Red Moon Returns

Chapter 300 Who is planning to cause trouble again?

The rustling crawling sound was already lurking behind him. There was no trace of malice, and the surroundings seemed to be full of murderous intent.

Lin Qi didn't look back or even make any defensive moves. He just covered half of his face with a fan and a mysterious smile on his lips.

A dog that bites does not bark, and a dog that barks is just for testing.

Sure enough, the rustling sound lingered around for a while, and then backed away boringly. However, at this moment, Lin Qi suddenly made a move.

With a flip of his wrist, a badge appeared out of thin air in the palm of his hand. It was the Duke's Advisor badge issued by Duke Wein.

The badge rolled on the white fingertips, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more mysterious.

Lynch took action, and the timely information sent by Officer Natalie gave him the courage to take action.

The secret of the three armies is nothing more than time.

The crown prince can bribe ministers and businessmen, but if he can bribe even spies, there will be no need for such shameful methods.

Therefore, Jack most likely represented the position of King Rudolf II. Rudolf was probably not sure whether his son would behave in such a rebellious manner, so he sent the royal spies.

This shows that Rudolf II has just received the news in the past few months. It is most likely from Duke Wien. Otherwise, the Duke should not know about it, let alone entrust me with the investigation. Only when the news reaches the royal family from the Duke, will everything make sense. .

After the past month's experiences were integrated in his mind, Lynch realized that there was probably a connection between this spy and Duke Wein.

It's a bit risky, but for yourself who is stuck in an impasse, it is necessary to take this risk.

If I analyzed your position wrongly, or analyzed the relationship between the duke's family and the king wrongly, then I am willing to admit defeat.

After displaying it to his heart's content under the light, Lynch put the badge back into the rare object and waited quietly with a half-smile.

For one second, two seconds, there was deathly silence in his ears. The excitement before the result was revealed made Lynch's adrenaline surge. Even the palms of his hands became hot, but he always kept his expression calm.

The rustling sound sounded again, and this time it quietly receded. Only then did Lin Qi feel that his pores were dilated, and his back was already soaked with cold sweat.

Won, at least on the surface.

The crawling sound of mice receded further and further away, but one remained, looming among the piles of funerary objects.

"Jack Adams. The royal secret agent, ordered by Rudolf II, to investigate the inside story of the collusion between the royal family members and the evil god." Lynch covered his lips with a fan to prevent the lips from being seen from any angle, half truth and half falsehood He said, "I've been waiting for this opportunity for several days, but I didn't expect you to come to me now."

No one responded, and the gray mouse still crawled among the antiques, making squeaking sounds from time to time, making Lynch look like a fool talking to himself, but Lynch was not anxious at all. He was sure that Jack could definitely use the mouse. Send message.

"Your Excellency Wayne has never mentioned your existence."

"That's right. He didn't even know I was coming. My joining was an accident."

As soon as he heard Jack's voice, Lynch knew that he had succeeded. His willingness to risk a reply showed that he had guessed most of the time, so he said in a condescending tone:

"Let me explain clearly what your mission is, and let me see if there is any room for cooperation."

Jack hesitated for a moment and whispered: "Find out the target's purpose of colluding with the evil god."

If so, that would be easy to handle.

"It's reasonable, and there's no conflict. If you promote the ceremony normally, you'll definitely know what their goal is in the end."

"I can't possibly believe what you're saying."

"I didn't tell you to believe it," Lynch said leisurely in Selene's voice, "Each has its own purpose, and it's not necessary to cooperate. It's enough to understand each other's identities. But I don't quite understand. , why are you and Dr. Jenna deliberately hostile to each other?”

"I was able to sneak in through her channel and help her exchange some supplies with the outside world in order to avoid mutual exposure."

"It seems you don't know her identity either?"

"What other identity does she have?"

"The Insider of the Archaeological Society."

"I see, then it's no wonder that she has close ties with the Archaeological Association. I even gave her a few rare items."

Lin Qi said thoughtfully: "So, her death was not your fault?"

"I just concealed my identity and peeped, and I didn't do anything." Jack was a little surprised, "Didn't you do it? I thought you were Howard's man. I found out that the doctor was secretly in contact with the outside world, so I looked for an opportunity to kill her. I was still worried. You found out about me from the doctor and wanted to get rid of you first. Fortunately, I saw the badge and found out that you are actually connected to the outside, otherwise I would take action. "

Fuck, then I died so unjustly. Lynch broke out in a cold sweat. He was extremely lucky that he had taken the gamble in time, but he did not dare to fully believe Jack. On the surface, he still said calmly: "Then let's hide our identities." Let’s wait for the ceremony to proceed normally and contact us in time if anything happens.”

It wasn't until the mouse disappeared into the darkness that Lin Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Although Jack's words could not be judged true or false, it was still logical combined with his identity. He should indeed not need to kill everyone. In this case, there would be no Too much of a threat.

Besides Judy, the suspicion of another person plummeted.

Then excluding Carl Jones, who was with him at the time, Rooney is the most suspected person of secretly attacking Dr. Jenna. Maybe now we can no longer passively wait and watch, it is necessary to take action proactively to nip the threat in the bud.

While thinking, Carl Jones and Judy had returned to the front tomb. Both of them were fine, which surprised Lynch.

Their work went smoothly. It was said that the outer defense measures had been completely dismantled. Now the front tomb was completely safe. However, Carl Jones, who had returned, became quite weak and gasped while sitting on the coffin board. It was obvious that he had consumed a lot of energy in the cracking work.

"If the doctor was still here, it wouldn't be so hard. I have to rest for a while. Sorry."

Carl smiled apologetically and simply lay down on the coffin board. He was worthy of being a famous explorer. He could sleep on the coffin board. Soon, his breathing became even.

The remaining four people looked at each other and continued to sort out the funerary objects in the front tomb as if nothing had happened. Until two or three hours later, a throbbing came from the doctor's relics again.

It felt like hearing a penguin cough.

While no one was paying attention, Lynch quietly took out the notebook. There was indeed fresh information on it, with beautiful cursive characters and an elegant and noble aura.

‘The Church of the Sun refuses to share information, but we have verified from the Black Cat Theater that Rooney is indeed a shadow knight of the Church of the Sun. The specific intention is unknown, but the Tribunal of the Church of the Sun has always been extremely hostile to evil gods, and they may indeed fanatically intend to destroy the ceremony. But they usually don’t hurt people other than cultists unless the other party has special circumstances. For the time being, there is only so much information, Carl Jones and Judy’s, Officer Angel is still investigating, you must pay attention to safety, we are all waiting for you to come back, and then we will settle accounts with you. ’

This girl is really... Lynch unconsciously showed a silly smile, but before he had time to savor the last few words, he heard a cough.

Carlo Ross coughed and sat up. More than two hours of sleep did not restore his energy, but his condition seemed worse.

"I also want to rest for a while, but time waits for no one, we don’t have so much time to waste." Carl dragged his tired body and jumped off the sarcophagus.

Rooney suggested, "Or you can take a rest for a while, and we will explore the atrium first, and withdraw immediately if there is any situation. This way, there will not be too much danger, and it will not waste time."

"That's fine." Carl Jones thought for a moment and said, "How about this, Jack is injured, so he will stay here, Rooney, you and Judy will explore the atrium together, Judy, are you okay?"

Judy still looked absent-minded at this time, and I don't know if it was still dominated by her normal personality, but fortunately, she nodded after hearing Carl's question.

"Wait, why don't I go with you to see the excitement."

Lin Qi took a step forward with a smile, and at this moment, he suddenly smelled the smell of evil thoughts.

Let the church knights who hate the evil god perform tasks with the evil god apostles? This is not how to raise Gu.

One of you dares to propose, and the other dares to adopt it. Who is going to make trouble?

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