wrapped by the flame human-shaped, and the thick hair on its body was ignited on the spot, and a sharp roar immediately resounded throughout the square.

The flaming Terror Claw carried the Flame Lynch clinging to him, and rushed around like crazy. The flames on his body ignited other members of the same kind around him, causing the gathered Terror Claws to dodge in fear.


Seeing that the scene was about to fall into chaos, the leader next to the statue let out a loud roar. After the roar, except for the one that was completely ignited by Lynch and was still running wildly, the other Terror Claws quickly calmed down.

But the second victim appeared soon.

Lynch had let go of the first target and rushed to another Terror Claw. The chosen victim waved his claws in fear, trying to tear the flame figure to pieces.

But the flame could not be torn apart.

The claws passed through the flame figure several times in a row, but could not stop the flame from approaching. He was hugged by the Flame Lynch and turned into the second source of fire running wildly while wailing.


The leader finally couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped up, appeared in front of the first victim, and with a flash of his claws, he easily chopped off the burning head of the terror claw, which relieved it of its pain.

Raising the head of his kind above his head, the leader howled even louder, and the chaotic terror claws seemed to be frightened, gradually calmed down, and focused their eyes on the leader who was holding the head of the terror claw high.

At this moment, under the gaze of all the terror claws.

The man dressed in a windbreaker and a hat rushed to the leader without warning.

"You are exposed."

Draw the sword and cut.

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