Red Moon Returns

Chapter 24: Encounter at City Hall

At 10:30 am on May 15, the two entered the City Hall of Crown Plaza.

With V's order, Officer Natalie escaped from the tedious and tiring on-site investigation, and could justifiably follow Lynch around and slack off, which made several watchers stomped their feet at the backs of the two people, full of resentment of field staff.

Lynch was very happy. Not only did he get a large sum of money, but he also had a capable helper.

The cooperation the night before made Lynch grateful and admired the police officer. Now they can cooperate for the second time, and V ordered the police officer to cooperate with him. Lynch couldn't close his mouth. After all, this temporary partner was a bit violent, everything was very suitable.

Especially the identity of the watcher.

All the information related to this railway is kept in the city hall. Ordinary people need to go through very troublesome procedures to check it, but it is much easier with Natalie.

Although the watchmen are not real policemen, they have higher authority than the policemen, and they are also labeled as a royal agency. No one dares to stop their actions casually. This makes Lynch extremely glad that he had an idea and pulled the watchmen into his investigation.

And there are sufficient reasons to persuade Natalie. The square tragedy is obviously aimed at the protests, and the protests are an extension of the mountain people incident in the Best Tunnel. The Best Tunnel is part of the entire railway. Instead of focusing on the square investigation, it is better to jump out of the specific case and sort out the information from the source.

Although he has selfish motives, this reason is indeed justified.

The bizarre death case has only recently attracted the attention of the client. Before, it only existed in the form of gossip. No one took it seriously, and the watchmen never intervened. Therefore, none of them have sorted out the information of the railway in depth. Now is the opportunity.

Walking into the magnificent building of the City Hall, the building is solemn and quiet.

The influence of the chaos two hours ago seems to have dissipated. The government officials in formal hats in the building walked hurriedly but very quietly.

The archives are in the basement. The guard at the door led the two people into the hall. When they were about to go downstairs, Lynch suddenly stopped and turned his eyes to the side.

Seven or eight people were coming down from upstairs, surrounded by several servants, surrounding a young lady wearing a green shawl and a goose yellow lady's long dress. The lady was holding a folding fan in her hand, smiling elegantly and gracefully, and walked down the stairs with two government employees in a low voice.

Lynch turned back not because the noble young lady was beautiful enough, but because a picture suddenly flashed in front of him.

A lady with a strange appearance of half human and half beast but equally graceful manners was holding up an exquisite necklace and wearing it around her neck.

[Karenna's exquisite makeup, I hope my makeup will never fade. ]

Hiss, it must be a strange thing that can ensure that the makeup will not be smudged. How can there be such a boring strange thing in the world, and there are still people using it. This person carries a strange thing with her, is she also a soul-discarding person?

[Yes. 】

"What's wrong?" Although Lynch glanced and then retracted his gaze, Officer Natalie still keenly noticed his behavior of stealing glances at the passing lady.

"That woman just now, a Soul-Diverter, carrying a boring strange object, I think it's a bit strange."

"Uh... do you know that person just now, sir." Officer Natalie was a little embarrassed. She didn't know her either, so she could only turn around and ask the guard.

"It seems to be a great noble, the eldest daughter of the Valente family. She reported her identity when she came here just now."

A great noble, a Soul-Diverter, just appeared in the city hall next to the square?

Lynch narrowed his eyes and pondered for a moment: "Do you remember when they came?"

"A little after eight o'clock, when I just started work, there were not many people in the hall."

Hiss, the time point is right, just before the incident broke out, this person appeared here, could it be related to this incident?

It shouldn't be such a coincidence, I can't just see a Soul-Diverter and feel suspicious, travel companion, are there any mysterious reactions nearby?

【No more. 】

Okay, let's keep it in doubt for now, the eldest daughter of the Valente family, and check it later.

Lynch nodded, looked back at the backs of the group of people going away, and followed the guard into the archives.

With the identity of the watcher, the two did not encounter any obstacles, or the biggest obstacle was that the staff of the archives were too cooperative. They obediently found almost all the files related to the railway and piled them up in front of the two.

Both of them turned pale, and then they realized that they were going to check the information of a national-level project related to the national economy and people's livelihood. It would be strange if there were less content. Fortunately, the project has not officially started yet, otherwise it would not be strange if the information was several times more.

No way, just look.

"We each have a part, and you tell me when you see the key content."

The police officer nodded softly.

The two divided the work and opened the thick files. For a while, there was only the rustling sound of paper turning and the occasional low communication between the two in the archives.

Soon, the curtain gradually opened in front of the two.

The steam age began, and the roaring trains began to affect the fate of every country.

As a leading country in the steam age, the Kingdom of Rand also laid a large number of railroad tracks. However, the Carlos Mountains, which stretch for hundreds of kilometers, blocked the extension of the railway. There was no railway connecting the two major economic pearls in the south and the north. They could only rely on water transportation on the Rand River and detour hundreds of kilometers to transfer from other cities.

Freight would be delayed by at least three to five days, and each train might lose thousands of Rand pounds.

A philosopher once said that interest is the driving force behind all actions.

The loss of banknotes made everyone red-eyed, so the Rose family and the Duke of Wien family, the Rhine governors who had controlled the area around the Rhine for hundreds of years, proposed the first Nolin-Rhine railway through the Karlos Mountains. .

After several years of preparation and investigation, a feasible access road was finally planned. It only needed to dig several tunnels several kilometers long around Best Mountain to open up the railway on both sides.

In order to ensure that the tunnel was opened, some "special people" were mobilized on both sides to assist in the construction, which shows the importance attached to the project.

It was originally expected to officially start in August, and some preliminary construction has already begun. However, as the construction period approaches, the mountain residents of Best Mountain suddenly erupted in fierce opposition and incited the road construction workers to stop work and engage in violent protests, causing many problems. Bloodshed and even deaths occurred.

As for today's protest, it is obviously a counterattack against the mountain people.

Lynch took a long breath and closed the file. When he looked up, he found that Officer Natalie was sitting opposite, holding her chin and staring at him, looking a little fascinated.

"What's wrong?" Lin Qi looked down at himself in confusion. He was neatly dressed and not out of shape.

Looking up again, I found that the police officer had looked away. Her expression was a little stiff, but she immediately returned to normal: "It's nothing. You look so focused. Can you really conclude anything from it?"

"Yeah, it's still possible."

Lynch opened the detective record book, turned to a new page, and wrote down the time and place in Chinese and Arabic numerals as usual.

Ms. Natalie just glanced at it casually and said nothing. There are too many words in the world, and Lin Qiyuan is a graduate of archeology and natural history. It is normal for her to know several ancient words that she does not understand. .

"What do you see? I think it's just a railway project. It may be useful if it is built, but now it is opposed."

Lynch, like he used to watch political dramas, recorded all the information just now while sorting it out, and at the same time he did not forget to ask: "Who would object?"

"Mountain people."

"What's the reason?"

The police officer tilted her head with a confused expression as she watched Lynch speak faster and faster.

"The mountain people are opposed, why are they opposed? Then, can a group of mountain people who are hundreds of kilometers away oppose cause such a big disturbance in Rhine City? Will there be someone behind it? If so, who will it be?"

Officer Natalie shook her head vigorously.

"Then we have to consider why they support the mountain people. Most conflicts can be attributed to conflicts of interest. So, whose interests are harmed may be supporters of the mountain people, and whose interests will be harmed? "

"I think people across the country will benefit."

"No, in fact, the interests of many people will be harmed secretly. The details need to be investigated, but I can think of a few right now, such as the shipping industry on the Rand River."

Lynch's fingers traced the water transport mentioned in the dossier.

“And there are cities on the original rail transportation routes.”

Then he crossed the text that traveled hundreds of kilometers.

"In general, those who have the greatest interests under the original model are mostly the ones who suffer losses. As for the indirect losses, there are even more, but we are not sure yet." Lynch sighed, knowing that if he In this world, there will definitely be more gains. "These people whose interests have been harmed may support the mountain people to obstruct the plan. Then the people whose interests have been harmed because of their obstruction may become the organizers of today's protest, and Those who support the mountain people may become the masterminds behind today's mysterious tragedy."

"Hey, I see, it does make sense. Doesn't that mean that this case is likely to be very involved?"

"Yes, but it's only possible. This is too arbitrary, so we need to investigate further, but try not to leak any information about our investigation to the outside world."

Lynch was recording while talking. The more he recorded, the more headache he felt. No wonder Archbishop Trinleth said that there were too many forces involved. After reading the dossier, he felt that the whole of Rand and even half of the world might be involved. This is only on the surface, there are many more who may be involved secretly.

With such a complicated matter, it’s no wonder that the archbishop refused to even give a direct introduction because he was afraid that the description of these forces would affect Lynch’s judgment. It seemed that this investigation report was really difficult to write.

"What's the next step?" Seeing Lynch finally closing the notebook, the police officer asked.

Lin Qi thought for a while and did not mention the strange death cases he heard from the archbishop. Instead, he pointed to the information he had just found and said: "Look here, the mountain people incited the workers to carry out violent protests and caused deaths. And More than once, it triggered a series of problems. This is very strange. Who are they fighting against? And the project has not started yet. How can they even die? I think something is not right here. I can check it out. Check the death case files to see if there are any hidden problems. Also, see if there are any other cases related to this railway, maybe there are connections."

"You mean, the death mentioned above may be related to the mystery?" Officer Natalie straightened her back immediately and her voice became serious.

"Since today's incident is definitely caused by a mysterious object, why can't the previous deaths be related to the mystery? What's more, the statement above is vague and unclear. Maybe there is something wrong."

"Indeed, we can't just ignore this." The policewoman became interested, "But the information on this kind of vicious cases and deaths will definitely not be found in the City Hall. We have to go to the Hall of Order."

As she said, the policewoman took out her pocket watch and looked at it.

"It's past twelve o'clock. The police should also be having lunch. We will definitely not find anyone now. Let's eat something and then solve another problem on the way. It's near the Hall of Order." The policewoman pointed to the box next to Lin Qi, "Didn't you say you wanted to try to trace the movement trajectory from this strange object? I'll take you to a place that may meet your requirements."

"Hmm? Is there anyone who can do this?"

"How do you think I tracked you the day before yesterday? I'll introduce you later. If nothing unexpected happens, you will have a lot in common with her in the future."

"Hmm? Why?"

"She is also a person with keen inspiration, a partner of the Watcher, specializing in buying and selling mysteries. By the way, she also sells holy mysteries. The kind you need, maybe she has it in her hands. Let's go and take a look now."

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