Red Moon Returns

Chapter 448: Substitute Puppet

? ? ?

Why does the voice behind me sound so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere before?

Am I hallucinating because of excitement?

The sadness and sorrow in my heart were suddenly suppressed in my heart, and the half-brewing grief and tears were frozen halfway.

Lynch could not care about anything else for a while, and turned his head suddenly, and then he fell into a state of complete petrification with his mouth wide open.

A familiar tall figure also fell behind him.

Officer Natalie Angell looked like she had just woken up, staring at Lynch with an indignant look, and shouted angrily: "Why are you shouting so loudly, and don't you let people sleep?"

However, as soon as she finished shouting, she seemed to suddenly remember something, and a blank look appeared on her face. She was stunned for a second, and suddenly slapped her body hard where she was pierced before.

What's going on, isn't she torn to pieces?

What's going on, isn't I torn to pieces?

The two looked at each other blankly, both of them looked not very smart, and then looked blankly at the previous position.

Time was just a moment, and the fragments of the body were still hanging on the tentacles, especially the pale head that was still dangling in the air with the shaking of the tentacles. It was definitely Natalie.

However, the next moment, all the body parts were shrinking and shrunken at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming like dead wood, especially the pale head, which was constantly shrinking, and finally shrunk to the size of an apple, and the more you look at it, the more familiar it looks.

Human-faced fruit.

Officer Natalie showed a look of realization, and when she touched her pocket, sure enough, the doll that Dr. Swen gave her was gone.

[Substitute puppet, when the main body dies abnormally, it will be exchanged with the main body, and the main body will be completely resurrected behind the friendly forces]

At this time, she was not only unscathed, but even her clothes were not damaged, and her whole body was intact. In comparison, the idiot next to her, who was covered in blood and had a warm internal organ hanging on his ear, was even more embarrassed than her.

But the fool also woke up immediately. He had too many things to say in his heart, but that was not what he should do in front of the enemy. Thousands of words could only turn into a tight hug.

If there is anything to say, we can talk about it later. His eyes have turned to the enemy.

In a few seconds, the soldiers have completely merged into a tumor waving tentacles, like a physical version of Mordiggian. But this monster did not have the tendency to attack others, but kept wriggling itself. There was a mass of things just above the tumor that kept bulging outwards with the wriggling, gradually taking on a human shape.

While the tumor monster was attacking, others did not take the opportunity to attack. Diana stood in front of Lynch and Natalie to protect the two stunned people, and Judy was responsible for taking over the control of the outermost fire wall to prevent the citizens who had just arrived from running around or mixing in the crowd queuing outside.

But she thought too much. At this time, the atmosphere in front of the fortress became quite weird. Although people instinctively stayed away from the tumor, whether it was the citizens inside or outside or the soldiers, Mudou focused on Dr. Swen, and his expression became quite weird.

Just now, in order to rescue Lynch as quickly as possible, Dr. Swen had to restore his original form, so people saw that their beloved doctor suddenly turned into a ghoul, with sharp teeth and claws, tall and ferocious, and it was creepy to look at.

It was too unexpected. For a moment, the citizens even forgot to be frightened, and just stared at the ghoul doctor blankly, until the scary ghoul roared at them:

"What are you looking at, a bunch of idiots, am I more scary or it is scary, if you want to live, hide behind us and squat, if you dare to run around, I will bite you to death."

You are still scarier.

However, the fierce and vicious tone was too familiar, which instead called back the citizens' reason. The citizens looked around timidly, and actually obediently went around the back of the ghoul and huddled together, leaving the front to...


Several tentacles chased after them. They were the tentacles of the tumor that had recovered its movement. Looking at the tentacles, the last few citizens regretted that they hesitated for a few seconds and ran a step slower, but could only scream in despair.

Then they saw a petite figure suddenly blocking them, kneeling on one knee, with his palm pressed on the ground.

[Power: Protection, Ability: Wall of Faith]

An invisible wall with flashing white light rose from the ground in front of the Countess, followed by several muffled bangs. Seven or eight tentacles hit the wall in turn and bounced back. Miss Diana also shook her body and staggered back.

The last few citizens were as if they had been pardoned and quickly ran away, but at the same time, two tentacles had quietly reached out to the retreating Countess and passed straight through her chest.

But no blood flowed out, as if passing through a phantom. At some point, Lynch had already pointed an hourglass at the Countess. Under the shelter outside the time of the strange object, you can never hurt a phantom that is free from time.

The next moment, the sword flashed and cut in half. The two tentacles broke and fell to the ground, twisting like snakes for a moment, and turned into a pool of festering rotten meat.

Natalie and Lynch had already walked out of the shock and returned to the battlefield as soon as possible.


The transformation of the tumor was finally completed, and a half of a ghoul grew out of the tumor. As the ghoul roared to the sky, hundreds of tentacles extending from the tumor popped out at the same time, sweeping towards everyone like a barrage.

Damn it.

Lynch's scalp was numb, but Dr. Swen, who had not moved but muttered something, suddenly stepped forward and raised his hand in front of him.

[Secret Method: Nak-Tit Great Prison Technique]

A hemispherical barrier was buckled around the ghoul. It was a hazy light with no physical existence. However, all the tentacles hit the barrier as if they hit a shield, and were bounced without exception. go back.

The magical effect made Lin Qi couldn't help but glance at her. How could this guy know so many weird secrets? Why don't he really take a look at it after he finds the Necronomicon?

Dr. Swain didn't know what Lin Qi wanted to commit suicide. She maintained her secret method and raised her head, staring at the ghoul growing on the sarcoma.

"Father, what exactly did you do?" The ghoul's face showed no expression, but Dr. Swain's heart could be felt from his voice. "You actually put yourself..."

"I didn't expect it. My daughter, I awakened it with the power of the Lord. Conceptually, I am also its father. My flesh and blood and life can also replace that idiot Jackson. It's just a little more troublesome. Now, as long as I absorb it All the souls in this city, the will of the Lord can return to this world." The ghoul's tone was full of madness, and he laughed wildly, "You have caused countless troubles for me, but the final killing has begun. This time you are. Can't stop me."

"I won't let you do such a crazy thing." Dr. Swain turned to Lynch and said softly, "You have helped me a lot, but I still need you to help us again."

"you say."

Dr. Swain moved his lips slightly, and the four of them could not hear the sound, but in their consciousness, there seemed to be a piece of information deeply imprinted in their memory.

That is exactly the incantation and usage of the secret Nak-Tit Great Prison Technique that she is maintaining. It can combine the power, will and spirit of multiple people to create a spherical barrier with dual defense of physical effects and mysterious effects, which can be used to defend herself. , can also be used to imprison enemies.

In just an instant, all four of them had learned this secret technique.

"I can deal with him, but it will take a while to prepare the secret method without being disturbed. I need you to maintain this prison for me to trap him. I will transfer control to you now."

The four of them felt their spirits tense up. Sarcoma's crazy attack on the barrier had directly hit their wills. Lin Qi frowned and united the four of them to push forward.

At the same time, Dr. Swain had no doubt that Lynch and the others were willing to help. He had already let go of control, opened the stone box he carried, and took out the Necronomicon inside. He held the book in his left hand and pressed it on it with his right hand. , looked firmly at his father on the other side of the barrier, and began to chant obscure and strange mantras loudly.

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