Red Moon Returns

Chapter 387: Noflan in the Third Age

When Lynch woke up from his trance, what he saw was a lush green.

The four of them appeared in a sparse forest holding hands.

The sun shines through the gaps in the leaves, casting mottled shadows. Breathing the fresh air, listening to the calls of birds and animals deep in the woods, there is peace and tranquility.

Is this really the memory of an out-of-control strange object?

Lynch couldn't believe it for a moment. The first two experiences of entering out-of-control strange objects left a deep impression on him.

The first time I opened my eyes, I was almost torn apart as a sacrifice. The second time I opened my eyes, I almost got hung up on a street lamp.

He always felt that if he got into a strange object that was out of control, it wouldn't be normal if dozens of people didn't attack him.

However, during the pre-war training a few days ago, it was difficult to teach Ms. Daisy, who specializes in occultism, to explain that it was just his illusion. In fact, most of the memories of strange objects will have a relatively mild period of time, and rarely come up. He was sent directly to death.

This is related to the characteristics of strange objects. The essence of strange objects is that a creature has extreme fear of a certain thing or a certain period of time that has happened before, and the entire process of this memory will condense into a strange object. , the so-called whole process is from the initial accumulation of fear to the end of the event, not just the period of the deepest fear.

For example, the gaze of the Ancient Flicker that almost sent Lynch away before was actually the entire process of all the citizens being massacred and sacrificed by the Terrorclaw tribe after the fall of the ancient city. It started from the Terrorclaw tribe's raid on the city and the fight with the city defense soldiers, to The sacrifice was completed and the whole process lasted for thirteen hours. When Lynch and Natalie entered, the strange objects had been out of control for some time. They just happened to catch up with the most dangerous period. The only thing to blame was Lynch's good luck.

The strange object in Speaker Grant's factory was originally the slaves' fearful memory of the flesh and blood workshop. It spanned several years. The experience of hanging street lights happened every day, and it was not extremely dangerous. The truly dangerous final slave uprising was bloody suppressed by violent institutions. In the end, all three hundred slaves were wiped out, and their corpses were hung all over the factory walls.

But Swain's blessing is different. The duration after this strange object loses control is five days, and it was just artificially out of control this morning, so the time inside is still at the beginning of the event, and all elements are controllable.

Everything is under control, these were Ms. Daisy's exact words, which made Lynch want to hit someone.

But at least she was right. The environment at this time was very peaceful, and the chirping of birds was enough to indicate that it was safe here.

"This is my first memory of entering into strange objects. It's so amazing." Miss Diana tugged on the clothes on her body. All four of them were wearing new clothes. The quality was pretty good, but the style was quite old. The Archaeological Association helped according to historical data. After recovering, the Countess had never worn such trendy clothes before, and it felt quite fresh for a moment. "I was in another world for a moment. Everything feels so strange. Should we... start?"

"Yes." Lynch opened a simple hand-drawn city map and confirmed it one last time, "Let's go, everything will go according to plan, I hope everything goes well."

"May everything go well."

The four of them nodded to each other, with Officer Natalie taking the lead and cautiously approaching the edge of the woods.

There is a dirt road outside, covered with wheel and footprints. Twenty or thirty meters ahead along the dirt road is a low earth wall. Outside the city wall are large areas of farmland, and farmers working can be vaguely seen in the fields. Inside the city wall, patches of rooftops can be vaguely seen, with streaks of smoke rising from the rooftops.

The agricultural city of Norland.

"This is a small border town, a human territory, with a population of more than 8,000." Looking at this city that only existed in the Third Age from a distance, Lynch whispered beside the three ladies, "Let's go to the city first."

With that said, he passed Officer Natalie, walked out of the woods first, and stepped onto the dirt road outside the woods.

This place is very close to the city gate, and farmers and women who go out to work in the city to deliver food come and go from time to time. When they saw the four people, they did not react too fiercely. They just looked at these well-dressed outsiders curiously from a distance.

Lin Qi felt a little relieved. There was nothing wrong with his outfit. At least he had passed the first level and would not be unable to enter the city.

The range of activities in the strange object is limited. The range of this strange object is only limited to two hundred meters around the city. If you continue to go deeper, you will encounter chaotic memories and may be thrown directly into the depths of the dreamland. Therefore, if you can't enter the city, you can only stay in the woods for five days, and then fight hundreds of ghouls head-on. Let alone planting grass, it will be good to survive.

There were several soldiers standing at the city gate. Surprisingly, all of them were wearing leather armor and carrying sharp metal swords. When they saw the four strangers approaching, they immediately became vigilant. Although they did not draw their swords, they had already stopped in front of the city gate.


It was a completely incomprehensible language, but Judy had already taken a few steps forward and spoke the same language proficiently, more fluently than several soldiers.

Lin Qi secretly smiled inwardly. He was indeed an expert on ancient books, claiming to be proficient in listening, speaking, reading and writing in more than forty ancient languages. He was a scumbag who was so tall that he didn't know where he was. This was one of the reasons why he chose to ask Judy for help.

Sure enough, after a few words, the soldiers relaxed, happily greeted Lynch and the others, and gave Judy a few instructions before waving their hands and letting the four people go.

Lin Qi immediately put on a dignified look and walked slowly into the city gate. After entering, he breathed a sigh of relief: "What are they talking about?"

"As planned, you are foreigners who come to Nofran to sell food." Judy's eyes have regained their agility at this time. It is obvious that her true body has come out. She stared at Lynch and exclaimed, "You are really amazing. They really became very enthusiastic as you guessed. They also told me a lot about the city."


"There is indeed no hotel in the city, but you don't have to live in those two abandoned buildings like Daisy said. There are five families here with more spacious housing conditions, which will also be rented to out-of-town guests for temporary residence. They also drew it on the map for me, you see."

"Huh?" An unexpected surprise, the Church of Suffering had found two abandoned buildings to shrink in the previous two tests. After five days, I seldom came into contact with the residents in my memory, so I didn't know there was such a thing. "What else did they say?"

"They told us to be careful and not to go out at night. Recently, someone saw huge scratches nearby, which should be left by ghouls. They are afraid that a small group of ghouls hiding nearby will kill big foreign customers."

"There are definitely no small groups of ghouls hiding nearby, but a large group." Lin Qi sighed, "The smoke from the cooking has risen, and it's almost night. Let's settle down first and find a house to stay in."

"If you live in the home of the indigenous people, I want to remind you of one thing, Lin Qi."

Lin Qi was stunned and looked at the police officer who spoke in confusion.

"When suppressing a strange object, try not to have too much communication with the people in the strange object."

"Why? Will it affect the direction of memories?"

"Don't worry about that. They are not afraid of the impact. The key is that it is not good for the suppressor." Officer Natalie said seriously, "Remember, they have all died a long time ago. They are just memories. Don't have any sympathy for them. There are too many mysterious hunters who want to save the people in the memories and stay in the strange objects forever. We can't save anyone, and there is no point in saving them."

"Yes, I have heard of it too." Miss Diana also agreed, "Occasionally someone will develop feelings for the people in the memories of the strange object, and some people will even repeatedly enter and exit a strange object just to see each other repeatedly, until they die in the memories of the strange object."

Lin Qi pursed his lips and said seriously: "I haven't started reading memories yet, and I don't know the conditions for suppression, but I always feel that the conditions for suppression may need to be integrated into urban life, so I want to prepare in advance. Don't worry, I remember your instructions and won't make such a mistake."

The two nodded in agreement, and the four of them walked towards the ancient city where they were about to spend a few days.

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