Red Moon Returns

Chapter 339 The Dangerous River of Time

The bonfire in the center of the town has been extinguished, and the thrilling day is finally over.

The mysterious incident was successfully solved and the town returned to normal and peaceful life.

How is that possible, that's not the style of Mystery.

Of course, the mysterious connection is not so easy to cut off. In fact, the model house only cuts off the direct influence of color on the outside world, that is, the light that connects all living things, interrupting its continued influence. Therefore, the connecting light disappears and refuses to leave the town. The idea is lifted. But the connections that have been formed and the effects that have been created still exist, and they are quite painful.

The incident ended with five families being wiped out, twenty-six people dying tragically, fifteen people falling into madness and not knowing when they would wake up, and the entire herd being wiped out. Will they be able to recover in the future? It would be difficult to achieve without the help of the Rhine City Government, and the city government is staring at the surrounding land, so the possibility of helping is very small. This historic town will soon be lost in the long river of history. .

Moreover, the end of mysterious events is only the beginning. These townspeople who have had mysterious contact experiences will have a higher chance of encountering mysterious events in the next few generations. It is far from known how many people will survive to the end of their lifespan.

This is the normal result of mysterious events, there is no chance.

However, Officer Lynch and Natalie will not tell the townspeople this. Sometimes ignorance may not be a blessing.

The townspeople were very grateful to stay, but the two of them didn't want to stay here for a minute longer. Carrying the dangerous toy house, they drove the carriage straight to Milt's house overnight.

Yes, the two of them would rather stay at a cultist's house than stay in the town anymore. They don't like this town, and saving the remaining people by the way is their greatest kindness.

Lynch stayed at the cultist's house for the night. Officer Natalie drove back to Rhine overnight. Bringing such a weird item back to Rhine was a terrorist attack. Officer Natalie needed to notify the watchers first, who would send professionals to respond. .

Because the Milt family was on the outskirts of town, they were not affected by this incident. Surprisingly, it was already after one o'clock, and there were still a few lights on in his mansion. As soon as he knocked on the door, the loyal old housekeeper let him in. In the yard, Miss Milt Skye is still awake. It is said that this young lady has a common problem among most scholars.

If you don't sleep at night, you won't be able to wake up in the morning.

This made Lynch feel that they had a common language.

Even Officer Natalie was invited in. According to what the old housekeeper conveyed, the two of them did their best to help the Milt family solve their problems. It would be too rude not to thank them in person right away.

It was already late, but the white Ms. Skye was still in high spirits. She was sitting in the strange living room waiting for the two to visit. When she saw the two of them, she immediately smiled, stood up, lifted up her skirt, knelt and said, "Thank you for your help." My brother and I are extremely grateful that the Milt family has resolved the crisis. It is not convenient for my brother to go out, so I can express his gratitude on his behalf.”

Tsk, people with time ability are convenient. You already know it before I even say it. I don’t envy you at all, really not.

Ms. Skye's eyes widened as she angrily recounted the day's experience. It wasn't until Lynch finished that she said sadly:

"It turned out to be Star Color. No wonder those cows were acting so strangely."

"Star Color?"

"Well, it's a kind of alien from the sky. The larvae have a form and will burrow into the ground. Under the influence of the larvae, the plants will grow wildly. The adult body will turn into a ball of color and drill out of the ground. It will not be harmed by the outside world and can only be restrained by strong light. The adult body will absorb the instinct of all prey within the range and refuse to leave the area of ​​influence, and then absorb their vitality, and at the same time disturb all humans with filth, until it absorbs enough vitality and fully matures and returns to the outside world. This kind of thing is quite troublesome and almost unsolvable. , I didn’t expect to be dealt with in this way by you, it’s really you, Mr. Lynch Leviv.”

Lin Qi and the police officer looked at each other and felt lingering fear. If Lin Qi hadn't accumulated thousands of years of experience in his hometown and had more flexible thinking, he might not have been able to get out this time.

"Huh, this thing is indeed dangerous, so what should we do with it?"

"I don't know. I've only heard of such a rare alien. I really don't know where the mayor got the Star Color larvae. You'd better ask the watchers, they have more experience."

Lynch carefully put the model house aside, making sure that no light came through, and then he breathed: "Okay, let's talk about the Miracle Light. I have fulfilled my promise, then, are you willing? Tell me the information about the Miracle Light?"

"My brother and I have hidden the light of miracle in a very safe place. No one can find it except us." Without calling the servants, Ms. Skye poured black tea for the two of them with her own hands and said sincerely, "If you really If you want it, I can help you, but you can only get it yourself."


"Carrying the silver key and passing through the silver door, you will be able to meet the Ancient Eternal One. The light of miracles is at the feet of the Lord. It should be said that the light of miracles is there at almost every point in time in the past, present and future. At his feet. See the Lord, and as long as you pass His approval, you can take away the light of miracles.”

Are you kidding me?

Putting aside what you are talking about, you want me to see the evil god? And he is the Lord of Billions of Glory? You want me to see this existence that I can even glance at? If you want me to die, just say so.

Just as Lin Qi's heart was filled with turmoil, a gentle female voice sounded at the right time.

[Don’t worry, Lynch, the Ancient Eternal One is not the Lord of Billions of Glory himself. He is relatively safe and relatively gentle, at least much gentler than the Swollen Daughter. As long as you don't actively seek death, your life will not be in danger. 】

Hmm... we still have to talk about that.

Lin Qi pondered for a moment before asking: "Tell me in detail, what are you talking about, and what is the situation of the ancient immortals."

"The Ancient Eternal One exists in the past, present and future. He is omniscient, omniscient and omnipotent. He travels through the river of time and exists behind the Silver Gate in the river of time. This is his residence. Only those who possess the Silver Key Only people can pass through the Silver Gate, and the Ancient Eternal One is standing behind the gate waiting, from the beginning to the end, every moment.”

Ms. Skye opened her hand. In her palm, there was a ball of objects floating. Lynch clearly saw it, but could not understand its image. He could only see a ball of light that was constantly distorting:

"This is the Silver Key, but it's mine. I can guide you to find your own Silver Key, and I can also help you cross the river of time to the Silver Gate. As for whether you can get the approval of the Ancient Eternal One, If you are allowed to take away the light of miracle, you can only rely on yourself. However, I want to remind you that the river of time is very dangerous. If you do not have the awareness of death, I do not recommend that you enter."

"What's the danger?"

"The River of Time is inhabited by the Hounds of Tindalos, the same things that killed Howard. It's hard to say what they are, not even mysterious aliens. They live in the corners of time, guarding it and its Secrets. Once someone wants to reveal the secret of time, they will appear in this world and kill the leaker. If someone peeks into the river of time or even crosses the river of time, once they are discovered, they will mark them and carry out eternity. Endless pursuit."

"They have no concept of death, so their pursuit is eternal until the target dies, and the number is meaningless to them. There are endless hounds inhabiting the river of time. Once they lock on the target, they will hunt endlessly. The target penetrates into the real world and jumps to the target through an 'angle' of less than 120 degrees."

Hiss, Lynch looked at the strange furnishings around him and realized that this building was specially designed to prevent hounds.

"Oh, indeed, anyone who plays with time will inevitably leave the mark of a hound on his body, and my brother and I are no exception. I am better, with less marks. I can also hide myself through some means, and I will not be caught in a short time. The hounds found it. So I can occasionally see outside visitors. My brother has too many imprints, and he can't hide himself. Once there are horns around him, he will be hunted by countless hounds, so he never comes out."

"Is this why you can't help us get the Miracle Light back?"

"Yes, the hound is too troublesome. We will not easily step into the river of time now. Everything can only be done by yourself."

"Then if we go in, won't we also be targeted by hounds?"

"Not necessarily. I can only say that the possibility is very high, so I asked you to consider it carefully." Ms. Skye said, "Well, I will give you some time to think about it. Anyway, I have to study where your Silver Key is. .When you make up your mind, I welcome you to come at any time."

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