Red Moon Returns

Chapter 369 The Second Dance

Dance music "A Midsummer Night in Rand."

Unlike the opening song, which is not as exciting as the first song, the second dance song is soothing and soft, calming the body and mind, just like falling asleep listening to the chirping of insects on a midsummer night.

After the majestic opening song, it was time to enjoy the tranquility and tranquility. The unmarried lovers hugged each other gently, swaying slowly to the beat of the music, feeling each other's temperature and heartbeats, looking at each other, and in their eyes. The tenderness is gentler than the crimson moonlight on a midsummer night.

【Um? 】

Well, maybe not.

Lynch put back the thoughts that were running wild in his mind. He had to think about it because the countess in his arms was so charming.

In fact, Miss Diana did nothing. She just smiled and lay quietly in Lynch's arms, just like other young girls on the dance floor. But for some reason, listening to her thin breathing, these few The experience of every meeting with Yue clearly appeared in Lin Qi's mind.

From strangers to wariness, from hostility to friendliness, sharing adversities, life and death.

When they first met, who could have thought that one day this proud daughter of a wealthy family would embrace and dance with him like she did now?

So far in life...well...

Miss Diana rolled her eyelids and smiled meaningfully: "Where is she?"

"Ahem, I don't understand what she is." Lynch almost slipped and coughed a few times, "She went on patrol."

"Is that why you came?"

? ? ?

Lin Qi seemed to see an extra star in the night sky, and he broke out in cold sweat.

But the Countess just laughed, rolled her eyes at him, hummed softly to dance music, and danced with a smile on her brows.

You can't break the rules like this, girl.

Click click click.

Pervasive reporters were stationed outside the dance floor. Whenever the two of them wandered to the edge, the reporters would take pictures without missing any opportunity.

This put a layer of gloom over Lynch's good mood unconsciously.

After a little combing, Lynch has figured it out. There is no doubt that this is a conspiracy, a conspiracy hatched by those whose interests have been harmed by themselves. They want to disgust Miss Valente by attacking him and make his Life was not easy either.

Someone was behind the scenes to encourage the two aristocratic young men to take revenge on him, and tried their best to invite Miss Diana to dance. If Lynch did not show up, even if there was no rift in the relationship between the two, it would be like what Officer Natalie feared. Both of them will bear the gossip. The eldest lady of the earl family was dismissive of her, and this kind of comment would stay with Diana for a long time.

And now is the result of Lin Qi's appearance, witnessed by the whole audience, being chased wildly by reporters, it will probably spread throughout the city tonight, and it will go viral in the capital tomorrow. In the end, the count's family will be disgraced, and Miss Diana will be recalled to the royal capital. She may be buried in rumors all her life and unable to hold her head up.

It doesn't have any actual lethality, it's just disgusting.

"More than that." Lying on Lynch's chest and listening to the vibrations in his chest, Miss Valente squinted her eyes comfortably and said softly, "Fight the Valente family, stir up discord between Nolin and the upper-class Rhine nobles, and expand the relationship between the nobles and the upper class. The feeling of tearing between the common people deepened the hostility between the two and destroyed the popular foundation of the aristocracy. This was definitely done by the parliamentary faction and provoked the aristocratic heirs to come forward to charge. It seems that these people were aided by the royal family's 20,000 pounds. The money is exciting and I don’t miss any chance to win back a sentence.”

Lynch led the countess to sway gently, and from time to time walked around to the edge of the dance floor, deliberately showing the reporter how the two danced intimately: "You all know that?"

Miss Diana wrinkled her nose playfully and said dissatisfiedly: "Oh, Mr. Lynch, although not every noble has a keen political sense, or is unwilling to have it, such as the two just now, most nobles are born He is a political animal. If he cannot even see this kind of conspiracy, he should have been eliminated by the times. "

"But knowing it was a trap, you still stepped in."

"Because someone reached out to me." Miss Diana raised her head, her eyes narrowed into crescent moons with a smile, like a little fox that had just stolen a chicken. "Step into a trap and be trapped in a trap." It’s two different things. I just went into the trap and ate the delicious bait. As for how to get out of the trap, hehe, my hero will rescue me.”

Lynch's mouth opened wide, stunned.

"The princess is not the only one who is imprisoned in the castle waiting for the hero to save her. Mr. Lynch, the noble lady will also have such a dream, and she wholeheartedly believes in her hero's promise." Miss Valente smiled particularly brightly, " So, please, my hero.”

Oh my god, I can't bear it. What should I do if I have a heart attack? I'm waiting online. It's urgent.

Lin Qi's heart was beating wildly and his eyes were straight. If the situation hadn't been wrong, he might have actually done something. But under the spotlight, he could only hide his evil eyes.

He felt that he hid it well, but unfortunately he overlooked one thing.

There was no blind person among the people in the crowd, everyone had eyes.

Many of the spectators gathered around the dance floor to watch the excitement were whispering about this, some were happy and some were sad.

The music gradually faded and the dancing slowly stopped.

In the final aftertaste of the music, Lynch, like a true Rand gentleman, knelt down on one knee, took Miss Diana's slender hand, and ended the second dance of the day with a standard kiss on the hand.

Another burst of spotlights flashed, and several reporters rushed up and surrounded the two of them.

"Mr. Leviv, you are a commoner, right? Is it inappropriate to have an ambiguous relationship with a noble lady? What do you think about this?"

"Mr. Leviv, when you danced this dance, many noble gentlemen looked unhappy. Are you worried about this?"

"Ms. Valente, I would like to ask if your father, Count Valente, would be unhappy that you dedicated your first dance to Mr. Leviv today?"

"Mr. Leviv, is your behavior of breaking the taboo intentional or accidental?"

For a while, the two were surrounded by reporters, and everyone held up their notebooks and stared at them expectantly.

And outside, there were the audiences who were either smiling with gloomy eyes, or watching coldly with gloating eyes, or worried and uneasy, with all kinds of people and colorful expressions.

Especially behind the reporters, several nobles with mocking faces stood closest to them, as if they couldn't wait to see Lynch make a fool of himself.

Especially the two who had just had a conflict, Lynch could even see the sinister smiles on their faces.

You really hold a grudge, and you don't learn from Miss Valente.

Lynch sneered and pointed at the reporters: "What do you want to hear me answer? You just want to hear me answer some unorthodox and radical remarks, and then publish them to make a big news. You are too young, your ideas are too simple, and sometimes very naive. How could I think that? The twelve main gods know, the evil gods know, they are much higher than you, and I chat and laugh with them."

Lynch had a lot of fun, but the reporters were stunned. Finally, someone couldn't help it: "Mr. Leviev, but what do you think?"

"Want to know?" Lynch's eyes swept across the faces of the reporters and the onlookers outside, and said with a smile, "Unfortunately, many people will be disappointed. Ha, someone will tell you soon."


There was a sudden burst of fierce applause outside the crowd. Everyone turned back in surprise and found that it was His Excellency the Duke who was supporting His Royal Highness the Princess, and the King's Secretary Viscount Moliere, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress, walked towards this side under the protection of a large group of people.

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