Red Moon Returns

Chapter 337 Color

"It's normal not to find anything wrong. The mysterious aliens are more complicated. There are humanoids like snakemen or ghouls, but there are also many very strange ones. They often just exist normally, but our cognition makes us unable to detect them, and even if we see them, we can't understand them. I can't explain it in more detail because I haven't encountered them. This was told to me by my father when he was alive."

Under the bell tower, the policewoman who had nothing to gain explained softly.

The fat mayor had been taken away by the only three policemen in the town, but his crazy laughter still echoed in Lynch's mind, full of malice.

With the cooperation of the police and other officials, the townspeople were temporarily appeased and gathered in the square.

Everyone was together, so that if the symptoms really broke out, it would be better to deal with them in time.

However, Lynch and the policewoman still asked them to retreat ten meters away from the bell tower. There was no stage for them in front of the mysterious aliens.

The bottom floor of the bell tower was still the same, with walls made of huge stone bricks and floors made of wooden boards. The stains on the ground were still so conspicuous.

The two turned on the gas lamp and walked around the bottom of the bell tower for a few times but found nothing. However, the mayor's final performance has shown that Lynch's judgment was not wrong. The alien is here.

The low voice of the police officer made Lynch feel a little cold. Looking at the gas lamp on the wall, and then touching the shabby tables and chairs in the corner, he always felt that something was watching him.

"But if we can't understand it even if we see it, how can we find it?"

"I can't help it. I can only try my best to observe, find the abnormalities, and then use my imagination to understand their existence. It's better to be too sensitive, maybe what you find is the truth."

It's easy to say, but it's not that easy to break the limitations of cognition.

The two held lanterns and went up and down several times in the bell tower more than ten meters high, but unfortunately, they were still using common sense to understand, and there was no.

"Ah! I can't stand it anymore, don't stop me, we want to go home."

Then there were scolding, fighting, and restraints, and soon, it became quiet again.

The two people's hearts sank. The revelation of the truth was indeed not the end, and the death continued.

Looking at each other, they became more and more anxious.

Faster, faster.

Observe, imagine, and then find abnormalities.

"No, I don't want to die, help, I want to go home."

Lynch wanted to plug his ears, but the wailing outside continued to enter his brain, which made his expression a little distorted.

But looking at Officer Natalie beside him, her expression was normal, as if she didn't hear it. This is the endurance of a senior hunter. In comparison, I...


Yes, in comparison.

If you want to find abnormalities, you must first know what is normal here, otherwise you can't judge. We don't know this place at all, so of course we can't find it.

So stupid.

The two immediately ran out, rushed to the somewhat chaotic crowd outside, grabbed the officials in formal clothes, and asked if there were any abnormal phenomena worth noting in the bell tower recently.

Everyone was at a loss and shook their heads, but seeing the disappointed expressions of the two, the official who managed the public buildings still mentioned it.

A few days ago, there was a stain on the originally clean floor.

That stain was like a piece of floor that suddenly changed color. It couldn't be washed or wiped clean. It was as if the floor had aged and changed color. Even if it was painted, it couldn't cover the stain.

No one took this kind of trivial matter seriously. If the two hadn't asked, the officials would have forgotten it long ago.

The two looked tense and their breathing slowed down.

In the mysterious world, any abnormality could be a sign of some kind.

That's it.


Quickly returning to the bell tower, the two saw the obvious stain on the floor at a glance.

It was about the size of a dinner plate, dark red, like a pool of dried blood, but when rubbed with a cane, there was no sense of attachment. As the townspeople said, it seemed to be a simple change of color.

Knocked it, there was a solid foundation underneath, without any space for hiding things. Looking at the wooden board again, it was connected to other parts of the floor, and there was no problem.

That was strange. What was the influence that made it change color?


A scream came, as if the person who had the attack before had changed.

Lynch clenched his fists and made up his mind to ignore it.

The sudden change of color was abnormal, it was probably affected by the mysterious alien, but no, there was no alien anywhere.

Imagination, imagination.

There must be a reason, how could it not be found, unless...

Lynch had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and suddenly grabbed the policewoman's hand, stepped back a few steps, and left the area around the stain.

"Unless this stain itself is a mysterious alien."

"Impossible, we all checked it just now, it's just a different color, nothing."

"You told me, imagination, open our minds, color itself can't be a mysterious alien?"


The policewoman took a breath, and just as the two brains realized the truth, the scene in front of them changed.

The stain gradually emitted brilliance, becoming bright and bright, it was a glowing red.

It's hard to describe what color it is, human language is so poor that it can't describe even a single color.

It's also hard to describe the feeling of seeing it, I can only say that it's gorgeous and colorful, and the beauty seems to exist only in dreams.

Expand, contract, expand, contract.

The colors twist and flicker slightly, beautiful and strange, making people unable to look away.

And the whole town, whether it was people, animals or plants, as long as there was a living thing, it was faintly glowing, and a thin line of light extended from the body to connect with the ball of color.

"What is this...?"

Lin Qi swallowed hard, trying to moisten his dry throat, but his voice was still dry.

"Whatever it is!"

The policewoman had come to her senses, her eyes became sharp, and her sword was unsheathed.

Draw the sword and cut.

A flash of light, cut in two.

A crack was cut in the floor, revealing the solid foundation below.

However, the ball of color on the floor still existed there, unaffected at all.

There was no shape, no entity, it was just a ball of color.

It was just a conceptual color.

How to hurt red? How to cut blue?

The sword that cuts off everything can't cut off the chaotic colors at this time.

"I'll do it."

Lin Qi skillfully drew his gun and changed the bullet.

Acid bullet, close shooting, followed by a ball of death entanglement.

If physical attacks don't work, then use ability attacks, there is always one that suits you.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong the ability is, it still can't damage the color itself. Only the floor and the foundation are injured.

Then just lift the floor directly.

The policewoman cut off the entire floor with several consecutive swords, but found that the color of the cut floor became normal, and the piece of color was left on the foundation.

Damn, it can't be covered, can't be damaged, and can't be transferred.

No wonder the mayor was not panicked when he was taken away.

What should I do?

Officer Natalie, who is good at frontal combat, has no clue, and Lynch has exhausted all his means. The two can only watch helplessly as the ball of color beats and twitches like a heart, drawing color from the connection of the creature bit by bit.

"Ah, help, let me go, let me go home, help!"

The desperate shouts are like heavy hammers, hammering on the heart.

Lynch slowly closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened them.

"I have an idea, Natalie. If these methods don't work, what if we change it conceptually?"

"You can't do it. If you want to hurt the alien conceptually, you need at least a high-level force. It's better to go to war directly."

"No, I don't want to hurt it. I just want to change one of its concepts." Lynch narrowed his eyes, with a hint of expectation in his tone, "We change it from the color entrenched in the clock tower or the color entrenched in the town to the color entrenched in other things."


"This doesn't need to affect it, but it can still be changed."

"You can try!" The police officer grabbed Lynch's wrist, "How do you plan to change it?"

"Almost a child's game, but... maybe it works."

Lynch blinked, smiled, and suddenly said loudly:

"Bring paper."

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