Red Moon Returns

Chapter 493 The Light of Miracle

A small brown leather box with one shoulder, the leather surface has been worn and faded, and the edges are covered with rough edges, which looks quite old. The brass buckle on the lid is rusty and cold.

On the front of the lid, there is a two-headed snake mark, which is the holy emblem of Fiona, the Lord of Suffering.

From the memory just now, it can be seen that those bird-beaked doctors walking in the plague land are believers of the Lord of Suffering. Lynch speculated that it should be the great disaster at the end of the Third Age, which happened more than a hundred years after the three goddesses returned from the dreamland.

It was people's fear of the plague that condensed into this strange object. Only the fear and nightmare of the world-destroying level can give birth to a descending-level strange object that is as dangerous as the advent of the evil god.

Strictly speaking, the Light of Miracle is the second descending-level strange object Lynch has come into contact with, but the previous mirror was smashed by everyone before he got it, so it is reasonable to consider this as the first one.

I just don't know how long this thing can last, but the gods of the time system will be destroyed by me. .

Do I have another high-level strange object nemesis besides killing my friendly forces when I come to the door?

While entertaining himself, Lynch carefully stroked this hard-won treasure, and felt like a big stone fell to the ground.

Even if there are a thousand and ten thousand reasons to convince himself, when he learned that his actions would eventually lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, Lynch still suffered tremendous psychological pressure. He was open-minded and had a clear conscience. Of course, the responsibility was the Shadow Alliance that created all this, but when he thought of those innocent victims, he couldn't help but feel guilty.

It was different to get this strange object. Lynch had the biggest trump card to deal with the Shadow Alliance. The Light of Miracle was what the other party was most worried about. This meant that Lynch had regained the initiative for the first time. If he operated properly, he might even have the opportunity to completely destroy the conspiracy that the other party had brewed using him.

It's just that the usage still needs to be carefully studied.

This kind of high-level rare object with the highest danger level has only a few records in various scientific research institutions at most, and there is no detailed introduction at all. Even the previous owners, Milt and his sister, knew very little about it. They relied on exploration to use it and sacrificed it to the gods to preserve it, and could not provide any constructive suggestions. Fortunately, he had a preliminary understanding of it through the in-depth reading brought by high inspiration.

Lin Qi sighed softly, relying on the fact that this place did not belong to the real world, holding his breath, and gently moved the brass buckle on the lid of the box.

The imagined hysteresis did not appear. With a slight sound, the buckle was unhooked and the lid of the box opened automatically.

The interior was also plain and unpretentious, divided into 24 small grids, with medicine bottles of different sizes placed in them, filling all the grids.

Based on the current understanding, this thing should be a fully automatic altar. As long as the so-called beauty and hope are sacrificed, the clear water in these medicine bottles will be transformed into targeted therapeutic drugs. If you offer enough sacrifices and then open the box, the light of miracle will be released. According to the quality of the sacrifices, a certain plague can be eliminated from the concept. The best effect is to completely neutralize a certain plague, that is, to nip the panic in the bud before the panic of the plague breaks out.

The method of containment also surprised Lynch. It was not too complicated, but too simple.

The level of the wonder represents the danger level, not the difficulty of containment. The light of miracle belongs to the mild type. The containment method is simple and not easy to get out of control. However, once it gets out of control, it is absolutely worthy of its danger level.

When containing, as long as you ensure that there are no less than eight medicine bottles in the box filled with liquid before midnight every day, you can avoid losing control, because this symbolizes being ready at any time and being able to fight against the plague.

In general, in addition to being very targeted, this wonder is very good in all aspects. The only trouble is the sacrifice problem.

Beauty and hope, this stream of consciousness description is the most headache-inducing. Without quantification, it depends entirely on exploration and understanding.

According to what Ms. Skye said before, beautiful feelings such as family, friendship and love can be used for sacrifice, and life can also be used, but these sacrifices must be voluntary, otherwise they will not work, because that is not beautiful at all.

However, these need to be studied slowly when they go back. It is enough to read the containment method to ensure that you can cope with it. You can't always stay in someone else's stone throne to fiddle with things that can cause a world-destroying disaster. This is no different from carrying a nuclear bomb to someone else's house to dismantle the detonator. Now he has not been killed by Tavel, which is considered to be a self-restraint.

Lynch smiled self-deprecatingly and carefully carried the shabby box on his back. This fifth-level advent-level wonder cannot be stuffed into the third-level disaster-level storage bracelet, so he can only carry it on his back.

He tried to move his body, which was a little shaky, but it did not affect his activities. Lynch nodded with satisfaction, then took out the exquisitely shaped electric shock gun, gritted his teeth, and directly turned on the charging mode.

The miniature steam engine started up again, and the densely packed gear coils and connecting rods in the gun body turned rapidly. Lynch watched the energy storage pointer until it pointed to the maximum, ready to launch an arc attack at any time, and then put it back into the holster.

It is better to be safe than sorry. Who knows what he will encounter after going out? Lynch did not hesitate to make the worst plan, so he carefully sorted out all the weapons on his body to ensure that he was in a state of being ready to explode at any time. Then he raised his head and smiled at Tavel who had been watching him.

"Are you leaving?" The ancient immortal seemed a little regretful, "Don't you consider entering the ultimate abyss?"

"I can't say I'm not interested in the truth at all." Lynch shrugged and explained, "But I also have responsibilities that I can't give up, and there are people waiting for me to go back, so I won't risk my life for the truth. In addition, my opinion is that if I am really qualified to peek into the light of truth, then it will naturally appear in front of me. If I don’t have this qualification, there is no point in forcing it.”

"You and Randolph have very similar attitudes, I understand. Then, Awakened One under the crimson moonlight, we will always pay attention to you, and you are welcome to come to the Stone Throne at any time. If you change your mind and want to have a glimpse of the origin of the world "

Lin Qi lifted his hat and bowed slightly, without further delay, he stepped into the reopened Silver Gate with the light of miracle on his back.

As soon as he took a step forward, he felt dazed for a while, and then he suddenly shook and sat up straight on the sofa in the living room of Milt's house.

The cigarettes in their hands were still burning. Ms. Skye and Yisi were sitting aside. Natalie and Diana were still beside them, maintaining their original postures with concerned faces. Time had not passed at all. Everything just seemed to be just a dream. .

Only the medicine box hanging on his body proves that everything is real.

Lynch raised his head, smiled at the two ladies, and said softly: "Sorry for making you worry, I'm back."

However, as soon as the words were spoken, a strange spiritual thought suddenly shot through the air with gloomy malice and appeared directly in the living room.

The next moment, mystery surged, and the sound of sharp blades piercing the air suddenly sounded in my ears.

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