Red Moon Returns

Chapter 35 Is it true? I don’t believe it.

That is the oppression from the soul, that is the fear from instinct.

Mortal souls are defenseless against higher beings.

It’s not about courage, it’s not about strength.

When one becomes aware of the mysterious will beyond common sense, the very act of ‘detecting’ is a source of danger, bringing a powerful impact.

Even though the police officer had an extremely strong will, she went blank under the strong impact. Her muscles softened and her body fell to the ground.

It's only one step away from the corridor.

The light and power in his body had dissipated. The sword was still in his hand, but he no longer had the strength to swing it.

The impact on his soul made his body limp and weak. It was stuck to the ground and the cobwebs in the corners, and could no longer move.

The vision of the abyss and red eyes was fleeting, and as soon as he fell to the ground, his vision returned to normal.

It's still the green-lit underground space, or the dark cave filled with spider webs.

But all the monsters did not chase after her. Instead, they hid in a group and looked cautiously at the police officer like a flying insect in a net, or rather at the open space not far in front of her, not taking a single step. Dare to get close.

There was nothing, but the space there seemed to be distorted by some force, forming an invisible vortex.

From the depths of the vortex, a distorted line of sight seemed to be shot out. The sight contained an almost substantive terrifying pressure, staring at Officer Natalie, making her feel like a flying insect on the web being stared at by a spider. The oppressive force made her just Feeling difficult to breathe.

At the same time, there was also a weird suction force that was incomprehensible. The body is still firmly stuck to the spider web and motionless, but the soul seems to be pulled by a huge force and may break away from the body at any time and be sucked into the vortex.

“Praise the Lord, praise the great weaver of webs.”

As if sensing the sight, Jeremy quickly knelt down, and the giant spiders also retracted their eight long legs, as if lying down. Jeremy kissed the ground several times, then straightened up and said loudly:

"It seems that your fate is doomed, police officer. Your soul will be dragged into the abyss by my Lord's web and become a seedbed for nurturing your dependents. Your body will hatch your dependents into the present world and be eaten clean by the newborn dependents. What a pity. , you didn’t show up with other watchers, allowing them to escape the fate of feeding their relatives with their souls.”

The police officer didn't pay attention to it. Her sight never left the vortex. The terrifying sight became more and more substantial, and the suction force became stronger and stronger. It seemed that her soul would leave the body at any time and be completely sucked into the vortex.

Even if I have to die, I have to die on the road of struggle. Don't let me wait for death.

The police officer couldn't remember where she heard these words from, but she still smacked her lips, withstood the strong pressure, used her last strength to break free from the shackles of the spider web on her arm, and raised her sword in the direction of the whirlpool.

Come on, I'm not afraid of you.

The evil gaze in the vortex remained the same, and even became stronger. The existence inside seemed no longer ready to wait any longer. A strange force that was twisted to the extreme spread silently from the vortex.

The speed is very slow, but it does not stop for a moment, as if leaving enough time for the prey to enjoy the despair and fear before death.

"Hahaha, it is the will of the Lord. Be afraid and struggle. The insects caught in the net are unfortunately not able to escape the grasp of my Lord."

"Really? I don't believe it."

A light suddenly lit up in the darkness, illuminating the entire cave.

A group of fiercely burning human-shaped flames rushed over, dragging a trail of flames out of the corridor. All the spider webs along the way were ignited, and a raging fire started.

The flames shot into the sky, and the little spiders in the spider webs fled like crazy as if the apocalypse were coming. The giant spiders also retreated under the force of the flames. The humanoid flame dragged the path of flames all the way to Natalie, stopped suddenly, turned around, knelt on one knee, and punched the ground.


The flames spurted out from the impact point of the fist and turned into a half-moon-shaped wall of fire that moved forward quickly, igniting a raging fire between Natalie and the spider group, temporarily blocking the contact between the two parties.

As the wall of fire erupted, the humanoid flames also extinguished and transformed into a man in formal attire kneeling on one knee.

The man ignored the swarms of spiders, stood up and dusted the cobwebs from his clothes, took off his hat and put it on his chest, turned around and bowed slightly to the police officer lying on the ground: "Ms. Natalie Angell, I'm late. ”

The lady police officer fell into a trance for a moment.

Reason made her choose to hide from everyone and take risks alone, because everyone who followed her could not escape death like her.

But beyond reason, there is always a little expectation in my heart.

It would be great if someone discovered it, it would be great if someone could come to save me, it would be great if someone could accompany me to face the danger.

I don't want to die yet.

However, she never expected that someone would actually show up.

And it's actually you.

Lynch Leviv.

A soft emotion suddenly arose in her strong heart, and warmth seemed to be accumulating in the corners of her eyes. However, the terrifying aura that was about to burst out of the vortex immediately woke her up, and she shouted sternly: "What are you doing here? It's dangerous here, leave quickly."

"Someone still owes me two terms. I'm afraid she'll cheat and never come back, so I'll come here to catch her." Lynch took a step sideways and blocked the police officer and the whirlpool with his body, "I'm sorry, but I also heard The truth is, we are all its prey, and now we live and die together.”

Under Officer Natalie's apologetic eyes, Lynch put her hat on her head, then stood up suddenly and walked towards the force extending from the direction of the vortex.

"Don't forget I have something to rely on. I don't think it can kill both of us today. If you can really survive, remember that you owe me three requests."

After saying that, Lynch straightened his formal suit and suddenly sped up.

As if sensing a provocation, the sight in the vortex suddenly became solid, and an indescribable twisted will, carrying the mysterious filth that caused Lynch's brain to have frequent hallucinations, gushed out of the vortex and bombarded Lynch.

And Lynch's expression was weird, and he showed a subtle smile before the will came, and pulled open his shirt to reveal his chest.

At the position of the heart, a dark red eye pattern was emitting a weird breath.

"I'm here to deliver the meal." Sensing the indescribable will, Lynch made up his mind, held the moon pendant on his chest, and rushed forward without avoiding or giving way, with a desperate look on his face, "I hope this big meal won't break your spider teeth."

Somewhere in the dark, a hissing sound from the spider's pores seemed to ring in his ears, and then Lynch ran head-on into the indescribable will.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to see a fleeting picture, a huge spider with a human body and a spider belly emerged from the darkness, and ran head-on into a human-faced monster crouching like a toad behind him.


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