Red Moon Returns

Chapter 381 A New Morning

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, Her Royal Highness was attacked in public, but fortunately she was protected by the fallen moon god and was safe."

"The murderer who assassinated the princess is suspected of mental illness, and his old friends said that he had been mentally ill for a long time."

"The murderer is a traitor of the Church of the Sun, and his actions are suspected to be instructed by someone. The wanted criminal organization Skull Island announced that it was responsible for this matter. Sources said that the real instigator is in the Rhine, but his identity is too high to be disclosed."

"Mr. Grant, the Speaker of the House of Commons, angrily publicly condemned the murderer's atrocities."

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, a new knight is born, and detective Lynch Leviev is knighted, becoming the only new noble in the kingdom in a hundred years."

"The new The knight has a close relationship with the eldest daughter of the Earl Valente family. Miss Valente publicly declared that the new knight is her most trusted friend. "

"Sir Leviev bravely rescued the princess. Sources say he is expected to become the youngest recipient of the Golden Rose Medal."

"The Governor was furious and vowed to..."

"Sir Leviev's former landlord said he had always been optimistic about this brave and resourceful..."

"The professor who once taught Sir Leviev said..."

On July 1, 1399, in the rising sun, the name of Sir Lynch Leviev, along with the fifteen newspapers issued in Rhine City, spread throughout the city.

Who is Lynch Leviev? This was once a difficult question, because not many people knew this name before, but it will soon become a well-known name.

The kingdom's rising star, the new knight, not only occupied the first dance of Her Royal Highness the Princess, but also had an ambiguous relationship with the noble lady, occupied the first dance of the noble lady, and took the opportunity to tease all the onlookers.

On the day of his coronation, he bravely rescued the assassinated princess in public, and even caused a celestial change.

Every incident was full of legends, enough for the bards to write stories and sing in the bar, and with the sensational news of the princess's assassination, this name would be more smoothly heard by everyone.

When Sir Lynch Leviev woke up from the familiar big bed, smelling the smell of sunshine on the quilt, the sunshine had already filled the bedroom on the second floor of No. 221 Villa Street. He looked around blankly with his eyes open, and his numb brain slowly recovered its function.

I drank a little too much last night.

After the discussion last night, Lynch was liberated, but not completely liberated.

The newly promoted knight who bravely rescued the princess was naturally a hot figure at the venue and became the focus of everyone's pursuit. For a time, nobles, rich people, civilians, reporters, everyone wanted to come up and have a drink with him and compliment him.

You can't hit a smiling person. You definitely can't let them go at this time. Lynch is not as skilled as Diana. Diana didn't follow Lynch at this time because she was afraid of suspicion. In the end, he could only accept everyone and drink a cup.

At first, he felt a little guilty. After drinking a few cups, he thought that there were only a few thousand people in the venue. At worst, he would drink all the way. Who is afraid of whom? They can still...

Then his consciousness stopped at this moment.

In fact, there was still a little consciousness left, but his brain was a little inflexible. He still remembered that it was the landlady and little Martha who brought him back. They didn't pay the freight and used the carriage of the Duke's Mansion. He also remembered that on the way, the landlady hugged little Martha. The two of them kept watching him cry, but in the end they didn't say anything. They just unloaded him on the bed and took off his clothes. The mother and daughter left silently.

You are too suspicious.

Lynch knew why they were crying, and he didn't worry about it. He raised his middle finger to the reflection of the scumbag in the window, and then jumped off the bed and put on casual clothes.

The party is over, but life goes on.

I have made an appointment with Ms. Nightingale and the others to plant grass in the strange objects on July 2.

It sounds dangerous, but it is not too difficult.

They only plant flowers in it for three days, and it takes four and a half days for the city to be breached. So they are relatively safe. As long as they can suppress the out-of-control strange objects in advance, they don’t need to confront a large group of ghouls head-on.

And Lynch’s biggest reliance is high inspiration, which can easily read the suppression conditions. Therefore, in Lynch’s view, there is the thigh of the cultist Judy, the ring that has just been used up, Miss Valente’s box of munitions, and Natalie’s humanoid munitions. As long as there is no accident, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Forget it, don’t think about this kind of suicidal words, and why even I treat myself as a ring rack, I should have some other uses.

Oh, yes, the condition reading machine and flower fertilizer without emotion, I am awesome.

Touching his precarious neck, he complained about himself crazily in his heart, stretched himself hard, and pushed open the bedroom window.

In an instant, the shouts of the newsboys on Charles Square reached Lynch's ears.

"These dead kids are crazy, what are they yelling so early in the morning? Fortunately, Mrs. Maggie helped me close the window last night."

Lynch's head was big for a moment, it was simply a devil's sound, I...

"Huh? Why do these things sound so familiar, and that stupid name is even more familiar, hahaha, then it's okay."

Bang, quickly closed the window, Lynch laughed dryly and ran out of the bedroom.

It seems that being a celebrity is not that easy. Why do I feel so ashamed when listening to others publicize their behavior, and there is a secret joy in the shame. Damn, I won't awaken any strange hobbies.

No, no, just relax. There are many people with the same name. They don’t dare to think that that name is me. Even if they know it, so what. That person who almost won’t win the Oscar in his life can live strong, and I don’t. questionable.

After trying hard to soothe his homebody soul, Lin Qi saw the landlady and her daughter in the living room on the first floor as soon as he came downstairs.

I got up late today. The landlady was not busy in the kitchen, and little Martha probably had no classes in the morning and did not go to school. The mother and daughter were muttering about something on the sofa. When they saw Lynch coming down, the mother and daughter The man stood up immediately.

Mrs. Maggie bowed respectfully: "Good morning, Sir."

As he spoke, he poked little Martha. The little thing looked reluctant, but under the coercion of her mother, she still lowered her head and bent her knees slightly like a little lady. She pouted and said dullly: "Sir. good."

Lynch did not stop him, nodded seriously, and asked casually: "Mrs. Maggie, there is a very important question. I want to confirm it with you."

The landlady's face darkened, she bit her lip and nodded slightly.

"Our full address is 221 Vera Street, Charles Square."

"Ah?" Mrs. Maggie looked confused, but still subconsciously responded: "Yes, is there any problem?"

"No problem. I'm going to reprint some business cards later and put the new title on them. But I'm afraid that I printed the wrong address, so I double-checked it. After all, this card is probably going to last for many years. It's okay to print the wrong address. It’s just a waste, it’s all money.”

"Huh?" With her blue eyes widened, Mrs. Maggie blurted out in surprise, "You want to print the address here? Aren't you planning to move to a better city?"

"Huh? Do you want me to move out? Did I do something wrong?"

Lynch said loudly, pretending to be surprised. In fact, he had already guessed Mrs. Maggie's thoughts while half drunk last night. It was just that he felt that Lynch's status had become a noble, and he was already out of reach. He could no longer live in a lower-class city like the King's District, let alone live with two poor people in the King's District. I was reluctant to let him move away, and I was worried that he would take away the Book of Purification, but I was in no position to stop him, so I could only hide away and feel sorry for myself.

"No, no, how could it be, hahaha." Mrs. Maggie smiled dryly, but the scowl between her brows had long since disappeared, and her beautiful eyes had become brighter. She wrung her fingers excitedly and said, "You haven't had breakfast yet, right?" , I will prepare it for you right now..."

"No, I'm going out right away. Hey, wait a minute..."

Lynch shrugged and pointed to the kitchen towards little Martha:

"Is your mother okay? It's so strange."

"Humph, bad guy." The little thing was smarter than her mother. She could see Lynch's thoughts at a glance and stuck out her tongue playfully.

Gee, this kid is not cute at all.

Lin Qi suddenly became serious and raised his fingers at her: "Come here, I have something to tell you, don't let your mother hear it."

When the little brat came over, Lin Qi pushed her down on his lap and slapped her three times.

"I'll let you be nice, I'll make you reluctant, I'll let you be stupid with your mother."

Then before the little thing could react, he ran away and ran directly out of the house. Only then did a scream like a banshee's howl sound from behind.

Okay, I don't have time to bother with you today, I have other business to do.

I still have to meet Natalie and Diana... no, no, I still have to go to the Church of the Cross to make final preparations.

Lin Qi straightened his casual clothes and walked into the sunshine with a smile.

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