Red Moon Returns

Chapter 459 A small gift from the Yis


With the sound of gas erupting, the metal box slowly opened, and a faint smell of ionized air immediately floated out.

Three heads crowded above the small box, and six eyes stared eagerly and curiously at the slowly opened box.

A strange revolver is lying quietly in the box.

The gun body is larger than an ordinary pistol, a bit like the size of a medieval matchlock gun. The silver gun body is full of metallic texture. In the transparent handle, you can see densely packed small gears meshing together, and between the gears, there are thin pipelines. They are closely intertwined with each other. The trigger and hammer are also filled with tiny gears and connecting rods. The workmanship of each part is extremely exquisite. It combines danger and ferocity with exquisiteness and delicateness, making this revolver like a beautiful weapon. of artwork.

He took out the pistol that he had spent a huge sum of nine pounds from Mrs. Bessie's shop and put it aside. Sure enough, there would be no harm without comparison. The gap between the two was as big as a children's toy and a precision instrument.

Pistols are indeed men's favorite toys. Lynch fell in love with such a delicate pistol at first sight. He took a deep breath and carefully held the handle of the gun. There seemed to be a strange electric current flowing through his body along the contact.

The feeling seemed real and illusory, fleeting. Rather than a real feeling, it was more like a warning from the powerful electricity felt in the pistol.

The tentacles are smooth and feel heavy. If you look carefully, you will see that there are small holes behind and below the butt of the gun, which seem to be filled with some kind of liquid or gas. There is a small blue diamond-shaped protrusion in front of the front sight, with a sharp top. If you touch it lightly with your finger, It seems that a faint electric current can be felt.

"Phew, she's so beautiful."

Lynch stroked the pistol with a drunken look on his face, like...


So the intoxicated man immediately woke up and regained his serious expression, but he still couldn't put it down with the pistol: "What is this? I sensed the power of electricity from it."


The doubts of the two ladies reminded Lynch that although the word electricity already existed in this era, it was still very professional and most people had never been exposed to it.

"It's part of the thunder." Lynch explained, "The Lord of the Sky and the Lord of the Storm both have similar powers."

"So you know electricity, that's easy to explain." The Yisi man breathed a sigh of relief and introduced, "This is a stun gun, a technology of our time. A multi-functional weapon that can fire live ammunition or arcs. Your There is an adjustment device next to the thumb. The top is for normal shooting. Like normal firearms, the power mainly depends on the bullet. Energy bullets can also be used. The middle is for steam shooting, which can activate the internal micro steam engine. It is a bit like your current pneumatic rifle, except that There is no need for a high-pressure gas cylinder, and the bullet power is about twice that of an ordinary pistol, but steam shooting requires two minutes of warm-up time.”

Two minutes, twice the power, is not bad.

"The bottom is arc shooting, a pure energy attack. You can only shoot one shot at a time. The maximum power is roughly equivalent to the attack effect of your fourth-level ability."

"Where is the consumption?" The pistol was being snatched away by Officer Natalie to play with. Lynch could only look at it sadly, "It must not be energy that comes out of thin air."

"You only need bullets for normal shooting. To activate the micro steam engine, you need to add water. Inject it from the hole at the rear. You don't need to add a lot. You just need to add it together every time you add fuel. The fuel needs to be concentrated whale oil, ten milliliters at a time. Your current price is a bit It is expensive. It is injected from the bottom. It can support six steam shots when it is full. As for the arc shot, it can be fired once by adding fuel. It can be fired only when all the fuel is used up. The power is reduced in proportion to the proportion of remaining fuel. It is best not to wait. Use it when the fuel bottoms out, otherwise it will be shocking at best.”

Whale oil... Lynch grinned upon hearing this.

As the name suggests, this thing comes from whales. It is a very high-end liquid fuel that is only used in relatively sophisticated steam equipment. As for concentrated whale oil, it is a luxury among luxury goods. Ten milliliters cost about three pounds. In other words, all my wealth is only enough to charge this thing dozens of times?

Damn it, I can return it but I can’t.

Of course, returning the goods was just a joke. Now that I lacked the means to attack, and my marksmanship was slowly improving, I could already use firearms properly. Now was the most appropriate time to buy this weapon.

Thinking about it, Lynch had already snatched the weapon back, confirmed that it had been filled with water and oil, and started the steam equipment.

As soon as I set the steam setting, I felt a faint vibration in my hand, and then the cold handle became warm. Through the transparent handle, you can see that the gears inside begin to rotate rapidly. The pistol seems to suddenly come to life. The originally intricate pipelines have also turned dark red, making the handle light up with a dim red light.

So handsome.

Lynch couldn't put it down, but he still kept calm. He saw the weakness of this thing at a glance: "The more sophisticated the equipment, the easier it is to break, especially something that needs to be carried around. And I don't think there are normal people in this world." I know how to fix it, but what if it breaks?”

The Yitian pointed to the box: "That is an automatic repair box. With our technology, if it breaks, it can be repaired within 24 hours."

"What if the repair box breaks?"

"This usually doesn't break."

"But what if we encounter unusual times?"

"..." The Yitian sighed humanely, "When you set off, I will teach you the Yitian contact technique by the way. As long as there are Yitian people within a radius of fifty kilometers, they will take the initiative to find you. of."

I can rest assured that.

Lin Qi finally smiled and put the stun gun back into the box.

The transaction was completed, and now he could set out to get the miracle light at any time, but Lin Qi had not made up his mind. After all, there was hope for the special medicine now, so he planned to see the effect of the medicine first, maybe he didn't have to take risks?

However, the Yisi people didn't seem to worry at all. He calmly completed the transaction and walked out of the reception room with the three people. As soon as he went out, he saw Bishop Hector and President Gurman talking in the hall. It seemed that they had been waiting for them to come out here.

Seeing the golden-robed bishop again, Lin Qi felt a little embarrassed.

He saw that Hector was willing to use Gurman's personal relationship to help the Yisi people contact him. He knew that the other party was not unkind, but that the favor was only for the Yisi people and Gurman, and he had no personal relationship with him, so he had no obligation to be kind to him.

This person, as he showed, truly distinguished between public and private, and would never allow any confusion. From this perspective, the other party did nothing wrong. On the contrary, it was the wrong way to contact his private channel through official means, which led to a big detour and a lot of trouble.

The two ladies didn't know what Lynch was thinking. They just noticed that he stopped and walked towards Bishop Hector. Although they were a little confused, they followed him. Then they saw him walk straight to the archbishop, took off his hat and bowed solemnly.

"I'm sorry, I believed other people's evaluation of you easily, and I was offended with prejudice from the beginning. I apologize to you for my rudeness."

If you are wrong, you must admit it, and you must stand at attention when you are beaten. Lynch did not intend to avoid his mistakes.

Bishop Hector was a little surprised. He was stunned for a moment, then snorted coldly, turned around and left with the Yis people, and only the voice floated over.

"I don't remember any personal grudges between you and me. If you want to apologize, change the way."

Then he left, leaving Lynch scratching his head.

It seems that the other party doesn't mind too much, but is just a little unhappy. Then I really need to change my approach and find an opportunity to go to the Fortune Church and pay a visit.

Just as he was thinking about it, someone patted his shoulder from behind. It was President Gurman. The old president smiled and said, "It seems that your business is going well. It just so happens that everyone has arrived. Come with me. Everyone is waiting for you."

As he said that, he pushed open a door beside him and walked in with the three of them.

The moment he entered, he saw only the bright sunshine, blue sky and white clouds, and the vast forest unfolding in front of him, as far as the eye can see.

Separated by a door, the three of them have reached the top of the tower.

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