Red Moon Returns

Chapter 326 The Light of Miracle (two chapters combined into one, updated today)

This is an extremely dangerous world, especially Charles Square in Rhine City.

Last night, in addition to the strange figure that disappeared out of thin air, Charles Square had another strange story.

A madman who repeatedly hit the street lamp.

There is no doubt that Lynch had just learned to flash last night and started practicing at the first time. He didn't control it well and hit the gas street lamp on the roadside several times, and was seen by others.

Really ignorant, who hasn't hit the street lamp a few times.

But Lynch's hunch was right, flash is indeed a useful skill.

Teleport within five meters of the sight, fifteen seconds cooldown.

It can be called a strategic skill. It is very useful for both attack and life-saving. Even if it is used to rush, it is no problem. It's just that the consumption is a little high. If it is used frequently, the energy will be overdrawn soon, and it can only be used as a trump card.

The only regret is that this secret method cannot penetrate the conceptual closed area, that is, even if you can see the fence on the opposite side, you can't get through it, let alone pass through the transparent glass to enter the room. The broken glass on the first floor of the apartment is evidence.

And the bag on the forehead.

The landlady, who had just been startled by the cat's ability to talk, was startled again. In the smile of little Martha's gloating, she grabbed Lynch and scolded him for a long time. He couldn't help but sigh that mature women are really scary when they get angry.

In short, Lynch tossed all night last night until he ran out of energy and fell asleep with a severe headache.

In the morning, he practiced fencing and shooting for an hour. After this period of hard training, Lynch's shooting skills have improved significantly.

Half of his bullets hit the target.

The coach tore up the suicide note on the spot and cried like a child in his thirties.

You cry too early, I will come to you tomorrow.

Ignoring the shooting coach who rushed out to buy champagne, Lynch left the police club, but did not go to the Hall of Order. Instead, he found a rented carriage for guests and went straight to the riverside manor in the northern suburbs.

Yes, Mayor Howard was not in prison at all, but was under house arrest in his own manor by the Governor's Office, which made Lynch smell something unusual.

The riverside manor was still the same, but unfortunately everything inside had changed. Lynch seemed to still be swaying in front of his eyes, the scene of those people drinking and laughing in the entertainment room. He had been in this world for more than 40 days, but he was still not used to this kind of life and death scene, and he was quite sad when he thought about it.

There were many policemen standing guard around the manor, which consumed a lot of police force, which made Lynch even more worried. Moreover, as soon as he reported his name, the police ran inside to report, and when they came out, they let him in directly.

It was just like standing guard for Howard.

When Lynch saw Howard, the former mayor was reading a newspaper and eating breakfast in the garden, and there were even former servants serving him.

It was almost July, and the flowers in the garden were blooming and fragrant. Howard sat between several delicate flowers, surrounded by the breath of nature, and looked very comfortable.

The problem was why this place was like a large-scale performance.

Lynch walked all the way and felt that dozens of eyes were peeking at him. It's normal to have someone monitoring, but this is too exaggerated. This is no longer monitoring, but watching.

When he saw Lynch, the former mayor did not have any grudges. Instead, he took off his glasses, pointed to the chair opposite, and smiled politely: "Please sit down, Mr. Leviev, I didn't expect you to visit so early, and I didn't prepare breakfast for you. I will ask the chef to prepare another one for you now."

"No need."

Lynch's mouth twitched, and he felt quite unhappy, so why did I risk my life to fight with him and bring him down before?

This made him unable to control his emotions, and he said sarcastically: "I didn't expect that the mayor could maintain such a good living condition after retirement. It's really amazing."

"Haha, money, status, as long as you have one, you can enjoy a superior life, and I happen to have both, so even if I fail, I can still do this." As he said, he lit a cigar, "It's unpleasant, but this is reality. It has never changed in the past five centuries, and it will obviously not change in the foreseeable future."

Lynch knew that Howard was right. Even in his hometown, reality is so cruel. But he still shook his head and sighed, "Aren't they afraid that you will run away?"

"Oh, if I wanted to leave, I would have left that night and would not have stayed at all." The former mayor laughed softly, "In fact, both Rudolf and Wayne dream of my escape. They might be willing to hold a farewell party for this. Unfortunately, I have no plans for the time being. If I stay here, they will have the biggest trouble."

Lin Qi frowned, realizing that what the other party said might be true. Miss Valente said yesterday that the attitude of the capital towards Prince William was also ambiguous, so he temporarily put away With hostility in his heart, he asked, "Why?"

"You won't understand if you haven't reached this position, because I am a member of the parliament." Howard said calmly, "No matter what crime I have committed, no matter if there is solid evidence, given the current environment in Rand, no, it should be said that given the environment of the entire Middle-earth, if you take action against the mayor elected by the parliament, you will risk going to war with the parliament. But unfortunately, Rudolf and Wayne are obviously not ready for war."

Why don't I understand? I understand too much. Isn't this the dispute between the parliament and the royal power after the times have developed to a certain stage? To put it bluntly, it is the businessmen and the nobles fighting for the right to speak.

The Rhine City Strange Object Incident. Lynch has already thought of the title for the history books of later generations.

No wonder they asked me to investigate privately, no wonder the guards were dispatched in the end, no wonder the attitudes on both sides are so ambiguous.

For a time, most of the related questions in my mind have been answered.

"Now Wayne is most afraid that something will happen to me, so they won't be able to explain clearly. Those policemen outside are just to protect my safety." Howard smiled gloomily, "I guess he has been very uneasy these days, worried about me. He died here inexplicably, and he will come to me in person in a few days to beg me to run away. "

"Someone wants to kill you?" Lynch frowned, "Someone from the parliament?"

Howard was stunned and looked at Lynch in surprise: "If you think so, you must have really understood the relationship between us. It seems that I underestimated you. But it's not to that point yet. The council doesn't want me to die." , the one who really wants me to die is the League of Shadows."


"No, it's more complicated than that." Howard hesitated for a moment and waved the servants away. Lynch understood and simply turned on the ability of phantom sound. Then Howard continued, "We are not actually from the League of Shadows. "It's just a cooperative relationship. They provide me with business intelligence and I do things that are inconvenient for them."

"Even if these things mean rebellion?"

"Of course, do you know how much I can earn from their information?"

Lynch felt his eyes twitching. The capitalists really had no bottom line.

"So I know very little about them. They don't need to kill me to silence me. They want me dead because of one of their plans."

This is it! Lin Qi's breath was suffocated, his heartbeat quickened, and he asked, "What's the plan?"

"I really don't know about this. I only know that this plan is very huge and involves many forces, even some of the Lord God's Church."

Lin Qi nodded. Behind the black spider was a certain god.

"As far as I know, their plan is divided into several parts. The first part seems to have been completed with the cooperation of a ignorant wretch. The second part has just begun, and my death is probably a result of the second part. This is exactly why I asked you to come. Cooperation is cooperation. They want to use my life as a stepping stone for their plans. They underestimate me and I will never tolerate it. Unfortunately, I only learned about it recently. , otherwise we must have prepared early.”

Well, the poor guy should be me. Although I don’t know the specific content yet, I have at least touched the tip of the iceberg. Lynch thought thoughtfully and asked, "I don't quite understand. In this case, why don't you just leave? The League of Shadows wants you to die here. If you just leave, won't they lose the reason to let you die? Their plan It will naturally fail.”

"I'm not sure whether their plan is for me to die here or outside. I don't want to use common sense to bet on their plan. Anyone who has done this before has failed." Howard suddenly showed a gloomy expression and raised his eyebrows. He said from the corner of his mouth, "And why should I leave? If I stay here, I can torture Wayne and Rudolph."

"This is a bit ugly." Lin Qi said sarcastically, "If you lose, you lose."

Howard curled his lips and then explained: "This place has been carefully arranged by me for many years, carefully protected by fifteen knights of the four major churches, four guards directly under Nolin, and special people from the private guard of the Governor's Mansion. There are centralized guards, and there are seven-level experts invited from the Secret Art Seminar to personally guard the place. Not to mention the Shadow Alliance, even if someone invites the evil god to come, these people together can give it a try. So why should I have such a safe lair. Leave voluntarily, haha, as long as I stay here, the League of Shadows can't do anything to me. I, Howard Hoffman, have lived for forty-eight years, and it's not that easy for me to die."

"Then what do you want me to do?" Lynch asked, "Add a layer of protection?"

"No, I just want revenge now, I want them to regret it." Howard smiled, with sinister malice in his eyes, "I guessed from their conversation what the Miracle Light item had planned for them. It has a great influence. They are looking for it, and even the evil god is helping them find it. And I remember that your other identity is very interested in this thing."

"In other words, even though we don't know the specific content of their plan, as long as we find the light of miracle, we can influence or even destroy their plan?"

"It can only be said that there is a possibility, and the worst result is that it has no impact on the plan."

Lynch narrowed his eyes and stared at Howard. The authenticity of his words was unknown, but now it sounded logically self-consistent. When compared with Lynch's own information, it was very likely that he was telling the truth.

It is better to stir up the boiling water than to draw fuel from the cauldron. Since I am worried about their conspiracy and can't find a clue, I might as well aim for the light of miracle.

"Okay, I believe you this time." Since there is a common enemy, alliance is natural, "Where is the light of miracle?"

"I only know a few clues." Howard leaned over and held Lynch's hand, whispering, "In... poof."

Just between the two of them, a ball of blue smoke suddenly appeared. The smoke vaguely condensed into the shape of a beast lying on all fours. Two pairs of light spots lit up from what seemed to be its head. He glanced back at Lynch.

Looking into each other's eyes, Lin Qi seemed to see the passage of time.

In a blink of an eye, the smoke turned around and spit out a long tongue-like smoke from his mouth, piercing directly into Howard's chest.

No blood flowed out, but Howard screamed, and his body began to age rapidly. In an instant, his hair turned gray, and he fell to the ground completely silent.

In the blue smoke, there seemed to be a roar from the soul, and then it exploded directly, dissipating in the air as abruptly as it appeared.

Only the one left stood there, looking at the old and withered body on the ground with a gloomy face.

At this time, Lynch seemed to have returned to the day he had just crossed over, even worse than that day, because Lynch felt extreme danger from the blue smoke.

Damn, it's like this again.

Lynch's heart was pounding, and the weird scene inevitably made him nervous.

Reliving the nightmare, is the clue just obtained going to be cut off again?

No, I am no longer the person I was at that time.

I am a soul-distracting person.

Lynch resisted the fear of the blue smoke and suddenly stretched out his hand to press on Howard's body.

[Power, death, ability, dying resonance]

For a moment, he was in a trance, and there was a severe pain in his consciousness, but in the pain, a voice came over.

Wilson Town, Milt's House, Wilson Town, Milt's House...

Then the sound stopped abruptly, Lynch was bounced away, staggered back a few steps, and then watched Howard shrunken down.

Looking at the body that looked like a centenarian, Lynch felt cold all over. Although he had seen many strange deaths, it was still difficult to get used to it.

Why is this happening?


No, the timing was too coincidental. He was about to say the information of the Light of Miracle when the accident happened. It is difficult to grasp the timing of assassination so accurately.

Rather than saying that someone killed him, it is more like that his act of saying the information attracted some strange things to kill him.

Hiss, doesn't that mean that it was my act of asking him for information that directly induced his strange death? And then...the purpose of the Shadow Alliance was achieved?

So they don't have to do anything, just watch me come to him, and they can kill him through me without revealing the secret.

If this is true, these guys are too dangerous, and they are hard to guard against.

Is this what Earl Hathaway said, it's not about what I did wrong, but what I did right is their goal?

Fortunately, I had a dying resonance, so I didn't lose everything and snatched back half of the game.

The change quickly attracted the security personnel mentioned by Howard, and soon, the entire manor was completely blocked.

Such a strange death made everyone confused.

There was no sign of attack, everything happened so naturally, how could everyone explain it?

And what was that thing that popped up?

So, these people grabbed Lynch and questioned him, and Lynch didn't blame those people, who made him the most suspicious?

However, the benefits of keeping a good identity for more than 40 days finally showed up. After the questioning was fruitless, the guards still respectfully sent Lynch out of the manor.

After all, everyone saw that he really didn't do anything, and no one wanted to see the wonder of the red moon in the sky in broad daylight.

But standing outside the manor, Lynch was a little hesitant.

What should I do now?

I don't know what the light of miracle is. I don't know what it's for, and I don't know where it is.

Everything is unknown.

All I know is that it is a descending-level wonder related to the power of light, and even the Swelling Girl is interested in it.

That's right, a big guy with the same dangerous level as the Gate of Falsehood and Reality.

The only known clue now is the information about Milt's family in Wilson Town, and one person has died strangely for this. There is no doubt that this matter is quite troublesome and dangerous for Lynch.

But since I realized that I might have done something unintentionally, and I also got confirmation from Howard, although I am not responsible, I still have the obligation to avoid bad consequences.

I opened the door of destruction, so I closed it myself.

Men cannot avoid problems, no matter what dangers they face.

Lynch decided to try his best to find the miracle light, whether it is useful or not, and hold it in his hands first.

Then the Milt's family in Wilson Town should at least go to this address to explore the situation first.

However, the situation is unclear, and there is even the possibility of traps. It is still a bit difficult to rely on my own strength.

Do you want to find a helper?

However, this matter cannot be told to anyone.

It was not only a matter of trust, but also Howard's example was there. Lynch didn't know to what extent the Miracle Light would trigger the attack of that strange existence, and he didn't want to test it with his life, so he could only say nothing.

The problem was, without explaining it clearly, how could there be such a stupid person in the world who would let people follow him to risk their lives.

Maybe there really is?

So, Lynch showed up at the door of 304 of the Scarecrow Club on time at 11 o'clock in the morning.

Officer Natalie, who had just woken up, had messy hair and red marks on her face. Her capable appearance was confused after waking up, and the contrast looked quite interesting.

She had just woken up from a night of rushing to report on the incident at the girls' school yesterday, and was blocked by Lynch at home.

Wearing lace pajamas, she opened the door in a daze, and when she saw the person outside the door, she immediately swung the pillow and hit it a few times, then turned around and went back to the living room by herself, slumped on the sofa and woke up in a daze, letting Lynch follow in.

Hey, this time he didn't scream or hide anything, how strange.

"Are you busy?"

Officer Natalie looked down at her pajamas, revealing a caring look for the mentally retarded.

"Then accompany me, I have to go somewhere."

"Oh." Shaking her messy hair vigorously, the policewoman rubbed her face, "Where are you going? What are you doing?"

"I can't say."

"Hmm?" The policewoman raised her eyebrows, "When will you be back? I'll tell you."

"If everything goes well, we can be back tonight or tomorrow, just go to understand the situation first."

"What if it doesn't go well?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on when the police will bring us back."

The air was silent for a second, and then the fragrant pillow hit Lin Qi's face. The sleepiness on the policewoman's face disappeared, and her expression became serious: "Is this dangerous?"

"Well, maybe, someone has died because of this."

The tall figure suddenly disappeared from the living room, and in a flash, he had changed into a full set of uniforms and appeared in front of Lin Qi with a sword.

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

Huh, woman, you make me feel very subtle.

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