Red Moon Returns

Chapter 477 The Secret of the Gods

"Will the fantasy world swallow up the real world?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, but the actual situation is unknown." Chairman Ole shrugged, "After all, it didn't really happen in the first place."

"Been blocked?"

Lynch thought of what he felt in Red Moon's memories, that the gods prevented the doomsday at the last moment at the expense of themselves.

"The defense mechanism of this world has held on and has not completely collapsed."

"Huh? Are you sure?"

Lin Qi frowned. This was inconsistent with what he had learned. He saw this from the memories of those who had witnessed it. There should be nothing wrong. That means history was wrong and failed to record the deeds of the gods?

However, the chairman did not answer, but looked at him with a very strange look, then shook his head and did not answer.

Is this a dangerous question not to ask? Forbidden knowledge?

Lin Qi felt a little regretful. Just as he was about to say something, his heart suddenly shook, as if a bolt of lightning split open the fog in his mind.

He suddenly realized one thing. Maybe no one was wrong, but there was something wrong with his own understanding.

The catastrophe was indeed prevented by the gods, and the defense mechanisms of this world did hold it together.

There is no contradiction between the two, provided that the so-called defense mechanism in this world is the spirit itself.

The existence of the gods is part of the entire world, and they are individuals that are embodied by the laws of the world in order to resist the erosion of the dreamland.

Lin Qi was in a daze for a moment. There were some things that people in this world did not dare to think about, and some situations were unimaginable. However, after traveling through the past life, Lin Qi had a clear mind, so he immediately considered the key points.

The dreamland represents the fear and despair of living beings, but what about the gods?

From beginning to end, gods always represent the awe, yearning, respect, and hope of living beings, which is completely opposite to the symbol of fantasy.

Are they really not two sides of the same body?

The dreamland is the collection of consciousness of all living beings from ancient times to the present. What about before the birth of living beings? Does the dreamland still exist? Where are the gods? Does it exist?

As a defense mechanism against the dreamland, gods must have been born with the birth of the dreamland. In other words, for millions of years, the claims promoted by various churches such as the creation of the world by gods and the creation of humans by gods are actually false theories. , in fact, on the contrary, it is the living creatures that indirectly gave birth to the gods.

‘Neighbor, neighbor, have I thought of something extraordinary? ’

【Um. 】

‘The dark moon kills people on a murderous night, when no one silences them. ’

[Well, are these your last words? 】

‘Hey, you’re kidding me. ’

[Of course not, I am lying to a fool. 】


[Also, are you sure what you guessed is the truth?] There was a bit more teasing and cunning in the gentle voice, Ms. Luna said faintly [Your guess is based on the fact that the history he said is completely true, so you are sure Is what he said true? 】

I know nothing. I am a fool. How can I know?

[So, you can never really guess the answer, no matter how much you think about it, it’s useless. This is why gods laugh when humans think about it. But this taboo knowledge means little to you, because you are different from them. 】

Lin Qi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. When the lady reminded him, he realized that there were two ladies beside him.

He comes from a godless world, and the origin of the world, who created whom, actually does not matter to him and does not constitute a shock at all, but for the aborigines of this world, it is different.

This is completely a broken idea of ​​​​three views. Once you think in this direction, your entire belief will completely collapse, and you will inevitably behave chaotically and utter blasphemous words. If you can rebuild your psychological defenses and rebuild your faith in a short period of time, you may be able to return to normal. If the heart is not strong enough and is always in a state of chaos, it will become what the world calls a madman destroyed by forbidden knowledge.

It turns out that this guy was not just being mysterious, there are really countless pitfalls hidden in these things, I... Wow~~

A finger was poked on his waist, and the sudden attack made Lynch jump out, clutching his ribs and looking back with an angry look. As a result, when he turned around, he found two ladies looking at him with worried faces.

Um? Oh, yes, I suddenly fell into a daze while listening to the forbidden knowledge. It was a bit scary.

Looking at Chairman Ole again, the old man looked a little nervous. He didn't let out a sigh of relief until he was sure that Lin Qi's eyes were clear.

"Are you okay?" Natalie hid the murder weapon, and Diana was obviously relieved and looked at him angrily, "Why did you suddenly start to be in a daze?"

I'm fine, but it wouldn't be if it were you. Lin Qi decided to bury his thoughts forever in his heart, so he stretched out his paw and shook their hands: "I'm fine, I was just thinking about the chairman's words. I think the chairman is right, the four divine revelations are not signs but signs. It’s the inducement.”

Chairman Ole smiled noncommittally, with a meaningful look in his eyes, but he changed the subject: "Academic research must be rigorous. We have no evidence to conclude that the Four Horsemen of Divine Revelation are not signs. I only based on historical research and mystical knowledge. From this perspective, it is determined that the four disasters will accelerate the pressure of the dreamland on the real world, and are directly related to the final destruction. As for whether they also have the effect of signs, there are too few conditions to determine. Why, you are worried about its further development because of the plague. Cause a catastrophe?"

Seeing that someone had made an excuse for him, Lin Qi immediately responded: "Well, I'm a little worried."

"Normally, it shouldn't happen. The gods have returned. It's not easy for the filth of the Fantasy Dreamland to erode the present world. It's not something that can be achieved by just a disaster. The power of faith will slowly neutralize the increase in fear brought to the Fantasy Dreamland. Therefore, in theory, if you want to break through the defense line of the present world, you must continuously strengthen the fear of the four origins for a period of time, so that the increase cannot be neutralized in time, and it is possible to induce destruction. It's not something that can be caused by just a plague."

The chairman didn't care too much, but Lynch couldn't help asking:

"Does this also mean that it doesn't even need to be in a set order. As long as the disasters of the four origins of fear are gathered together within a fixed time, it will induce destruction?"

"Yes, but I have always said that they may induce destruction, not necessarily. In fact, this possibility is very small, just like being killed by a flower pot falling from the roof when walking by."

"But if someone happens to be unlucky enough to be hit by a flower pot, what will happen?" Lynch asked, "Will the ending of the First Epoch be repeated?"

"It's hard to say, but the mainstream view now won't be that serious. And don't underestimate the power of the gods. The great disaster of the Fourth Epoch is an example."

? ? ?

"Is there any problem in the Fourth Epoch?"

The chairman opened his mouth, his eyes full of despair: "Lin Qi Levi, your professor is still alive. You treat him like this... Forget it, I won't let you figure it out. I'm afraid you won't let me go today."

Lin Qi nodded vigorously, his expression firm and full of determination.

The chairman sighed and gave up struggling completely. A simple but little-known history slowly unfolded in front of the three people.

"Everything starts from the First Epoch..."

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